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Mechanical Advantage

and Efficiency
Chapter 5 Section 2
Page 160
What is a Machine?
• Machine- a device with which you can do
work in a way that is easier or more
• A machine makes work easier by changing
the amount of force you exert, the
distance over which you exert your
force, or the direction in which you
exert your force
• Input force- force you exert on the
machine that does work (effort force)
• Output force- force exerted by the
machine (resistance force)
 Multiplying  Multiplying Changing
Force Distance Direction
• Work= force x • Some S o m e
distance machines, m a ch in e s
• If work stays the input force d on ’t
same, is greater m u ltip ly
decrease in than e ith e r fo rce
force must output o r d ista n ce
mean an force R a isin g a sa il
increase in • Hitting a Pu lle y
distance hockey

• You do as much puck
work with the • Waving a
machine as paper fan
you would
without the

Advantage of
M e ch a n ica l
A d v a n ta g e o f

Advantage of
Multiplying C h a n g in g Multiplying
Force D ire ctio n Distance
If only the • For a machine
• A machine’s
mechanical direction of a that
force changes, multiplies
advantage is the input force
the number distance, the
will be the same output force
of times a as the output
force exerted force. is less than
on a machine the input
is multiplied M.A. = 1
by the
machine • Mechanical
(ratio of Advantage
output force less than 1
to input • Input of 20N,
force) output of 10
• Mechanical N, M.A. = .5N
Mechanical Advantage
Efficiency of Machines
 Calculating Efficiency

• The less friction there is, • To calculate efficiency of a

the closer the output machine, divide the
work is to the input work. output work by the input
work and multiply the
• Efficiency of a machine result by 100%
compares the output
work to the input work • Efficiency = output work /
input work x 100%
• Efficiency is expressed as a
• Actual mechanic advantage-
the mechanical advantage
• that a machine provides
in a real situation
• Ideal mechanical advantage-
mechanical advantage of
a machine without friction
• The more efficient a
machine, the closer it is
actual mechanical
Efficiency Problem
• You cut the lawn with a hand lawn
mower. You do 250,000 J of work to
move the mower. If the work done
by the mower in cutting the lawn is
200,000 J, what is the efficiency of
Efficiency = .8 x 100%
the mower?
Output Work
= 80%

• Efficiency = ----------------- X 100%

Input Work
200,000 N
Efficiency = ----------------- X 100%
250,000 N

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