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Clinical Features
Fibroma Ovarii is a tumor arising in the ovarian stroma that are composed of fibroblasts. 90 % unilateral.

Fibroma ovarii is a solid tumor, spherical or slightly lobulated, encapsulated, hard, gray-white in color.


Fibroma ovarii are composed of well differentiated fibroblast, which have spindle nuclei, collagenous connective tissue interspersed between them. The fibroblast cells are arranged in irregular bundles (nonspesific pattern)


Clinical Features
Lipoma is benign tumor of fat. The most common soft tissue tumor of adulthood. Most lipomas are subcutaneous masses, well demarcated, soft, mobile, and painless tumor. However, lipoma can also occur in the deepseated tissue (intramuscular lipoma). Location: can arise in any location but the majority occur in the upper half of the body, particularly the trunk and neck.

Macroscopic & Microscopic

Lipomas can grow to a large size Macroscopic:
usually encapsulated. Cut section: solid tumor, consisted of bright yellow fat tissue.

Lipomas are composed of mature adipose tissue with no cellular atypia ( no sign of anaplasia).


Clinical Features
Fibrosarcoma is malignant tumor originating from fibroblast cells. Age: commonly occur in adult, but can occur in any age group. They arise from superficial and deep connective tissue such as fascia, tendon, periosteum, etc. Location: may occur anywhere in the body, most commonly in the retroperitoneum, thigh, knee, and distal extremities.

Typically, these neoplasm are:
Unencapsulated Infiltrative Soft, fish-flesh consistency Often having areas of hemorrhage and necrosis.


Tumor composed of fibroblast cells which have plump-spindle nuclei with sign of anaplasia. These cells are arranged in fascicles that intersect each other at acute angles resulting in a herringbone appearance. Numerous mitotic activity. May contain areas of hemorrhage and necrosis


Clinical Features
Leiomyoma is benign tumor of smooth muscles Uterine leiomyoma are perhaps the most common benign tumor in females. These benign tumor may present in about 75% of females of reproductive age. Leiomyoma of the uterus may be asymptomatic. The most important symptoms are abnormal bleeding, urinary frequency (due to compression of the bladder), impaired fertility, abdominal mass (if the tumor has already extensive).

Leimyomas are solid and sharply circumscribed tumor, round, firm, gray-white in color, varying in size from small nodule to massive tumor. Cut section: whorled pattern of smooth muscle bundles. They can occur :
Within the myometrium --- intramural Just beneath the endometrium --- submucosal Beneath the serosa --- subserosal

Leiomyoma is composed of proliferation of smooth muscle cells, which have oval and long (spindle) nuclei, uniform in size and shape (no sign of anaplasia), and arranged in characteristic whorled pattern

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