Sucession Planning - & CP - F

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Succession Planning & Career Planning

A career can be defined as all job occupied by a person during his working life. It consists of a series of properly sequenced role experiences leading to increasing level of responsibility status power and reward.

!hat Is A Career"
Traditional Career
#equence of positions held within an occupation Context of $obility is within an organi%ation Characteristic of the e$ployee

Protean Career
&requently changing based on changes in the person and changes in the work environ$ent E$ployees take $ajor responsibility for $anaging their careers 'ased on self(direction with the goal of psychological success in one)s work

Co$parison of *raditional Career and +rotean Career,

Dimension Goal Psychological contract Mobility Responsibility for Management Pattern Expertise !e"elopment Traditional Career Promotions Salary increase Security for commitment Vertical Company Linear and expert Kno ho #ea"y reliance on formal training Protean Career Psychological success Employability for flexibility Lateral Employee Spiral and transitory Learn ho Greater reliance on relationships and $ob experiences

-a career that is driven by the person not the organi%ation and that will be reinvented by the person fro$ ti$e to ti$e as the person and the environ$ent change.

&ocus on psychological success rather than vertical success /ifelong series of identity changes and continuous learning Career age counts not chronological age 0ob security replaced by the goal of e$ployability #ources of develop$ent are work challenges and relationships not necessarily training and retraining progra$s *he new career contract is not a pact with the org. it is an agree$ent with one)s self and one)s work &ocus on learning metaskills 1learning how to learn2 i.e. how to develop self(knowledge 1about one)s identity2 Adaptability and identity learning is best acco$plished through interactions with other people 1reflected in interdependence.

C+ 3 E$ployee Co$$it$ent
Co%#aring &esterdays and Todays '%#loyee('%#loyer Contract

Old Contract:
Do your best and be loyal to us, and well take care of your career.

!ew Contract:
Do your best for us and be loyal to us for as long as youre "ere, and well #ro$ide you wit" t"e de$elo#%ental o##ortunities youll need to %o$e on and "a$e a successful career.

*he 'asics 4f Career 5anage$ent

Career )anage%ent Career De$elo#%ent

'%#loyees Careers

Career Planning

A 5odel of Career 6evelop$ent

Career develop$ent is the process by which e$ployees progress through a series of stages Each stage is characteri%ed by a different set of develop$ental tasks activities and relationships *here are four career stages,
Exploration Establish$ent 5aintenance 6isengage$ent

* )odel of Career De$elo#%ent

Exploration !e"elopmental tas%s &dentify interests' s%ills' fit bet een self and or% Establishment (d"ancement' gro th' security' de"elop life style Maintenance #old on to accomplishments' update s%ills Disengagement Retirement planning' change balance bet een or% and non) or% Phasing out of or%


#elping Learning *ollo ing directions (pprentice

Ma%ing independent contributions Colleague

+raining Sponsoring Policy ma%ing Mentor

Relationships to other employees +ypical age 4ears on $ob


Less than ,Less than 5 years

,- . /0 5 . 2- years

/0 . 1More than 2- years

123 More than 2years

Succession #lanning
5ore than si$ply training younger e$ployees succession planning is about developing talent inside the organi%ation as well as recruiting additional qualified candidates to join the staff.

#o$e realities
789 of respondents to a poll of :;<8 =R 6irectors of top ># Co$panies said their for$s have no succession plans for CE4s. *heir top executives are focused on $eeting next quarter)s targets. In $y analysis of :<88 successions I found co$pany perfor$ance was significantly better when insider succeeded as a CE4. 0i$ Collins in ?ood to great have co$e to si$ilar conclusions fro$ different data set at a different ti$e period.
- 0oseph 'ower ='R @ov. A88B

#+(so$e concerns
@ot very co$$on @eeds delicate handling If in existence restricted to ( CE4 C top level jobs Concept of -6esignate. Concept of creating an artificial layer C44 associate D+ etc. #uccession plans are generally not co$$unicated to the even to the individuals under develop$ent plans.

Creating a pool of talent

Create a pool to deal with future needs exa$ples,
&ast trackers #kills pools Eoung leaders progra$ 5anage$ent trainees

@eed to tie these people with right golden handcuffs C fence the$ up. 6evelop$ental initiatives have to be supported by external coaches and the internal $entors Consider the i$pact of these progra$s on those who are not included.

Succession C"allenges + D,- .nc.

