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a lifestyle.

Sanjay Josshi & Associates

Site location & public transportation

Site is giving opportunity to explore the river view with a chance to give a new sky line to Surat city.. Site is located in quite zone with lush green road edge , with low density of building around and more of open green plots around. Gauravpath is one of the developed road by SMC which connect Surat edge to the city centre . Big bazzar, Iscon mall Valetine multiplex, Rajhans theater .. Are landmark buildings of Surat city giving commercial and entertainment facility to city people. Site is accessible to Gauravpath directly through one internal road. And only 5 km. From air-port.


Storm/ Rain water design & quality (Zero runoff ) : Annual rainfall of SURAT = 36 app.. Site area = 209857.034 square ft. Annual rainwater collection on site = 17.9 lacks liters app.. 12 to 15 % of water will be penetrate through ground from pervious layer of landscaped area demarcated in drawing. Actual rainwater can be stored on site = 15.2 lacks liters app... 5.


There are possible three systems adopted for rain harvesting : Roof top rain water harvesting & reusing it for landscape irrigation & WC flushing purpose after recycling process.

Artificial ground water recharge

Preamble paver in landscaped area

Chart showing type of rainwater collection & percolation

Storm/ Rain water design & quality (Zero runoff ) :


A Grease trap will be essential where rainwater runoff has oil or grease

Storm/ Rain water design & quality (Zero runoff ) :


5. 4.

Recharging ground water system

Storm/ Rain water design & quality (Zero runoff ) :

Indirect recharge filter for bore well


Storm/ Rain water design & quality (Zero runoff ) :

Roof top rainwater harvesting system


Preamble paver system:

About system:
Preamble paving used to reduce storm water run off and to allow rain water to penetrate in ground. WHY IT IS REQUIRED .? Increased Imperviousness:

Hard paving has led to increased imperviousness on site, which has resulted in increased storm water run-off during rains causing flooding and its associated unhygienic environs. they also have drastically reduced the infiltration potential of the ground, thus adversely affecting the natural recharging process of the ground water table.
This presents a two-pronged effect where flooding is a water surplus issue and reduced percolation is a water shortage issue. Impervious surfaces also collect massive organic and in organic pollutants in various forms which get washed away along with storm water runoff. this runoff gets stagnated in habituated areas acting as propagation media for numerous pathogens spreading water-borne/related diseases apart from heavy metals. pollutant-laden runoff has been responsible for 30% groundwater contamination and almost all surface water bodies are polluted. lack of filtration channelsalbeit natural or manmade, has resulted in this situation.

Preamble paver system:

Higher ambient temperatures: SURAT City temperature has already crossed 42 `c in peak of summer.due to lack of trees, shrubs and other plants to shade the buildings, pavements etc. Buildings and pavements made of dark materials absorbs solar radiation excessively causing the temperature of the surface and increasing air temperature . Higher energy consumption: Higher ambient temperatures in urban heat island(UHI) lead to greater demand for air- conditioning resulting in higher power consumptions. Also for this increased demand of power, more fossil fuels are burnt in power plants; they increase both the pollution level and energy costs. Further more on an average demand for electrical power rises by 3% for every 1 degree Celsius change in the ambient temperature.

Poor air quality: UHI also reduces the air quality by increasing percentage of pollution in air. Pollution is created by photochemical reactions of pollutants in the air. These reactions are more likely to occur and intensify at higher temperatures.

Preamble paver system: What are the factors to be considered..? Two factors are considered when designing pervious paving: Runoff collection Percolation Providing adequate infiltration and temporary storage Preventing sediment, oils, and greases from reaching the permeable pavement surface where they have the potential to clog. Completed permeable pavement installation must have a slope less than 0.5%.



1. Paver system increasing infiltration rate of water 2. Typical section to lay pervious paver courses 3. Grass paver view

Preamble paver system:

1. Type of preamble paver material 2. Process of water penetration from grass paver surface to sub soil surface. 1.

How to Maintain..? Pervious paving is easier to maintain in areas where access to the paving is limited or controlled and where paving maintenance can be incorporated as part of a program of routine site maintenance. The following general maintenance measures should be taken up Post signs identifying porous pavement areas. Keep landscaped areas well-maintained and prevent soil from being transported onto the pavement. Clean the surface using vacuum sweeping machines. Monitor regularly to ensure that the paving surface drains properly after storms. Inspect the surface annually for deterioration.



