Eating Disorders Remedies

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Eating Disorders Remedies

Lotus Health Institute

“Classical Homeopathy & Lotus Medicine”
Robin Murphy, ND
Homeopathy 4 Everyone ( – May, 2007
10/21/09 1
Anorexia Nervosa
• General information - Anorexia nervosa is a psychological
eating disorder in which a person refuses to eat adequately, in
spite of hunger and they lose enough weight to become
emaciated. The illness usually begins with a normal weight -
loss diet. The person eats very little, and refuses to stop dieting
after a reasonable weight loss. People most affected are female
adolescents and young adults.
• Causative factors - Unknown. However, all patients have
family and internal conflicts, including sexual conflicts.
Increased risk from peer pressure to be thin. History of slight
overweight. Perfectionists, compulsive or overachieving
personalities. Psychological stress.

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Anorexia Nervosa
• Signs and symptoms - Weight loss of at least 25% of
body weight without physical illness. High energy
level despite body wasting. Intense fear of obesity.
Depression, Appetite loss, Constipation, Cold
intolerance, Refusal to maintain a minimum standard
weight for age and height. Distorted body image. The
person continues to feel fat - even when emaciated.
Cessation of menstrual periods.
• Hygiene notes - Confront personal problems
realistically. Try to correct or cope with problems with
the help of counselors, therapists, family and friends.

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Anorexia Repertory
• anorexia, nervosa - alf., arg-n., ARS., calc., carc., caust.,
CHIN., hyos., ign., kali-p., lach., levo., merc., nat-m.,
perh., ph-ac., phos., puls., rhus-t., sac-alb., sep., staph.,
SULPH., syc., tarent., tetox., thuj., vanad., verat.
• refuses, to eat - ars., bell., caust., cocc., croc., grat.,
HYOS., ign., KALI-CHL., kali-p., lach., op., PH-AC.,
phyt., plat., puls., sep., TARENT., VERAT., VIOL-O.
• obsessive, compulsive disorder - anac., arg-n., ARS.,
aur., calc., CARC., HYOS., ign., iod., MED., merc., nat-
m., nat-s., NUX-V., plat., psor., PULS., sil., staph.,
stram., sulph., syph., thuj., verat.

10/21/09 4
Anorexia Remedies
• Arsenicum alb. - Extreme fastidiousness especially about germs and
dirt. Anorexia coupled with fear of being poisoned. Fear of getting
certain diseases so they starve.
• Carcinosin - Obsessive compulsive disorder. Perfectionism, fear of
becoming fat, fear of rejection. Etiology: abuse, grief or fears, often
related to weight. Chronic insomnia, workaholics.
• Hyosyamus - Anorexia plus mania, insanity, fear of being poisoned.
Could have pathological jealousy, over concern about weight and
getting fat.
• Ignatia - Perfectionism, fear of becoming fat, fear of rejection.
Hysteria - loss of control of emotions, fainting. Etiology: grief or big
disappointment, often related to weight.
• Natrum mur. - Most often indicated remedy in anorexia, a lot of
guilt. Fear of being rejected, hurt easily, very self conscious. Dry
lips, emaciate, dry skin, constipated, loose appetite. Behind this is
perfectionism and fear of becoming fat. Nat mur have more
10/21/09 5
Anorexia Remedies
• Phosphoric acid - Etiology: grief with loss of appetite with
emaciation, pining away from loss of love, second stage they get
indifferent to all emotions and food. Deadness inside (Sepia, Aurum
met). Grief - anorexia than some chronic disease.
• Platina met. - Obsessed with their appearance, fear of becoming
fat. Very obsessive and impulsive personality, egocentric and
arrogant, all tied up with their sexuality, religious mania.
• Pulsatilla - Feeling of worthlessness, unloved, loneliness, fixed
ideas about. Food especially certain foods are bad, than amount of
foods that are bad grows, fear of gaining weight, pulsatilla's gain
weight easily, they can eat a pastry and swear they gained weight.
Ignatia, Puls. and Nat. mur. are constantly weighing themselves.
Scanty menses.
• Sepia - Anorexia plus hormonal problems, nausea, sensitivity to
smell. Disgust for food, worse since childbirth, hormones causes
lack of appetite.

