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Neural Nets Applications


1. What is a Neural Network?
2. Benefit of Neural Networks
3. Structural Levels of Organization

in the Brain 4. Models of a Neuron 5. Network Architectures 6. Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks

7. Existing Applications
8. Possible Applications 9. Experiment I 10. Experiment II 11. Other names for Neural Networks 12. Who are the key player?

What is a Neural Networks(1/5)

Neural networks technology is not trying to produce biological machine but is trying to mimic natures approach in order to mimic some of natures capabilities.

What is a Neural Networks (2/5)

Definition: A neural network is a massively parallel distributed processor that has a natural propensity for storing experiential knowledge and making it available for use.

What is a Neural Networks (3/5)

It resembles the brain in two respects:


Knowledge is acquired by the network through a learning process. Interneuron connection strengths known as synaptic weight are used to store the knowledge.

What is a Neural Networks (4/5)

The Human Brain:

Five to six orders of magnitude slower than silicon logic gates With 60 trillion synapses or connections A highly complex, nonlinear, and parallel computer. Figure 1.1

What is a Neural Networks (5/5)

Benefits of Neural Networks (1/2)


4. 5.

Nonlinearity Input-Output Mapping Adaptivity Evidential Response Contextual Information

Benefits of Neural Networks (2/2)

Fault Tolerance 7. Implementability 8. Uniformity of Analysis and Design 9. Neurobiological Analogy

Structural Levels of Organization in the Brain (1/3)

Figure 1.2 2. Figure 1.3

Structural Levels of Organization in the Brain (2/3)

Structural Levels of Organization in the Brain (3/3)

Models of a Neuron (1/6)

1. 2.

Figure 1.4 Three basic elements of the neuron model:

A set of synapses or connecting links, each of which is characterized by a weight or strength of its own. An adder for summing the input signals, weighted by the respective synapses of the neuron; the operations described here constitute a linear combiner. An activation function for limiting the amplitude of the output of a neuron.

Models of a Neuron (2/6)

Models of a Neuron (3/6)


Mathematical terms:

where: xj: input signals wkj: synaptic weights uk: linear combiner output k:: threshold f() : activation function yk: output signal

u k wkj x j
j 1

and yk f (u k k )

Models of a Neuron (4/6)

4. Types of activation function: a. Threshold function

Models of a Neuron (5/6)

4. Types of activation function: b. Piecewise-linear function

Models of a Neuron (6/6)

4. Types of activation function: c. Sigmoid Function

Network Architecture (1/5)

1. single-layer feedforward network

Network Architecture (2/5)

2. Multilayer feedforward network (fully connected

Network Architecture (3/5)

2. Multilayer feedforward network (partially connected

Network Architecture (4/5)

3. Recurrent networks

Network Architecture (5/5)

4. Lattice Structures

Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (1/5)

AI system

Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (2/5)

a. Representation - use a language of symbol structures to represent both general knowledge about a problem domain of interest and specific knowledge about the solution to the problem.

Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (3/5)

b. Reasoning - the ability to solve the problems - be able to express and solve a broad range of problems and problem types. - be able to make explicit and inplicit information known to it - have a control mechanism that determines which operations to apply to a particular problem.

Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (4/5)

c. Learning - Fig 1.27 - Inductive, rules are from raw data and experience - Deductive, rules are used to determine specific facts

Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks (5/5)

Existing Applications(1/4)
1. Long distance echo adaptive fitter

adaptive noise canceling

2. Mortgage risk evaluator 3. Bomb sniffer

-- JFK airport

Existing Applications(2/4)
4. Process Monitor
-- GTE used in fluorescent bulb plant. -- To determine optimum manufacturing condition. -- To indicate what controls need to be adjusted , and potentially to even shut down the line. -- Statistics could provide same result but with huge data.

Existing Applications(3/4)
5. Word Recognizer --Intel used single speaker on limited vocabulary. 6. Blower Motor Checker --Siemens used to check Blower motor noise is heater. 7. Medical events

Existing Applications(4/4)
8. US postal office for hand written 9. Airline marketing tactician.

Possible Applications(1/6)
1. Biological --Learning more about the brain and other systems --Modeling retina , cochlea 2. Environmental --Analyzing trends and patterns --Forecasting weather

Possible Applications(2/6)
3. Business --Evaluating probability of oil in geological formations --Identifying corporate candidates for special positions --Mining corporate databases --Optimizing airline seating and fee schedules --Recognizing handwritten characters, such as Kanji

Possible Applications(3/6)
4. Financial --Assessing credit risk --Identifying forgeries --Interpreting handwritten forms --Rating investments and analyzing portfolios

Possible Applications(4/6)
5. Manufacturing --Automating robots and control system (with machine vision and sensors for pressure. temperature, gas, etc.) --Controlling production line processes --Inspecting for quality --Selecting parts on an assembly line

Possible Applications(5/6)
6. Medical --Analyzing speech in hearing aids for the profoundly deaf --Diagnosing/prescribing treatments from symptoms --Monitoring surgery --Predicting adverse drug reactions --Reading X-rays --Understanding cause of epileptic seizures

Possible Applications(6/6)
7. Military --Classifying radar signals --Creating smart weapons --Doing reconnaissance --Optimizing use of scarce resources --Recognizing and tracking targets

Experiment I
1. to understand a sentence are




character a time is much larger than one word a time conventional computer processes its input one of a time, working sequentially our eyes look at the whole sentence vowels are missing three different groupings

Experiment II(1/2)
1. Toss a chalk to another one

-- it is hard in dynamics -- estimate the speed , the trajectory, the weight -- in real time -- computer must be faster

Experiment II(2/2)
But -- our brain is lower than computer -- our brain still better than computer Why? parallel processing

Other Names for Artificial Neural Networks

Parallel/distributed processing models Connectivist/connectionism models adaptive systems self-organizing systems Neurocomputing Neuromorphic systems Self-learning systems

Who Are the Key Players? (1/2)

1. Medical and theoretical neurobiologists --Neurophysiology, drug chemistry , molecular biology 2. Computer and information scientists --Information theory 3. Adaptive control theorists/psychologists --Merging learning and control theory

Who Are the Key Players? (2/2)

4. Adaptive systems -- researchers/biologists --Self-organization of living species 5. AI researchers --Machine learning mechanisms

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