Roof top rain water harvesting & reusing system advantages :

In the system, water is collected in tanks through rain water pipe with a provision for discarding water after the first rainfall so that dust, soot etc. Are drained away. The water tank is located in an area which is protected from contamination by any other water. The water should not be allowed to stagnate for a long period, and it must be chlorinated appropriately.

This water will be used for irrigation purpose in landscaped area =56721.648 square ft.
Considering thumb rule : 5 liters/SMT water required for landscaped area .. Total consumption of water for landscaped irrigation purpose will be 26,346.00 lit/per day If total stored rain water is treated & used for irrigation purpose site will survive 58 days with out municipal supply of water

Diagrammatic study of rainwater harvesting system on site :


Grass swales running throughout site corner Rainwater storage tank

Landscaped area

Health club Rainwater infiltration tank

Adj. plot

Adj. plot Rainwater pipe will Collect water from terrace

Site constructed surface slope ridge line

Bldg - A

Bldg - B

Constructed surface


Water body for collection surface run off water

Waste water management and reuse of recycled water : Waste water calculation for Bldg.- A

WATER CONSUMPTION = 22 X 4920 BY TOTAL TYPICAL FLOOR =108240 lit/day (22 FLOORS) Waste water calculation for Bldg.- B WATER CONSUMPTION = 2(NO. OF PERSON X PER CAPITA WATER REQUIREMENT + SERVANT ROOM WATER REQUIREMENT) PER EACH TYPICAL FLOOR = 2 (10 X 200 + 60) = 4120 lit/day WATER CONSUMPTION = 22 X 4120 BY TOTAL TYPICAL FLOOR = 90640 lit/day (22 FLOORS) Total waste water generation by residential units =108240 + 90640 = 1,98,880 lit/day

Waste water management and reuse of recycled water : Waste water calculation ground, first floor for Bldg.- A &B WATER CONSUMPTION PER TWO FLOORS) = 2(2 X SERVANT ROOM WATER REQUIREMENT) = 240 lit/day

WATER CONSUMPTION BY 3RD FLOOR (COMMON AMINITIES FLOORS) BANQUET HALL :(500 PERSON CAPACITY) WC WATER CONSUMPTION = 50 X 15 = 750 lit/week HAND WASH = 500 x 2 = 1000 lit /week Total waste water generation by banquet hall =1750 /7= 250 lit/day Total waste water generation by Indoor games & offices area = 300 lit/day TOTAL WASTE GENERATION FROM BOTH BLDG = 1,98,880 + 240+1000+250+300 = 200670 lit/day

Diagrammatic study of waste water treatment system on site :

Toilet location



Drainage lin e connected leading to sewage treatment plan STP : SEWAGE TREATMENT PLAN Adj. plot
Wind direction is important factor while locating stp, to avoid bed odor from treatment system.

Adj. plot



About system: 1. Bar Screening :- The influent sewage water is strained to remove all large objects carried in the sewage stream, such as rags, sticks, tampons, cans, fruit, etc. which can damage or clog the pump. Pre treatment may include a sand or grit channel or chamber (sometimes called a de-grittier) where the velocity of the incoming wastewater is carefully controlled to allow sand, grit and stones to settle, the sand and grit is sent to a landfill. 2. Settling Tank :- In the primary sedimentation stage, sewage flows through large tanks, commonly called "primary clarifiers" or "primary sedimentation tanks". The tanks are large enough that sludge can settle and floating material such as grease and oils can rise to the surface and be skimmed off. 3. Aeration tank :- It is designed to substantially degrade the biological content of the sewage such as are derived from human waste, food waste, soaps and detergent. For this to be effective, the biota require both oxygen and a substrate on which to live.

