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OptiX RTN 600 Equipment Commissioning

Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

Learning Guide

Before studying this course, you are supposed to complete the study on

Basics of digital microwave communications or related knowledge

OptiX RTN 600 Product Introduction OptiX RTN 600 Networking and Protection Mechanism

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Page 2


Digital Microwave Communications Basics OptiX RTN 600 Radio Transmission System Configuration Guide

OptiX RTN 600 Radio Transmission System Commissioning Guide

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Page 3


Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

Finish proper preparations before the commissioning

Performing NE commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600 Performing hop commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

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Page 4

1. Preparations for the OptiX RTN 600 Commissioning

2. NE Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

3. Hop Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

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Page 5

1. Preparations for the OptiX RTN 600 Commissioning

1.1 Determining Commissioning Items 1.2 Preparing Related Documents 1.3 Preparing Related Tools

1.4 Checking Commissioning Conditions

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Page 6

Determining Commissioning Items

1. NE Commissioning Items
Commissioning Item Optional/Require
d Powering on the equipment



Check fan status after power on if fan is available. Check whether all indicators work normally or not. Recommend to test if instrument

Testing indicators
Accessing the Web LCT Configuring the data Performing the service loopback test

Required Required Optional

available on site.

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Page 7

Determining Commissioning Items (cont.)

1. NE Commissioning Items (cont.)
Commissioning Item Optional/Require d Testing E1 cables connections Checking the receive and transmit power of the optical interface Testing the RF transmit power Testing the active/standby crossconnect board switching Optional It applies to the station where the E1 service is accessed. It applies to the station where the SDH optical interface service is accessed. Use the Web LCT to query the RF transmit power. It only applies to the equipment configured with the active and standby cross-connect boards.
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Determining Commissioning Items (cont.)

2. Hop Commissioning Items
Commissioning Item Optional/ Required Aligning the antenna Testing the ECC Required Required It is applicable when there is the Optional order wire phone available between stations. Test all service types turned up at Testing all services Required the station like the E1, STM-1, and Remarks

Testing the
orderwire phone

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Determining Commissioning Items (cont.)

2. Hop Commissioning Items (cont.)
Commissioning Item Testing the clock tracing Testing the IF switching modes Testing the SNCP switching Testing the longterm BER Optional/Require d Required Remarks Check and ensure that the clock source can be traced normally. It is applicable when the 1+1 HSB/FD/SD protection is configured. It is applicable when the SNCP is configured. Generally perform the test for 24 Required hours according to the actual conditions
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Preparing Related Documents

Engineering design documents like

OptiX RTN 600 Radio Transmission System Network Planning Document

OptiX RTN 600 Radio Transmission System Engineering Design Document

Commissioning guide documents like:

OptiX RTN 600 Radio Transmission System Commissioning Guide

OptiX RTN 600 Radio Transmission System Quick Installation and Commissioning Guide
Page 11

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Preparing Tools

The tools that are required include the common tools, special tools

and instruments. The recommended list is as follows:

Type Common tool Special Description Adjustable wrench, percussion drill, sharp-nose pliers, and electric knife Anti-static glove, ESD-preventive wrist strap, telescope, and intercom Multi-meter, BER tester, and laptop computer (installed


with the Web LCT)

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Page 12

Checking NE Commissioning Conditions

The hardware installation complete. The power supply is normal. The cable / fiber installation. Web LCT is available.

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Checking Hop Commissioning Conditions

The NE commissioning is complete. The weather condition. Safety of the operation at a high altitude.

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This chapter describes the following contents:

NE commissioning items and hop commissioning items

Documents and tools prepared before the commissioning Commissioning conditions

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1. Preparations for the OptiX RTN 600 Commissioning

2. NE Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

3. Hop Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

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Page 16

2. NE Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

2.1 Powering On the Equipment 2.2 Testing Indicators 2.3 Accessing the Web LCT 2.4 Configuring the Data

2.5 Performing the Service Loopback test

2.6 Testing the Connections of the E1 Cables 2.7 Testing the Transmit and Receive Optical Power 2.8 Testing the RF Transmit Power 2.9 Testing the Active/Standby Cross-Connect Board Switching

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Page 17

Powering On the Equipment


Hardware installation complete and power is available.

