Tyre Prest

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Truck Tyre Basics

Shamsheer .E.K Roll.No. 49 S7 ME


John Boyd Dunlop re istered this pneumatic tyre !ith the British "atent #$$ice in %&&& . 'omple( tyre )eha*ior is a direct result o$ the tyre construction. +he t!o main $unctions o$ the tyre, is $orce eneration in the road plane and suspension o$ the *ehicle mass more areas such as com$ort, traction and cornerin are ta-e into account !hen the com)ination o$ components $or the tyre is to )e selected and calculated.

Modes o$ +ransport

Mar-et sur*eys carried out in Europe re*eal that no!adays more than three .uarters o$ all $rei ht is transported )y truc-.

Cross ply to the radial tyre

/$ter the in*ention o$ the pneumatic tyre, it !as a $urther thirty years )e$ore the $irst crossply tyres !ere de*eloped $or commercial *ehicles. +here are *ery distinct di$$erences in the construction o$ radial and crossply tyres. 0air container1 on crossply tyres is made $rom criss crossin layers o$ ru))eri2ed $a)ric, on radial tyres it is $ormed )y radially runnin plies 3casin plies4 o$ ru))erised cord 3on commercial *ehicle tyres steel cord is normally used4

#n $irm road sur$aces the radial tyre is superior to the crossply tyre its ood sel$ cleanin tread pattern5 its sti$$er side!alls also enhance resistance to tippin on *ehicles !ith a hi h centre o$ ra*ity

The materials that make up a truck tyre


Tyre components

1 Tread strip Material: Rubber compound Function: +he tread strip

has to pro*ide hi h !ear resistance and ood rip under all road conditions. In some instances the tread strip com)ines t!o di$$erent materials 3cap and )ase45 the )ase is there to minimi2e the tread temperature and the rollin resistance 2 Multi-ply steel belts
Material: Steel cords embedded in rubber compound

Function: Enhances dri*in sta)ility reduces rollin resistance and i*es the tyre its lon ser*ice li$e. Restricts casin ro!th and increases the tyre6s structural stren th.

Steel casin! Material Steel cord Function 7i*es the tyre its structural stren th and its de$lection characteristics5 su)stantially determines dri*in com$ort. ". #nner linin! Material Ru))er compound Function Ma8or $actor in pre*entin di$$usion o$ air and moisture in tu)eless tyres. $. Side%all Material Ru))er compound Function "rotects $rom lateral scu$$in and the e$$ects o$ the !eather. & .Bead rein'orcement Material Nylon, aramide, steel cord Function Securin the end o$ the steel cord ply on the )ead core. Rein$orcin the )ead a ainst hi h shear $orces. ( .Bead core Material Steel !ire em)edded in ru))er compound Function Ensures the tyre sits $irmly on the rim. $i



Standardi2ed mar-in s

1 Manu'acturer 3)rand name or lo o4 1a Tread pattern re'erence 2 Si)e desi!nation 9%: ; tyre !idth in mm &< ; aspect ratio 3section hei ht to section !idth4 ;&<= R ; radial construction >>.: ; rim diameter 3code4 Ser*ice description consistin o$ %:4 ; load inde( $or sin le $itment %:< ; load inde( $or dual $itment ? ; code letter $or speed ratin


" Country o' manu'acture $ +S load desi!nation o$ sin le@dual $itment and indication o$ ma(. in$lation pressure in psi 3% )ar ; %4.: psi4 $a ,oad ran!e in accordance !ith AS standard & -ata as per +S sa'ety standard on inner construction or num)er o$ plies, in this case Tread: under the tread there are $i*e steel cord plies 3includin carcass4 Side%all: *ie!ed $rom the side there is one steel cord ply 3in this case the carcass ply4

Standardi2ed mar-in s

( T0# 1 Recommended application only 'ontinental +ruc- +yres 2 Re!roo*able +he manu$acturer has desi ned the tyre $or re roo*in 13 Tubeless Tube Type


11 . ; tyres complies !ith *alue set $orth in E'EBR :4 " ; country code $or the country in !hich the appro*al num)er !as issued 3hereC 4 ; Netherlands4 12 -/T 1 Manu'acturer code: D +yre $actory D +yre si2e D +yre model D Date o$ manu$acture

The most important markin!s

Tyre manu'acturin!

+yre manu$acturin
Supplier industries and manu'acturin! compounds steel industry chemical industry 4atural rubber Te5tile industry

Manu'acture o' semi-'inished products

Steel cord Tread strips Te5tile cord Steel bead core Side%all6inner linin!

7ssembly and *ulcani)ation

+he semiB$inished products manu$actured in the *arious indi*idual sta es re$erred to a)o*e are athered on the assem)ly machine and com)ined in t!o sta es 3casin and tread layer4 to $orm a moulded )lan-. Be$ore )ein *ulcani)ed, the 0moulded )lan-E is sprayed !ith a special li.uid. In the *ulcanisation press heat, pressure and time i*e it its $inal shape.

Final 8uality controls and dispatch

/$ter *ulcani2ation, the tyres are chec-ed optically and under o *arious other chec-s. #nce the tyres ha*e passed all the tests, they are ta-en to the deli*ery !arehouse to )e prepared $or dispatch.

Tyre tips
Tread depth +he $ollo!in re.uirements are la! in the ma8ority o$ European countriesC D "neumatic tyres on truc-s and trailers ha*e to $eature tread roo*es round their entire circum$erence and o*er the !hole !idth o$ the tread area. +he main roo*es on truc- tyres ha*e to ha*e a tread depth o$ at least % mm, %.F mm or > mm, dependin on the la! in each country. +he limit in the AK is %mm. #n tyres !ith !ear indicators 3+GI ; +read Gear Indicators4, the tread depth should )e measured in the roo*es !here the !ear indicators are located

Tyre in'lation

+nder in'lation leads to increased $le(in , !hich ma-es the tyre o*erheat and may cause tyre $ailure5 increased !ear ; shorter ser*ice li$e5 hi her rollin resistance and su)se.uently increased $uel consumption5 irre ular !ear.


+hese tyres $eature an additional 0ru))er layerE )et!een the )elt sector and the tread roo*es, !hich is currently )et!een > and 4 mm dependin on the tyre si2e and tread pattern .


Di$$erent users ha*e di$$erent needs so today6s tyre manu$acturer uses a *ariety o$ construction methods and materials. Hor e(ample, a hi h milea e truc- tyre re.uires $ar di$$erent properties to a lo! pro$ile hi h per$ormance car tyre, or motorcycle tyre. / :< per cent reduction in the depth o$ tread on a ne! tyre produces a >< per cent impro*ement on rollin resistance.

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