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Strategic Management and Strategic Planning

Ma. Corazon P. Rodriguez 1st sem SY 2012-2013

Strategic Management

Strategic Planning

Another version of strategic planning

Still another view

What is mission of an organization?

Example of corporate mission of a service organization

The mission statement centers us and serves as an ever-present reminder for all of us on why our institution exists.

This statement represents our interwoven tripartite mission of excellence in patient care, research and education. Our mission is fundamental to our overall plan because it serves as the guide post by which strategic decisions will be made

Vision statement of the same organization

To be among the best (top 20) academic health centers in the nation in research, medical education, and excellence in patient care.

Examples of mission statement of organizations in travel and tourism

Cathay Pacific

Walt Disney
Mission Statement The mission of The Walt Disney Company is to be one of the world's leading producers and providers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brands to differentiate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the most creative, innovative and profitable entertainment experiences and related products in the world.

Do you want to work in an organization that has this as a mission statement?

Saan galing ang mission/vision statements? Papaano ginagawa ito?

Owners/ heads of organizations Employees Companies history/culture Top-down formulation of mission/vision statements Bottom-up formulation of mission/vision statements

Why mission/vision statements?

SWOT Analysis

Another version of SWOT

What is in SWOT?

SWOT analysis of a tourism destination


Levels of strategies in organizations

Strategy and links in the organization

Papaano nagkakadikit dikit and strategies

Are their levels of strategy formulation in your families?

Corporate growth strategies

For a hotel property what could these growth strategies mean?

Stability strategy
When firms are satisfied with their current rate of growth and profits, they may decide to use a stability strategy. This strategy is essentially a continuation of existing strategies. Such strategies are typically found in industries having relatively stable environments. The firm is often making a comfortable income operating a business that they know, and see no need to make the psychological and financial investment that would be required to undertake a growth strategy.

Retrenchment strategies involve a reduction in the scope of a corporations activities, which also generally necessitates a reduction in number of employees, sale of assets associated with discontinued product or service lines, possi

Retrenchment strategy
Retrenchment strategies involve a reduction of a corporations activities, which necessitates a reduction in the number of employees, sale of assets associated with discontinued product or service lines, possible restructuring of debts through bankruptcy proceedings and/or liquidation of the firm

Why retrenchment?


Focus strategy
The final generic strategy, focusing (also called niche or segmentation strategy), involves concentrating on a particular customer, product line, geographical area, channel of distribution, stage in the production process, or market niche. The underlying premise of the focus strategy is that a firm is better able to serve a limited segment more efficiently than competitors can serve a broader range of customers Focus strategies are most effective when customers have distinctive preferences or specialized needs.

Examples of focus strategy

Renewal Strategies
A corporate renewal strategy, or a corporate turnaround strategy, is a response to a decline in the corporation's performance. If customers start buying less of a company's products, or the company has unexpected cost increases for materials and labor, the corporation can create a strategy to alleviate these problems. Another corporation can buy out a poorly performing firm, and use a corporate renewal strategy to make it more productive.

Boston Consulting Group Matrix

Another representation of BCG

What the boxes mean

BCG and Product Life Cycle

BCG and strategies

Michael Porters 5 Forces Analysis

What competitive strategies can we identify from this model?


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