Ad Vericundiam

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Ad Verecundiam

By: Nick Carle and Cole Duncan

Ad Verecundiam
A fallacy refers to a misconception based upon an unsound argument. Ad Verecundiam is a fallacy in which a claim is made that references a person or reputation, rather than logistical evidence. It is used in various forms of persuasion to satisfy the arguments needs.

Ad Verecundiam from a business perspective

As a fallacy, Ad verecundiam works to please the senses, rather than tell truth. As we see in this comic on the left, the man is giving his trust to an author on account of his name, rather than his credibility.

Fallacies: corporate media knows best...

People listen to organizations that are intended to deliver factual information, however corporations largely control certain information that influences peoples opinions. Problems: ~Opinion filtering ~Alienation from differing points of view Solutions: ~Know your source ~Recognize differing points of view when receiving a story or claim from a news source. ~Dont watch Fox News...

Fallacy: used to protect and serve?

Authority figures like the Police gain support from the populace by selling the idea of service from protection and danger. Are these students depicted in the the image receiving protection and service as a result of a non-violent protest? An example of Ad Verecundiam that depicts the picture could be: Since these students were present during the protest, they should be pepper sprayed for their wrong doing

Ad verecundiam, or argument from authority is an ancient art of a logical fallacy. The image in slide 2 depicts pathos being the cradle with which ad verecundiam can exist. Thus, this fallacy seems to feed on emotional association: how could an orphan be a murderer? Aside from the legal world, ad verecundiam is exemplified in the educational and news world with slides 3 and 4. Slide 3 proves ethos to be useful to this fallacy by showing the irrationality of trusting an educator merely on account of title. Both ethos and pathos are used by Fox News, as shown in slide 4, upon its audience. Pathos, when striking fear through its stories and ethos, by such stories being delivered by white, well-dressed patriots. Ad verecundiam exists in the fact that corporations are controlling the news feed, and thus, peoples opinion. Ad verecundiam exists by replacing peoples judgement, from analysis to conclusion, with emotional or logistical shortcuts . This is the fallacy that allows con-men to become politicians, and police officers to brutalize student protesters.

Work Cited
Raloff, Janet. Introduction to Logic Argumentum Ad Verecundiam. p.l.e. n.d. Web. 18 February 2014 McDonald, Franklin Argument from Authority. Wikipedia. n.d. Web. 18 February 2014

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