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Breast Cancer

Presented By: Meity Masitha A.K Class B

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer is where cancerous (malignant) cells are found in the breast tissue. There are several types of breast cancer. Ductal cancer (effects the ducts and also is the most common type) Lobular (which begins in the lobes of the breast and often is found in both breasts) Inflammatory cancer (its where the breast appears swollen and hot) its also very uncommon.
Picture from

Normal Breast
A. Breast Duct System B. Lobules C. Breast Duct System D. Nipple E. Fat F. Chest Muscle G. Ribs

A. Cells lining duct B. Basement membrane C. Open central duct

1. Getting older 2. Genetics 3. A history of breast cancer 4. Having had certain types of breast lumps 5. Dense breast tissue 6. Obesity 7. Alcohol consumption 8. Radiation exposure 9. HRT (Hormone Replacement Theraphy) 10. Certain Jobs 11. Cosmetic implants

Sign and Symptom

Sign and Sypmtom

1. A lump in a breast 2. A pain in the armpits or breast that does not seem to be related to the woman's menstrual period 3. Pitting or redness of the skin of the breast; like the skin of an orange 4. A rash around (or on) one of the nipples 5. A swelling (lump) in one of the armpits 6. An area of thickened tissue in a breast 7. One of the nipples has a discharge; sometimes it may contain blood 8. The nipple changes in appearance; it may become sunken or inverted 9. The size or the shape of the breast changes 10. The nipple-skin or breast-skin may have started to peel, scale or flake

1. Breast exam 2. X-ray (mammogram) 3. 2D combined with 3D mammograms 4. Breast ultrasound 5. Biopsy 6. Breast MRI scan 7. Staging

Stages of breast cancer

The first stage is stage 0 this stage is sometimes referred to as a non-evasive circoma In this stage there are abnormal cells present that might suggest that one is at higher risk for cancer. Some women chose to have a double mastectomy to avoid the potential of cancer, while others take tomoxifen. Either way its important to have regular check with your doctor.

Stages of breast cancer

Stage I This stage is where the tumor is less than 1 cm across, and has not spread into the surrounding areas. Stage II Stage II is when the cancer is anywhere from 1-2 cm across, and has spread into the surrounding areas including the lymph nodes (which must also be removed to prevent the further spread of the cancer) Stage III This is the stage for cancer in the advanced stages. Its more than 2 cm across and has spread to the lymph nodes. A type of cancer most associated with this is called inflammatory breast cancer, because the breast is inflamed because the cancer is blocking the lymph nodes.

Stages of breast cancer

The last stage of cancer is stage IV.

In stage IV, the cancer has spread past the breast and the lymph nodes and needs immediate treatment of chemotherapy and hormonal therapy to keep it under control.

Then there is remission. If you are in remission you have an extremely high risk of reoccurrence with in the first 5 years after the last know cancer is killed.

1. Radiation therapy 2. Surgery 3. Chemotherapy 4. Hormone therapy 5. Biology therapy

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. No more alcohol consumption Physical exercise Diet Postmenopausal hormone therapy Bodyweight Women at high risk of breast cancer Breast cancer screening Breastfeeding


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