The power supply must be available, and the fuse capacity of the power supply must meet the requirements.

Tools and Instruments



Turn off all power switches on equipment. Turn on the input power switch of the cabinet.

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Powering On the Equipment (cont.)

Test power volt and polarity. Turn on the switch on PXC board. Monitor fan and indicators. Turn on the power of ODU.

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Testing Indicators


After 5 minutes power on

LAMP TEST button

Tools and Instruments



Press or release the button on SCC.

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Accessing the Web LCT


After power on.

NM interface

Tools and Instruments

Laptop computer installed with Web LCT Cross cable


Connect cable. Start Web LCT on laptop computer. Set IP of computer. Set the options of the Internet Explorer (IE).

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Page 21

Accessing the Web LCT(con.)

On desktop, double-click the Start Web

LCT icon. The system displays the

USER LOGIN window of the Web LCT

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Accessing the Web LCT (con.)

Enter User Name and Password, and then click Login. The

user name of the Web LCT is admin by default, and the

corresponding password is T2000 by default.

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Configuring the Data


After Web LCT access.

Tools and Instruments



Set the new ID and IP as the planning document request. Configure all the existing boards in equipment. Monitor board indicators again.

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Page 24

Checking alarm


The equipment must be connected to the Web LCT. Data configuration must be complete.

Tools, Instruments, and Materials



Select an NE from the Object Tree in the NE Explorer, and then click in the toolbar.

Select Auto Refresh. Check the displayed alarm information.

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Testing Transmit and Receive Optical Power


Fiber connection is available.

Boards are configured

Tools and Instruments

Web LCT or optical power meter


Disable automatic laser shutdown (ALS) function. Check the transmit and receive optical power by Web LCT or optical power meter. Judge the power value is normal or not.

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Page 26

Performing the Service Loopback Test


NE is configured and running normally.

Tools and Instruments

Web LCT, BER tester or SDH analyzer


Configure the service to the boards and connect instrument well. Set hardware or software loopback and monitor service at least 5 minutes.

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Page 27

Testing E1 Cable Connections


Service and cable connection available.

Tools and Instruments

Web LCT and BER tester


Connect tester and set the outloop. Release outloop, AIS alarm should occur. All the ports can be test together.

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Page 28

Testing the RF Transmit Power


NE configuration is complete.

The ATPC function must be disabled.

Tools and Instruments



Set the transmitting power value for ODU. Query the actual output power value of ODU.

Compare the difference of the above power values.

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Page 29

Testing Active/Standby Crossconnect Switching


Service be configured. The active and standby cross-connect boards be configured.

Tools and Instruments

Web LCT and BER tester


Current status of two PXC should be normal.

Switch PXC board by Web LCT and monitor their status and alarms.
Restore back PXC board.

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Page 30


What is the procedure to access Web LCT?

How should the E1 port be set and connected for testing the connections

of E1 cables? How to adopt the testing it quickly?

Why shall we disable the ATPC function when test RF transmit power?

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Page 31


Powering on the equipment

Testing indicators
Accessing the Web LCT Checking Alarm Configuring the data Testing the transmit and receive optical power Performing the service loopback test Testing the connections of E1 cables Testing the RF transmit power Testing the active/standby cross-connect board switching
Page 32

Copyright 2006 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Preparations for the OptiX RTN 600 Commissioning

2. NE Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

3. Hop Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

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Page 33

3. Hop Commissioning of the OptiX RTN 600

3.1 Aligning the Single-Polarized Antenna 3.2 Aligning the Dual-Polarized Antennas

3.3 Testing the ECC

3.3 Testing the E1 Service 3.3 Testing the Ethernet Service 3.4 Testing the WS Service 3.5 Testing the order wire 3.6 Testing the Clock Tracing 3.7 Testing the IF 1+1 Switching 3.8 Testing the SNCP Switching 3.9 Testing the 24-Hour BER

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Page 34

Aligning the Single-Polarized Antenna


The NE commissioning is complete. Weather is suitable for commissioning.