6eveloping the next generation of leaders through a syste$atic process

'uilding a leadership engine which identifies high potentials ?roo$s the$ for leadership positions

6eveloping 3 i$proving the di$ensions of leadership in the current group of leaders Aligning organi%ation architecture 1 structure processes 3 people2 to our strategy and aspirations And building a distinctive 6R/ culture

Leadership Development & 4pportunity 'asket Inputs /eadership 6eploy$ent /eadership 6evelop$ent Deployment Framework
Critical #osition identification & clarification ,ole ga# of current incu%bents -eaders"i# #otential s"ortlist Career Design works"o#

.dentification/ assess%ent of #otential successors

Succession #lanning for critical #ositions

'%#loyee Dossier

.ndi$idual De$elo#%ent Plan

De$elo#%ent/ De#loy%ent/ ,e$iew

Different -e$els ,oles and SP

Descri#tion *he senior $anage$ent tea$ which includes ?eography =eads 'usiness heads key functional heads '0#ectations Entrepreneurship /eadership #tewardship ?overnance 4rgani%ation capability building

To# Tea%

-eaders"i# Cadre

+eople who lead entrepreneurial initiatives which create large disproportionate value 3 i$pact

Entrepreneurship Execution 4rgani%ation 'uilding

O#erational )anagers

4perational 5anagers are the bedrock who ensure excellence in operations

4perational Excellence +lanning 3 Execution +roble$ #olving

Co%%on traits for leaders e%erges1

#potting unique opportunities to drive growth /everaging 3 orchestrating resources across the organi%ation to drive growth *aking calculated risks @etworking both internally and externally 4rchestrating various disciplines C knowledge to innovate 6rive growth through innovation Is personally innovative 3 also nurtures innovation in the organi%ation 6eveloping a global $indset C sensitivity to local cultures ?eneralist with &ungible skills which can be used functions businesses and geographies Ability to visuali%e opportunities across $ultiple geographies 5otivating inspirational people leader Converting individual abilities into organi%ation capabilities 'uilding 3 leading strong cross functional tea$s 6eveloping a strong culture of collaboration across the organi%ation



4-O6*- ).!DS'T

O,4*!.5*T.O! 62.-D',

T"e leader s"ould "a$e an establis"ed track record and a t"res"old le$el of certain #ersonal c"aracteristics

'stablis"ed Track ,ecord

*echnical C &unctional Expertise 6e$onstrated execution skills +eople leadership Aligned with organi%ational values

Personal C"aracteristics
E$powering leadership style *ea$ +layer C Collaborative Effective Co$$unicator 'usiness Acu$en 'uilds relationships C @etworking internally 3 externally

-eaders"i# De$elo#%ent wa$e one

Identification of *op F8 +ositions
'ased on business require$ents Irrespective of work levels *raining 0ob rotation =iring talent to strengthen junior $anage$ent

+reparation of I6+ of Incu$bents of *op F8 +ositions

/eadership 6evelop$ent +rogra$

Inputs given on +erfor$ance ethic 'usiness #trategy ?eneric co$petencies

Evolution of Co$petency &ra$ework

A; co$petencies identified and defined FF senior $anage$ent tea$ $e$bers representing all functions involved

Co$petency Assess$ent

6evelop$ent Centers Internal and External assessors

8ey takeaways & t"e way forward

Require$ent of a co$$on thread linking all the leadership initiatives *op fifty position vs. top fifty people =iring at lateral levels ?lobal bench$arking( ?lobal Cha$pions Initiative of 5c Ginsey Inputs fro$ 5anage$ent Council

SP ( fra%ework for leaders"i# de$elo#%ent

!hat should the /eader excel at to execute the strategy well and achieve business objectives"

'usiness #trategy

4rgani%ation DisionC 'usiness Aspiration

=ow does it translate into leadership characteri%ation"

6ifferentiating behaviors of leaders

!hat do organi%ations do to groo$ 3 nurture such /eaders"

* baseline be"a$ior is %andatory for entry into leaders"i# ( it %ust always be followed by a set of differentiating be"a$iors w"ic" is uni9ue to t"e organi:ation.

6rive growth *urn ideas into business opportunities 'uild co$petitive advantage &ind the right talent 3 energi%e the$ Create enabling organi%ation context for the talent to flourish

?row rapidly as a diversified generic player 3 focus on discovery 1next H(F yrs2 *urn into a $id(si%ed integrated phar$aco1F(B yrs2 *ransfor$ into discovery(led global phar$aco1B(:A yrs2

!hat should the /eader excel at to execute the strategy well and achieve business objectives"

'usiness #trategy

4rgani%ation DisionC 'usiness Aspiration

=ow does it translate into leadership characteri%ation"

6ifferentiating behaviors of leaders

!hat do organi%ations do to groo$ 3 nurture such /eaders"

6rive organi%ation building Revel in entrepreneurship and innovation /ead by exa$ple

-eaders"i# De$elo#%ent %ust be rooted in business strategy

Co$$unicate expectations Reinforce through role $odeling 5entorship #kill 6evelop$ent +ro$ote holistic business understanding through $ulti( function C business exposure E$bed critical reviews #pot potential early I at all levels +rovide org context through special projects

3ig" -e$el Process )a#



De$elo# & De#loy

Check for *hreshold criteria

Assess for /eadership &it

6evelop 3 $ap to the opportunities

'ffort "ere is to %ake eac" sub(#rocess si%#le & run by business )anagers.

