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Chapter 24:

Exercise and the Environment

EXERCISE PHYSIOLOGY Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance, 5th edition Scott K. Powers & Edward T. Howley
Presentation revised and updated by


(c) 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Describe the changes in atmospheric pressure, air temperature, and air density with increasing altitude Describe how altitude affects sprint performances and explain why that is the case Explain why distance running performance decrease at altitude Draw a graph to show effect of altitude on VO2 MAX and list reasons for this response Graphically describe effect of altitude on the HR and ventilation responses to submaximal work, and explain why these changes are appropriate

(c) 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Describe the process of adaptation to altitude, and the degree to which this adaptation can be complete Explain why such variability exists among athletes in the decrease in VO2 MAX upon exposure to altitude, the degree of improvement in VO2 MAX at altitude, and the gains made upon return to sea level Describe potential problems associated with training at high altitude and how one might deal with them Explain the circumstances that caused physiologists to reevaluate their conclusions that humans could not climb Mount Everest without oxygen

(c) 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Explain the role that hyperventilation plays in helping to maintain a high oxygen-hemoglobin saturation at extreme altitudes List and describe the factors influencing the risk of heat injury Provide suggestions for the fitness participant to follow to minimize the likelihood of heat injury Describe in general terms the guidelines suggested for running road races in the heat Describe three elements in the heat stress index, and explain why one is more important than the other two

(c) 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

List the factors influencing hypothermia Explain what Windchill Index is relative to heat loss Explain why exposure to cold water is more dangerous than exposure to air of the same temperature

(c) 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Describe the role of subcutaneous fat and energy production in the development of hypothermia List the steps to follow to deal with hypothermia Explain how carbon monoxide can influence performance, and list the steps that should be taken to reduce the impact of pollution on performance
(c) 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Atmospheric pressure
Decreases at higher altitude

Partial pressure
Same percentages of O2, CO2, and N2 in the air Lower partial pressure of O2, CO2, and N2 Hypoxia: low PO2 (altitude) Normoxia: normal PO2 (sea level) Hyperoxia: high PO2
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Effect of Altitude on Performance

Short-term anaerobic performance
Lower PO2 at altitude should have no effect of performance Lower air resistance may improve performance

Long-term aerobic performance

Lower PO2 results in poorer aerobic performance

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Effect of Altitude on VO2max

Decreased VO2max at higher altitude Up to moderate altitudes (~4,000m)
Decreased VO2max due to decreased arterial PO2

At higher elevations
Rate of VO2max reduction also due to fall in maximum cardiac output

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Changes in VO2max With Increasing Altitude

Fig 24.1
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Effect of Altitude on Submaximal Exercise

Elicits higher heart rate
Due to lower oxygen content of arterial blood

Requires higher ventilation

Due to reduction in number of O2 molecules per liter of air

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Effect of Altitude on Submaximal Heart Rate Response

Fig 24.2
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Effect of Altitude on Submaximal Ventilation Response

Fig 24.3
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Adaptation to High Altitude

Production of more red blood cells
Counter desaturation caused by lower PO2

In those who grew up at altitude

Have complete adaptations in arterial oxygen content and VO2max

In those recently arriving at altitude

Adaptations are less complete

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Training for Competition at Altitude

Effect of training at altitude on VO2max varies between athletes Due to degree of saturation of hemoglobin Some athletes can improve VO2max by training at altitude, others cannot May be due to training state before arriving at altitude Some athletes have higher VO2max upon return to low altitude, while others do not Could be due to detraining effect Cannot train as intensely at altitude
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The Quest for Everest

Mount Everest was climbed without oxygen in 1978
Previously thought that VO2max at summit would be just above rest Actually, VO2max estimated at 15 mlkg-1min-1
Due to miscalculation of barometric pressure at summit

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Challenges of High Altitude Climbing

Successful climbers have great capacity for hyperventilation
Drives down PCO2 and H+ in blood Allows more O2 to bind with hemoglobin at same PO2

Climbers must contend with loss of appetite

Results in loss of weight Reduction muscle fiber diameter

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Elevated body temperature

Heat-related problems
Heat syncope Heat cramps Heat exhaustion
May require medical attention

Heat stroke
Medical emergency
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Factors Affecting Heat Injury

Fig 24.6
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Consideration for Exercise

Know signs/symptoms of heat illness Exercise in cooler part of the day Gradually increase exposure to heat to acclimatize Drink water before, during, and after exercise Wear light clothing Alter exercise intensity to stay within THR zone
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Implications for Performance

Safety during events in high heat/humidity
Time of day, season of the year Frequent water stops Traffic control Identification of those with heat illness Coordinate proper treatment
First aid, ambulance services, hospitals

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Environmental Heat Stress

Wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT)
Dry bulb temperature (Tdb)
Air temperature in shade

Black globe temperature (Tg)

Radiant heat in direct sunlight

Wet bulb temperature (Twb)

Index of ability to wick sweat

WBGT = 0.7Twb + 0.2Tg + 0.1Tdb

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Important to protect against heat loss
Maintain core temperature

The windchill index

Describes how wind lowers the effective temperature at the skin

Causes heat loss by convection 25 times greater than in air

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Insulating factors
Subcutaneous fat Clothing Amount of insulation required is lower during exercise

Environmental factors
Temperature Vapor pressure Wind Water immersion Energy production
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Insulation in the Cold

Subcutaneous fat Clothing Amount of insulation needed is lower during exercise

Energy production increases upon exposure to cold

Inverse relationship between VO2 and body fatness Women cool faster than men
(c) 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Factors Affecting Hypothermia

Fig 24.9
(c) 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Effect of Water Temperature on Survival

Fig 24.9
(c) 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Changes in Insulation Requirement at Different Temperatures and Activities

Fig 24.10
(c) 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Air Pollution
Ozone Decreases VO2max and respiratory function Sulfur dioxide Causes bronchoconstriction in asthmatics Carbon monoxide Binds to hemoglobin and reduces oxygen transport Prevention of problems Reduce exposure time Stay away from bolus amounts of pollutants Exercise during least polluted part of day
(c) 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

Effect of Carbon Monoxide on VO2max

Fig 24.11
(c) 2004 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

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