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Reddys Labs

Nikhil Jhanb Ann Mary Mathew Gaurav Mehrotra Shraman Saha Roy Viresh Sharma Stuttee Arora

(C023) (C027) (C028) (C041) (C049) (C061)

Healthcare Statistics
Healthcare policies in India Health crisis in developing Countries Beyond Philanthropy: The pharmaceutical Industry and CSR







Healthcare statistics
Parameter Population (in billion) Life Expectancy at birth Life Expectancy at 60 Infant Mortality Rate Under 5 mortality rate Total expenditure on health as % of GDP

India USA China

1.241 .311 1.344

65.48 78.64 73.49

16 23 25

47 6 13

61 8 15

3.9 17.9 5.2

Healthcare in India
Universal Health Coverage

12th Five Year Plan

High Level Expert Group Generic Drugs 3% of GDP investment in Healthcare (world median 5%)*

Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana National Rural Health Mission Janani Suraksha Yojna Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram MDGs
Reduce Child Mortality Improve Maternal Health Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases

70% of total health spending is out of pocket, and around 70% of that is on drugs Private medical sector - 70% of households in urban areas Private medical sector - 63% of households in rural areas
*Public Spending -1.7% USA- 7%+

Health crisis in Developing Countries

% of pharmaceutical sales(2000)
14 million deaths due to infectious diseases, majorly poor people in developing countries Just 12 diseases account for 20% of the global disease and disability burden Infectious diseases overall are responsible for 63 percent of deaths of children aged under five years Poor countries carry 99 per cent of the global burden of these twelve diseases The pharmaceutical industry has grown in value by 700 per cent since 1980. Less than 10 per cent of world pharmaceutical sales are to developing countries

5.90% 6.00% North America 16.20%

Japan 48.20% Latin America Asia(exc Japan), Africa and Australia

Spending on R&D is also skewed away from the developing world with only 10 per cent of the global pharmaceutical research and development expenditure going towards diseases that account for 90 per cent of the worlds disease burden.


Beyond Philanthropy: The pharmaceutical Industry and CSR

Substantially lower prices in Developing nations Publish list of prices Price reduction should cover a range of products relevant to the health priorities in developing nations

Refrain from enforcing patents which exacerbates health problems Support generic drugs where patents are not in force Refrain from lobbying for stronger patent protection Disclose details regarding lobbying

Joint Public Private Initiatives

Resolving health problems as a long-term business plan Must include vulnerable sections of society Transparency Integrate and strengthen national health system

Research & Development

Publishing expenditure on R&D on infectious diseases Forego patent in developing countries on drugs developed for infectious diseases

Appropriate Use of Medicines

Support and comply with WHO guidelines for Good Clinical Practice for trials Publish full results of clinical trials Support and comply with WHO Ethical criteria for Medicinal Drug Promotion Active drug safety monitoring Disclose full list of adverse drug reactions

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