E-Commerce: Bidyut Biplab Das (13bsp0177) Harshit Bansal (13bsp0279) Ishita Chadha (13bsp0304)

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Bidyut Biplab Das(13bsp0177) Harshit Bansal(13bsp0279) Ishita Chadha(13bsp0304)

What is E-commerce
Distributing, buying, selling and ar!eting pr"du#ts and ser$i#es "$er ele#tr"ni# syste s %&business '"r #" er#ial transa#ti"ns In$"l$es supply #hain anage ent, e& ar!eting, "nline ar!eting, %DI (ses ele#tr"ni# te#hn"l"gy su#h as) & Internet & %*tranet+Intranet & ,r"t"#"ls

E-commerce as the Networked Economy


$alue largely thr"ugh gathering, synthesi-ing and distributi"n "' in'"r ati"n ."r ulate strategies that a!e anage ent "' the enterprise and te#hn"l"gy #"n$ergent C" pete in real ti e rather than in /#y#le ti e0 1perate in a 2"rld #hara#teri-ed by l"2 barriers t" entry, near&-er" $ariable #"sts "' "perati"n and shi'ting #" petiti"n 1rgani-e res"ur#es ar"und the de and side rather than supply side 3anage better relati"nships 2ith #ust" ers thr"ugh te#hn"l"gy

E-commerce Today
4he Internet all"2s big businesses t" a#t li!e s all "nes and s all businesses t" a#t big5 4he #hallenge t" businesses is t" a!e transa#ti"ns n"t 6ust #heaper and easier '"r the sel$es but als" easier and "re #"n$enient '"r #ust" ers and suppliers5 It7s "re than 6ust p"sting a ni#e l""!ing 8eb site 2ith l"ts "' #ute ani ati"ns and e*pe#ting #ust" ers and suppliers t" 'igure it "ut 8eb&based s"luti"ns ust be easier t" use and "re #"n$enient than traditi"nal eth"ds i' a #" pany h"pes t" attra#t and !eep #ust" ers

E-commerce of last decade

A E-commerce system

Four Categories of E-Commerce

Business originating from... Business Consumers

Business And selling to...






Distinct Categories of E-Commerce

Business to Business (B2B) refers to the full spectrum of e-commerce that can occur between two organizations. This includes purchasing and procurement, supplier management, inventory management, channel management, sales activities, payment management &service and support. Examples !ree"ar#ets, $ell and %eneral Electric Business to Consumer (B2C) refers to exchanges between business and consumers, activities trac#ed are consumer search, fre&uently as#ed &uestions and service and support. Examples 'mazon, (ahoo and )harles *chwab & )o

Distinct Categories of E-Commerce (contd)

Peer to Peer (C2C) exchanges involve transactions between and among consumers. These can include third party involvement, as in the case of the auction website Ebay. Examples ,wners.com, )raiglist, "onster Consumer to Business (C2B) involves when consumers band together to present themselves as a buyer in group. Example www.planetfeedbac#.com


Key Dri ers of E-commerce

4e#hn"l"gi#al 9 degree "' ad$an#e ent "' tele#" uni#ati"ns in'rastru#ture ,"liti#al 9 r"le "' g"$ern ent, #reating legislati"n, 'unding and supp"rt :"#ial 9 I4 s!ills, edu#ati"n and training "' users %#"n" i# 9 general 2ealth and #" er#ial health "' the nati"n

A!!eal of E-commerce
; <"2er transa#ti"n #"sts & i' an e&#" er#e site is i ple ented 2ell, the 2eb #an signi'i#antly l"2er b"th "rder&ta!ing #"sts up 'r"nt and #ust" er ser$i#e #"sts ; <arger pur#hases per transa#ti"n & = a-"n "''ers a 'eature that n" n"r al st"re "''ers ; Integrati"n int" the business #y#le ; ,e"ple #an sh"p in di''erent 2ays5 4he ability t" build an "rder "$er se$eral days
> 4he ability t" #"n'igure pr"du#ts and see a#tual pri#es > 4he ability t" easily build #" pli#ated #ust" "rders > 4he ability t" #" pare pri#es bet2een ultiple $end"rs easily > 4he ability t" sear#h large #atal"gs easily


; <arger #atal"gs ; I pr"$ed #ust" er intera#ti"ns & #" pany5


"imitations of E-commerce
; 4" "rgani-ati"ns) la#! "' se#urity, reliability, standards, #hanging te#hn"l"gy, pressure t" inn"$ate, #" petiti"n, "ld $s5 ne2 te#hn"l"gy ; 4" #"nsu ers) e?uip ent #"sts, a##ess #"sts, !n"2ledge, la#! "' pri$a#y '"r pers"nal data, relati"nship repla#e ent ; 4" s"#iety) less hu an intera#ti"n, s"#ial di$isi"n, relian#e "n te#hn"l"gy, 2asted res"ur#es, @I4 anu'a#turing


#enefits and Challenges of E-commerce

Benefits Benefits
Persistent Persistent connection connection with with customers customers New New value value for for customers customers Access Access to to new new customers customers Scalability Scalability

Challenges Challenges
Cannibalization Cannibalization Channel Channel conflict conflict Customer Customer confusion confusion Investor Investor confusion confusion


E-commerce s$ E-%&siness
%&#" er#e is ab"ut d"ing business ele#tr"ni#ally %&#" er#e #"ndu#ting 'inan#ial transa#ti"ns ele#tr"ni#ally %&business is #"ndu#ting business "n the Internet %&business is the trans'"r ati"n "' business pr"#esses thr"ugh the Internet


#enefits of E-commerce
; 4" #"nsu ers) 24+7 a##ess, "re #h"i#es, pri#e #" paris"ns, i pr"$ed deli$ery, #" petiti"n ; 4" "rgani-ati"ns) Internati"nal ar!etpla#e (gl"bal rea#h), #"st sa$ings, #ust" i-ati"n, redu#ed in$ent"ries, digiti-ati"n "' pr"du#ts+ser$i#es ; 4" s"#iety) 'le*ible 2"r!ing pra#ti#es, #"nne#ts pe"ple, deli$ery "' publi# ser$i#es

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