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Anorexia Remedies
• Stapysagria - Acute of Carcinosin, more visible, visibly upset.
Carcinosin can control it more, Staph. may it more. Deep sense
of worthlessness and depression, even suicidal. Humiliation,
mortified, put down, criticized, zero confidence.
• Tarentula - Mania could be religious mania. Underneath you
have a fear of being poisoned. Obsessiveness about weight,
very restless and hyper energy people, they do everything fast -
talk, move.
• Thuja occid. - Fear of being impure, dirty blood, anxiety about
health, obsessed with idea of have to clean themselves out.
• Veratrum alb. - Religious mania, loquacious, end of world is
coming. Punish themselves, fast to appease god. Behind this
you see guilt.

10/21/09 7
Bulimia Remedies
• General information - Bulimina. Binge-Eating Syndrome,
Binge-Purge Syndrome, Bulimarexia. A psychological eating
disorder characterized by abnormal, constant craving for food
and binge eating, followed by self - induced vomiting or
laxative use. Body parts affected: Brain and central nervous
system, kidneys, liver, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract
People most affected - Adolescents or young adults, usually
• Causative factors - Unknown. The disorder often begins
during or after stringent dieting and may be caused by stress
related to insufficient food intake. Increased Risk from -
Anorexia nervosa, Depression, Stress, including lifestyle
changes, such as moving or starting a new school or job.
Neurotic preoccupation with being physically attractive.

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Bulimia Remedies
• Signs and symptoms - Recurrent episodes of binge eating
(rapid consumption of a large amount of food in a short time,
usually less than 2 hours), plus at least 3 of the following:
Preference for high-calorie, convenience foods during a binge
Secretive eating during a binge. Patients are aware that the
eating pattern is abnormal, and they fear being unable to stop
eating. Termination of an eating binge with purging measures,
such as laxative use or self-induced vomiting. Depression and
guilt following an eating binge. Repeated attempts to lose
weight with severely restrictive diets, self-induced vomiting and
use of laxatives or diuretics. Frequent weight fluctuations greater
than 10 pounds from alternately fasting and gorging. No
underlying physical disorder.
• Hygiene notes - Raise children in a wholesome family
environment with emphasis on caring and good communication
rather than on external appearances.
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Bulimia Repertory
• bulimia - abies-c., abies-n., adam., agar., alf., anac., ang.,
ant-c., aq-mar., arg-n., calc., calen., CARC., caust.,
CHIN., CINA, ferr., fl-ac., graph., hell., ign., iod., kali-c.,
LYC., med., MERC., mur-ac., naja, nat-c., nat-m., nux-
m., nux-v., op., petr., phos., pitu-a., plat., puls., raph.,
sabad., sac-alb., SEP., staph., sulph., thuj., VERAT.,
• obsessive, compulsive disorder - anac., arg-n., ARS.,
aur., calc., CARC., HYOS., ign., iod., MED., merc., nat-
m., nat-s., NUX-V., plat., psor., PULS., sil., staph.,
stram., sulph., syph., thuj., verat.

10/21/09 10
Bulimia Remedies
• Argentum nit. - binging especially with chocolate, fixed ideas,
impulsive behavior, anticipation, overriding impulses for
certain foods, chocolate, salty foods, they will eat a whole box
of chocolates until they get sick.
• Carcinosin - Obsessive compulsive disorder. Perfectionism,
fear of becoming fat, fear of rejection. Etiology: abuse, grief or
fears, often related to weight.
• Ignatia - perfectionism, fear of becoming fat, fear of rejection.
Hysteria - loss of control of emotions, fainting. Etiology: grief
or big disappointment, often related to weight.

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Bulimia Remedies
• Medorrhinum - ups and down in the persons energy, very outgoing
for 2 or 3 days than wiped out for several days and with that their
diets fluctuate from good to binging. Bulimia also with alcohol and
• Natrum mur. - Often indicated remedy in anorexia, a lot of guilt.
Fear of being rejected, hurt easily. Very self conscious of their
• Pulsatilla - Fear of being abandoned and unloved. Fixed ideas about
food, their weight, they gain and loose weight easily, eat and binge to
console themselves, binges out of loneliness, or depression, then they
get quilt and fear about it and than suppress it.
• Staphysagria - Binging out of quilt, depression. Poor confidence and
worthlessness. It is out of self denial, they don't deserve that lemon
meringue pie so they suppress their desire for it, then binge on it.

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