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Reflection essay

ES2331 Tutorials 13-15

Students will be able to: Analyze and interpret learning experiences Clarify their learning to themselves and the tutor Determine how to next step in learning process

Topic: student's analysis of his or her communication performance/experience in CEP1 Word limit: 350-400 words Deadline: Monday 17 March at 23:59 to IVLE

Essay with introduction, body, conclusion Sections
What happened Brief choose only 1 event

Interpretation (doesnt have to include all points)

Why it happened Why is this important/interesting/useful/relevant How do others perceive this event How does theory or a model explain it

Outcome (doesnt have to include all points)

What have I learned What event means to your ongoing progress as learner How will you put lesson into practice

I mark reflection after marking panel discussion Components
Content (60%) Organization (20%) Language (20%)

Assessment components
Appropriate, relevant description, interpretation and application Use of specific examples and situations Uses personal experience to provide context Refers to communication principles and strategies covered in course or in credible outside sources

Clear thesis Organization of ideas into paragraphs (introduction, body, conclusion) Use of transitions and other cohesive language/grammar throughout

Uses style that is appropriate to the audience, occasion, topic Demonstrates fluency in expression Observes effective word choice and usage

Homework by 17 March 11:59pm

Review reflection self-study slides Write & upload reflection by deadline

HW for Tutorial 16 (12 March)

Read CEP2 task description 6 Principles of speeches (OPT workbin) Do Be able to summarize Be able to summarize definition/objective for each principle

How to give a killer presentation (REQ workbin)

Watch Tureres TED talk My invention that made peace with the lions (OPT workbin)

Find examples of how to practice 6 principles

Note speakers degree of effectiveness in relation to 6 principles

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