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Abstract Key words Introduction Cyclo converter. Spmc as cyclo converter. Spwm . Commutation problem. Switching strategies. Conclusion . References.

Abstract:Backbone of modern industry is electrical drives and at present, AC machines are also used for variable speed applications. Cyclo-converter are used for AC-AC power conversion particular for speed control of AC drives. In this paper, Single-phase matrix converter (SPMC) topology is used for Cyclo-converter operation. IGBTs are used for the power switches. The wellknown sinusoidal pulse width modulation (SPWM) scheme is used in this instance. This paper presents work on modeling and simulation of Cyclo-converter using MATLAB/Simulink incorporating the Sim Power System blockset.

Key words:

In a Cycloconverter, the ac power at one frequency is converted directly to another frequen cy without any intermediate dc stage. In the 1970's, various aspects of the Cycloconverter th eory and will be discussed. In the late 1980's implementations on Cycloconverter, experienc ed growth in usage due to the development of microprocessor based control systems. Higher power applications such as in electric traction, rolling mills,variable frequency spee d control for AC machines, constant frequency power supply and controllable reactive Powe r supply for an AC system. T h e m atrix converter (MC) offers possible "all silicon" solution for AC-AC conversion removing the need for reactive energy storage components used in conventional rectifierinverter based system. Gyugyi first described the topology in 1976. Obviously all published studies dealt with mainly the three-phase circuit topologies. The Single-phase matrix converter variant o n the same philosophy denoted as SPMC was first realised by Zuckerberger.

Cycloconverter: C y cloconverter are a historical class of power converters based on SCR

s. They are used to generate AC output (single- phase or three-phase) fr om a single-phase or three-phase input. A typical Cycloconverter consists of one or more pairs of back-to-back co nnected controlled rectifiers . Figure 1: Conventional Cycloconverter

Detailed treatment on the operation of conventional Cyclo

converter could be obtained from reference but will be briefly described for completene ss. As can be observed, the conventional Cycloconverter uses two separate converters called the P-co nverter and the N-converter; each performing similar to an H-bridge inverter.

SPMC as Cycloconverter:-

Sinusoidal pulse width modulation: Sinusoidal pulse width modulation is a well known wave shaping technique in P.E By using Sinusoidal pulse width modulation carrier signal vc comparing with the Sinusoidal signal vref of the desired frequency .the cross over points are used to determine the switching instruments. The ratio of reference signal to the triangular signal vc is called modulation index.

Commutation Problem: Spmc there is possible reversal current from the inductive

load during switch turn off . Theoritically switching sequence must be instantaneous & simutaneous. Unfortunately imPossible for practical realization due to turn off.

IGBT characteristics .

a) I/P at 50 HZ b) O/P at 25 HZ c) O/P at 12 HZ

Conclusion: The Implementation of SPWM to synthesize the AC outp

ut supply for a given AC input. Both step up and step down Cyclo-converter operations is presented. Matrix converter has very limited applications now but wit h the advances in the technology it is hoped that the probl ems will be solved and MC will be applicable to all applicati ons.

References: Zuckerberger, A., Weinstock, D., Alexandrovitz A., "Single-

phase Matrix Converter," IEE Proc. Electric Power App, Vol. 144(4), Jul 1997 pp 235-240. Firdaus, S., Hamzah, M.K," Modelling and simulation of a single-phase AC-AC matrix converter using SPWM," Resea rch and Development, 2002. SCOReD2002. Student Confer ence on 16-17 July 2002, pp. 286-289 Wheeler, P.W., Clare, J.C., Empringham, L., Bland, M., Ker ris, K.G., REE7ERENcEsREE7ERENcEs "Matrix converters," IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, Vol. 10 (1), Jan-Feb20 04, pp. 59-65


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