*ssess%ent of T"res"old Criteria

@a$e of the Assessee, @a$e of the =46,

Check for *hreshold criteria

Assess for /eadership &it

De$elo# & De#loy

6evelop 3 $ap to the opportunities


/ast ; year)s rating 1if J; years of e$ploy$ent the $axi$u$ available ti$e span to be used2

;ualifying Criteria

+erfor$ance Record

Average past ; year rating of 'K or above A@E incidents wherein truth integrity and transparency have not been exhibited will disqualify the individual A #core of ; or H *nnual Process


Ees C @o

3ODs ,eco%%endati on to t"e Talent )anage%ent 6oard

Ability to /earn

As per the attached grid

6e$onstrated &unctional Expertise in at least one area

As per the attached grid

A #core of ; or H

-eaders"i# engine o#erates fro% work le$el <* and abo$e.

De#loying Talent Start enjoying your work & it no longer remains work!
4lobal Talent De#loy%ent Cross functional *ssign%ents

5apping key interest areas against suitable RolesC Assign$ents

.nternal ?ob O##ortunities

Organi:ation wide initiati$es = Pragati, ,ac"ana etc.>

( dual-career-path system enables employees to remain in a technical career path or mo"e into a management career path6

*raditional career path for scientists and $anagers,

!irector (ssistant !irector

!epartment Manager Principal Research Scientist Research Scientist Scientist &ndi"idual Contributor Career Path Management Career Path Manager

(ssistant Manager

!irector !epartment Manager Section Manager (ssociate Section Manager Principal Research Scientist Research Scientist Researcher

'0a%#le of Dual( Career(Pat" Syste%

*ello Senior Research Leader Research Leader Senior Research Scientist

Senior Program Manager Program Manager Pro$ect Manager

Career 5anage$ent L *C#

*echnical #trea$
*echnology Expert

5anage$ent #trea$
>nit =ead

#pecialist #trea$

Architect 6esigner Analyst

Regional 5anager


+roject /eader 5odule /eader

#pecialist Consultant Analyst


*ea$ 5e$ber

Core skills, +latfor$s *ools *echnologies 5ethodologies +rocesses *ea$ work

5anaging +ro$otions and *ransfers

)aking Pro%otion Decisions

Decision @: .s Seniority or Co%#etence t"e ,uleA

Decision <: 3ow S"ould Ce )easure Co%#etenceA

Decision D: .s t"e Process Eor%al or .nfor%alA

Decision B: 7ertical, 3ori:ontal, or Ot"erA

=andling *ransfers
E$ployees) reasons for desiring transfers
+roxi$ity to ho$e town 'etter job prospects +ersonal enrich$ent and growth 5ore interesting jobs ?reater convenience 1better hours location2 ?reater advance$ent possibilities

E$ployers) reasons for transferring e$ployees

*o fill positions in big cities where business is growing. *o vacate a position where an e$ployee is no longer needed. *o fill a position where an e$ployee is needed. *o find a better fit for an e$ployee within the fir$. *o boost productivity by consolidating positions.

*aking #teps to Enhance 6iversity

Take T"eir Career .nterests Seriously .nstitute Ele0ible Sc"edules and Career Tracks 'li%inate .nstitutional 6arriers

'li%inate t"e 4lass Ceiling

.%#ro$e !etworking and )entoring

'%#loyee Career De$elo#%ent Plan

Source: Reprinted fro$ www.=R.'/$ with per$ission of the publisher Business and Legal Reports Inc. :H: 5ill Rock Road East 4ld #aybrook C* M A88H.

Case( Individual develop$ent plan

@a$e, Rao 5anager, 0oshi De$elo#%ental need .%#ro$e ti%e %anage%ent +roduction supervisor ,easons #lippage in ti$e lines Co$$it$ents not $et @ot punctual :CHC:8 to ;:C;CA8:: Target I$prove this perfor$ance by @ov ;8 A8:8

*c9uire .nter$iew and selection skills

!e will be hiring Acquire the skills by considerable people in the 4ctober : A8:8 second half of this fiscal year *he defect rate is 79 this needs to reduce to :9 Ensure defect rate successively co$es down to :9 by 0an A8:: 'eco$e depart$ental resource by August ::

De$elo# ade9uate skills in T;C *c9uire #lanning & budgeting skills

+repare for next $ove over few years

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