The on-site conditions and personnel fit for high altitude operation.
ATPC disabled.

Tools and Instruments

Wrench, multi-meter and intercom.


1. Rotate antenna approximately.

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Aligning the Single-Polarized Antenna (cont.)

Procedure (cont.)

2. Test VBNC value:



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Aligning the Single-Polarized Antenna (cont.)

Procedure (cont.)

3. Rotate antenna in horizontal manner widely to search the highest VBNC.

4. Adjust the elevation angle to search the highest VBNC.

5. Aligning the remote antenna. 6. Repeat step 2 to step 5 for 2 to 4 times until get the highest

VBNC at both sides.

7. Tighten all the screws to fix antenna and make a mark. 8. Read the current RSL for both sides.

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Page 37

Aligning the Single-Polarized Antenna (cont.)


Align the antennas respectively in case of two antennas configured at both sides.

1+1 SD. 1+1 FD + SD.

The antenna adjustment device is screw bolt. Make the test line with BNC interface for multimeter in advance.

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Page 38

Aligning the Dual-Polarized Antenna


The NE commissioning of the radio equipment at both ends of the radio link must be complete.

The weather must be suitable for outdoor work. There should be no rain, snow or fog between stations.

The on-site conditions must meet the requirement for performing operations at high altitudes and the personnel in charge of commissioning the antenna must be trained to work at high altitudes.

The ATPC function must be disabled.

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Aligning the Dual-Polarized Antenna (cont.)

Tools, Instruments, and Materials

Ejector lever Multi-meter


1.Power off the vertically polarized ODUs at both ends of the radio link, power on the horizontally polarized ODUs at both ends of the radio link, and thus ensure that the antennas transmit horizontally polarized signals. 2.Adjust the azimuth angle and elevation angle of the antennas at both ends and ensure that the main lobe of the horizontally polarized signals is aligned with the antenna.

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Aligning the Dual-Polarized Antenna (cont.)

3.Measure the RSL (P1) of the horizontally polarized signals at the local end.

4.Adjust the feed boom at the local end, and ensure that the RSL of the vertically polarized signals reaches the lower threshold (P2).

5.Record the angle (D1) of the current feed boom. 6.Power off the horizontally polarized ODUs at both ends of the radio link, power on the vertically polarized ODUs at both ends of the radio link, and thus ensure that the antennas transmit vertically polarized signals.

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Page 41

Aligning the Dual-Polarized Antenna (cont.)

7.Measure the RSL (P3) of the vertically polarized signals at the local end by referring to 3.

8.Power on the horizontally polarized ODU at the local end, and calculate the level (P4) of the horizontally polarized signals received at the local end by referring to 4. The calculated XPD2 (XPD2 = P3 P4) should not be less than

30 dB.

9.Record the angle (D2) of the current feed boom.

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Page 42

Aligning the Dual-Polarized Antenna (cont.)

10.Repeat 3 to 9 to adjust the feed boom slightly (ranging from D1 to D2), and ensure that XPD1 and XPD2 are not less than 30 dB.

11.Tighten all the screws of the antennas.

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Page 43

Testing the ECC


Antenna alignment must be complete.

The NE must have access to the Web LCT.

Tools and Instruments



Test the ECC at one end of the radio link.


Add and set the attributes of the remote NE in Web LCT Observe Login Status of the newly added remote NE.

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Page 44

Testing the E1 Service


The E1 service must be available. Antenna alignment must be complete.

Tools and Instruments

BER tester and Web LCT


BER tester connected to local site. Remote site set the loopback. No errors in 5 or 10 minutes. Release all loopbacks.

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Page 45

Testing the E1 Service (con.)

When there isnt BER tester, the PRBS function of PDH board can test the E1 service instead of BER tester.

