Journalism 658: Communication Research Methods: Prof. Dhavan Shah

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Journalism 658: Communication Research Methods

Prof. Dhavan Shah

1. Basic grounding in research methodology for Undergrads:
Journalism and Strategic Communication Investigative, analytic, and evaluative

Graduate students: Foundation for thesis and dissertation research

Introduction to range of research methods

2. Evaluating and critiquing research

3. Hands-on research experience Group project - analysis of existing data

Babbie, E. (2007). The Practice of Social Research. 11th ed.
Reserve Readings: Journalism Reading Room and PDFs Notes available from class website: Look under the class link for 658

2 In-class exams:
Midterm (40 points) Final (40 points)

Take-home final
Receive in class and due at final (20 points)

Ungraded assignments

Brief assignments provided in class

Most will not be graded, but I may spot check

Definitions, scenarios, and discussion points

Class Research Project

Existing survey data
2006 DDB Life Style Study Relationships between media use and relevant outcomes Linkage of message to attitudes and behaviors Sample of adults collected from across the nation Will meet with groups next week to discuss interests

Cluster you into groups based on common themes

Class Project Assignments

Concept Explication Assignment 20 points, due week 6
Research Question/Hypotheses Assignment
20 point, due week 12

Statistical Analysis Assignment 20 points, due week 14

Group Presentations
20 minute presentations:
Framework and results of class project 40 points toward final grade

Peer evaluation
Each group members evaluates each other member Consider all aspects of project work 25 points toward final grade

Class Participation
Small Class requires full participation
25 points - OR Ten percent of your overall grade Should be speaking up in class, engaging in small group activities,

offering your perspective or opinion, asking questions Also means being a respectful listener to other
Posting relevant materials to the class listserv also counts
Good way for those who are shy about speaking out in class to engage

Academic Misconduct
Harsh penalties (course failure referral to Dean of Students):
Cheating Plagiarism Falsification of data

250 points
Collective Grading (curve adjustments) Basic curve:

93-100% 88-92% 83-88% 78-83% 73-78% 68-73% below 68%


Why Research Methods?

1. Testing claims, observations, explanations, arguments,
2. Solving practical problems 3. Increasing knowledge and understanding

4. Honing precision of knowledge

5. Inherently interesting 6. Research ubiquity

7. Growing permeation in communication careers

Contexts of Communication Research

A. Advertising
B. Public Relations C. Marketing

D. Public Opinion
E. Political Campaigns F. Health Communication

G. Research Consulting
H. Interest Group Research I. Academic Research

A. Advertising Research
Consumer research
Establishing target market Demographic, Geographic, Psychographic analyses

Media research Diagnostic research Campaign evaluation

Media Research Firms

A. Advertising Research
Consumer research
Media research Diagnostic research Campaign evaluation

Advertising Research
Large agencies have their own research departments
Independent advertising research firms Advertising research databases

Advertising Agencies

Advertising Research Firms and Data Centers

B. Public Relations Research

Image assessment
Public opinion assessment Media image assessment content analysis Campaign assessment

Public Relations Firms

C. Marketing Research
Product research
Product feasibility, performance testing, market testing

Pricing analysis

Distribution efficiency
Promotion analysis (Ad/PR research)

Marketing Research Firms and Associations

D. Public Opinion Research

Describing public opinion (opinion polls)
Predicting election outcomes Understanding public opinion dynamics/processes

Public Opinion Research Firms and Media Polls

Gallup Poll Presidential Approval

E. Political Campaign Research

Candidate viability/image assessment
Strategy/opinion assessment Ad campaign analyses Fund raising

Political Campaign Research Consulting Firms

F. Health Communication Research

Community-based campaigns
E.g., heart health, cancer, anti-smoking, anti-drugs, safe sex Implementation and evaluation research

G. Consulting Research
Research consulting in a variety of communication fields

H. Interest Group Research

Watchdog groups, public service groups
Non-profit organizations Advocacy groups, interest groups

Interest Group Research Examples

I. Academic Research
Social science disciplines engaging in communication research:
Mass communication, psychology, sociology, political science,

linguistics/rhetoric, etc.
Research tools:
Experiments, surveys, content analysis, focus groups, participant

observation, field studies, textual analysis

Becoming a competent researcher

Mastering basic concepts and principles
Following systematic procedures
Striving for objectivity

Having good research questions

Using the right tool to answer the question Testing underlying explanations

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