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Prepared by: Abbas Raza

UMT Lahore

A leader is one who instills purposes, not one who controls by brute force.
A leader strengthens and inspires the followers to accomplish shared goals. Visionary leadership is:

an organizations senior leaders should set directions and create a customer focus, clear and visible values, and high expectations. Your leaders should ensure the creation of strategies, systems, and methods for achieving excellence, stimulating innovation, and building knowledge and capabilities. Senior leaders should inspire and motivate your entire workforce and should encourage all employees to contribute, to develop and learn, to be innovative and to be creative.

UMT Lahore


They give priority attention to external and internal customers and their needs.
They empower, rather than control, subordinates. They emphasize improvement rather than maintenance.

They emphasis prevention. an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure is certainly true.
They encourage collaboration rather than competition. They train and coach, rather than direct and supervise.

UMT Lahore

They learn from problems.
They continually try to improve communications. They continually demonstrate their commitment to quality.

They choose suppliers on the basis of quality, not price.

They establish organizational systems to support quality effort. They encourage and recognize team effort.

UMT Lahore

To be effective, a leader understands that:
People need security and independence at the same time. People are sensitive to external rewards and punishments and yet are also strongly self motivated. People like to hear kind word of praise. People can process only a few facts at a time. People distrust a leaders rhetoric if words are inconsistent with the leaders action.

UMT Lahore


1. Be proactive:
Being proactive means taking responsibility for your life---the ability to choose response to a situation.
Reactive Theres nothing I can do
I have to do that I cant I must Things are getting worse

Proactive Lets look at our alternatives

I will choose an appropriate response I choose I prefer What initiative can we use?

UMT Lahore

2. Begin with the end in mind
If you want to have a successful organization you begin with a plan that will produce the appropriate end; thus leadership is the first creation, and management, the second.

In order to begin with the end in mind, develop a personal philosophy.

Never compromise with honesty Remember the people involved Exercise daily Facilitate the success of subordinates Read a leadership book monthly
UMT Lahore

3. Put first things first
It is the day-by-day , moment-by-moment management of your time. Time Management Matrix
Urgent Important Not Important
I Crises, fire fighting Pressing problems Deadline driven projects III Interruptions Some mails, calls, reports Some meetings Popular activities

Not Urgent
II Prevention Relationship building Recognizing new opportunities Planning, recreation IV Trivia, busy work Time waster Pleasant activities

UMT Lahore

4. Think win-win
Win-win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win-win embraces five interdependent dimensions of life------character, relationships, agreements, systems and processes.

UMT Lahore

5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood
Empathetic listening is the key to effective communication. The essence of empathic listening is not that you agree with someone; its that you fully , deeply understand that person emotionally as well as intellectually.

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6. Synergy
Synergy means that the whole is greater than the parts.

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7. Sharpen the saw
Habit 7 is taking time to sharpen the saw so it will cut faster. Its renewing the four dimensions of your nature-----physical, spiritual, mental, social/emotional.

UMT Lahore



1. Create and publish the aims and the purposes of the organization
Organization must develop a long term view of at least ten years and plan to stay in business by setting long range goals. Resources must be allocated for research, training, and continuing education to achieve the goals.

UMT Lahore


2. Learn the new philosophy
Top management and everyone must learn new philosophy. Organizations must seek never ending improvement and refuse to accept nonconformance. The organization must concentrate on defect prevention rather than defect detection. Everyone in the organization, including the union must be involved in the quality journey and change his or her attitude about quality.

UMT Lahore


3. Understand the purpose of inspection
For the most part, mass inspection is costly and unreliable, where appropriate, it should be replaced by never ending improvement using statistical techniques.

UMT Lahore


4. Stop awarding business based on price alone
The organization must stop awarding business on the low bid, because price has no meaning without quality.

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5. Improve constantly and forever the system
Management must take more responsibility for problems by actively findings and correcting problems so that quality and productivity are continually and permanently improved and costs are reduced.

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6. Institute training
Management must allocate resources to train employees to perform their jobs in the best manner possible.

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7. Teach and institute leadership
Improving supervision is the managements responsibility. They must provide supervisors with training in statistical methods and these 14 points so the new philosophy can be implemented. All communication must be clear from top management to supervisors to operators.

UMT Lahore


8. Drive out fear, create trust, and create a climate for innovation
Management must encourage open, effective communication and teamwork. Driving fear out of the workplace involves managing for success.

When people are treated with dignity, fear can be eliminated.

UMT Lahore


9. Optimize the efforts of teams, groups, and staff areas
Management must optimize the efforts of teams, work groups, and staff areas to achieve the aims and purposes of the organization.

UMT Lahore


10. Eliminate exhortations for the work force
Exhortations that ask for increased productivity without providing specific improvement methods can handicap an organization. Goals should be set that are achievable. Improvements in the process can not be made unless the tools and methods are unavailable.

UMT Lahore


11a. Eliminate numerical quotas for the work force
Instead of quotas, management must learn and institute methods for improvement. Quotas and work standards focus on quantity rather than quality.

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11b. Eliminate management by objective
Instead of management by objective, management must learn the capabilities of the processes and how to improve them.

UMT Lahore


12. Remove the barriers that rob the people out of pride of workmanship
Loss of pride in the workmanship exists throughout the organization because: i. Workers do not know how to relate to organizations mission

iii. iv.

They are being blamed for systems problems

Poor design lead to production of junk Inadequate training is provided


Inadequate or ineffective equipment is provided for performing the required work

UMT Lahore


13. Encourage education and self improvement for everyone
A long term commitment to continuously train and educate the people must be made by the management.

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14. Take action to accomplish the transformation
Management has to accept the primary responsibility for never ending improvement of the process. Management must be committed, involved, and accessible if the organization is to succeed in implementing the new philosophy.

UMT Lahore



Senior management must practice the philosophy of Management by Wandering Around (MBWA).
Senior management must stay informed on the topic of quality improvement by reading books and articles, attending seminars and talking to TQM leaders.

The needed resources must be provided to train the employees in the TQM tools and techniques, technical requirements of the job, safety.
Senior managers must find time to celebrate the success of their organizations quality efforts by personally participating in award and recognition ceremonies.

UMT Lahore


Senior managers must be visibly and actively engaged in the quality effort by serving on teams, coaching teams, and teaching seminars.
A very important role of senior managers is to listening to internal and external customers and suppliers through visits, focus groups, and surveys.

Another very important role is communication.

UMT Lahore


The TQM implementation process begins with senior management, and most important, the CEOs commitment.
Senior management needs to be educated in TQM concepts. Timing of the implementation process can be very important. The next step is the formation of quality council. The active involvement of middle managers and first line supervisors is essential to the success of TQM effort.

If there is a union, there should be early discussion with the representatives on TQM.
Everyone needs to be trained in quality awareness and problem solving.
UMT Lahore


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