Setting the loop-back of an E1 interface at remote site. Configuring PRBS function at local site. Observing the testing result. Releasing loop-back

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Page 46

Testing the Ethernet Service


The Ethernet service must be configured between stations.

Tools, Instruments, and Materials

One laptop

Connection diagram for testing the Ethernet service

Configuration for testing the Ethernet service

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Testing the Ethernet Service(cont.)

Cable connection for the IDU (NE 1)

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Testing the Ethernet Service(cont.)

Cable connection for the IDU (NE 2)

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Page 49

Testing the Ethernet Service(cont.)


1.On the IDU side of NE 1, use an Ethernet cable to connect the Ethernet port of the laptop to the Ethernet service port of the Ethernet board, as shown in The Ethernet service port enables service transmission between NEs.

2.On the IDU side of NE 2, use an Ethernet cable to connect the Ethernet port of the SCC to the Ethernet service port of the Ethernet

board, The Ethernet service port enables service transmission

between NEs.

3.Set the IP address of the laptop, and ensure that the IP address and the IP address of NE 2 belong to the same network segment.

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Page 50

Testing the Ethernet Service(cont.)

Display the Command Prompt window of laptop A, and run the ping -n 200 -l 2000 command.

After you run the command, check the result. There should not

be lost packets, that is, the output display should contain the
following information: Lost = 0 (0% loss)

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Page 51

Testing the WS Service


The WS service must be configured. Antenna alignment must be complete.

Tools and Instruments

BER tester


At local site, connect the BER tester to the WS port. At remote site, perform the hardware inloop for the WS port. Test the BER for 5 to 10 minutes by BER tester. No bit errors should occur. Release the loopback.

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Page 52

Testing the order wire


The order wire phone must be correctly installed at the station. The data of the order wire must be configured.

Antenna alignment must be complete.

Tools and Instruments



Dial the number of remote site. Check the voice is clear or not.

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Page 53

Testing the Clock Tracing


The clock tracing priority list must be configured.

Tools and Instruments



Query the current clock priority table by using the Web LCT. Query the current . Manual switch the PXC board.

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Page 54

Testing the IF 1+1 Switching


The equipment must be configured with the IF 1+1 protection.

Antenna alignment must be complete.

Tools and Instruments

BER tester and Web LCT


Connect E1 tester in local E1 port and set loopback in remote site. Query the working status of IF board. Mute the active ODU to start the IF switch. Check status and alarms.

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Page 55

Testing the IF 1+1 Switching (cont.)

Procedure (cont.)

Check the bit errors generate in switching. Test the restoration of IF 1+1 switching. Power on the main ODU.

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Page 56

Testing the SNCP Switching


The equipment must be configured with the SNCP protection. Antenna alignment must be complete.

Tools and Instruments

BER tester and Web LCT


Connect tester for E1 ports and perform the bit error testing.
Power of the ODU to trigger the SNCP switch. Check the service status, alarms and bit errors. Test the restoration of SNCP.
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Testing the 24-Hour BER


Antenna alignment must be complete.

Tools and Instruments

BER tester and Web LCT


Cascade the E1 ports with the BER

tester at one site.

Perform the loopback at the other sites.

Test bit error for 24 hours.

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Page 58


What is the procedure to aligning antennas?

How long should it take to test the E1 service and WS service respectively by using the BER tester?

What alarms occur after the IF 1+1 switching is complete?

How can we ensure that SNCP switching is successful?

How should we handle bit errors occurring in the 24-hour BER test?

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Page 59


The commissioning items in hop commissioning:

3.1 Aligning the Single-Polarized Antenna 3.2 Aligning the Dual-Polarized Antennas 3.3 Testing the ECC 3.3 Testing the E1 Service 3.3 Testing the Ethernet Service 3.4 Testing the WS Service 3.5 Testing the order wire 3.6 Testing the Clock Tracing 3.7 Testing the IF 1+1 Switching 3.8 Testing the SNCP Switching 3.9 Testing the 24-Hour BER

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