STP : SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM About system: 4. Clarifier :- The rotating disks support the growth of bacteria and micro-organisms present in the sewage, which breakdown and stabilise organic pollutants. To be successful, micro-organisms need both oxygen to live and food to grow. Oxygen is obtained from the atmosphere as the disks rotate. As the micro-organisms grow, they build up on the media until they are sloughed off due to shear forces provided by the rotating discs in the sewage. Effluent from the RBC is then passed through final clarifiers where the microorganisms in suspension settle as a sludge. The sludge is withdrawn from the clarifier for further treatment.

5. Disinfection :- The purpose of disinfection in the treatment of wastewater is to substantially reduce the number of microorganisms in the water to be discharged back into the environment. Chlorine and Ultraviolet rays can be used for this process.
6. The remaining Sludge can be used as landfill material or use as biomass in gasifier to generate electricity .It can decrease power consumption of STP plant. 7. The recycled water can be used for landscaping and flushing purpose.




Adj. plot

Adj. plot


Service entry to the site Garbage collection route At ground floor




Natural daylight / ventilation / views



88 % OPENINGS TOWARDS NORTH Direct light Double layer glass

Diffuse light Reflective light colored surface



Solar street lighting system

What is photovoltaic process..?

Photovoltaic conversion is the direct conversion of sunlight into electricity by means of solar cells.
A solar cell is a semi-conducting device made of silicon or other materials, which, when exposed to sunlight, generates electricity. The magnitude of the electric current generated depends on the intensity of the solar radiation, exposed area of the solar cell, the type of material used in fabricating the solar cell, and ambient temperature. The main advantage of solar photovoltaic devices is that they can produce power from microwatts up to kilowatts. To obtain desired voltages and currents, individual cells are connected in series and parallel to form a module. A number of modules are interconnected to form an array. Based on the power requirement, arrays of appropriate sizes are used.

Solar street lighting system

What is Solar street lighting system ? A solar street-lighting system (SLS) is an outdoor lighting unit used to illuminate a street or an open area. A CFL is fixed inside a luminaries which is mounted on a pole. The PV module is placed at the top of the pole, and a battery is placed in a box at the base of the pole. The module is mounted facing south, so that it receives solar radiation throughout the day, without any shadow falling on it.

A typical street-lighting system consists of a PV module of 74 Wp capacity, a flooded leadacid battery of 12 V, 75 AH capacity, and a CFL of 11 W rating. This system is designed to operate from dusk to dawn (that is, throughout the night). The CFL automatically lights up when the surroundings become dark and switches off around sunrise time.

COST : The cost of an SLS is about Rs 19 000. Variations in the cost are possible on account of local taxes, additional transportation costs, etc.

Solar lighting system:

Colour indicated area with solar street lights Solar pv panels installation on parking shed & terrace of gym & health club

Adj. plot

Adj. plot

Solar lighting:
Above fig. showing solar street light with two photovoltaic panels above to store solar energy & convert it in to electricity.


Fire protection system: Sprinkler system

What is sprinkler system ..? Sprinklers work on the basic understanding that the best way to control a fire is to put water on it at the earliest possible moment! Sprinkler systems do exactly that. How this system works ..? A sprinkler system consists of a network of sprinkler heads connected to water pipes. Each sprinkler head operates independently. The activation of a sprinkler head is a simple process.

Each sprinkler head contains a glass bulb or a fusible link. The bulb contains a liquid and a quantity of vapor. The liquid expands under the influence of heat as do the fusible link heads. When the temperature reaches a certain level typically at 680c it will expand the liquid and break the bulb or fusible link, which in turn releases water directly onto the seat of the fire. The hot gases from a fire will make the sprinkler operate. A fire creates a narrow plume of hot air and gasses that rise to the ceiling and spread out. These hot gasses activate the sprinkler head at the correct temperature.
At the point where the water enters the sprinkler system there is a valve. This can be used to turn off the water for maintenance. If a sprinkler opens and water flows through the valve it lets water into another pipe that causes a bell to ring automatically setting off an alarm. The areas protected vary between 10m2 and 20m2.

Fire protection system: Sprinkler system

Why to use Public address system ..? Public Address System is effective in case of fire, enabling proper evacuation of people in the premises. Passing mass message is possible. In normal conditions can be used for entertainment purposes like playing music.

How this system works ..?

A public address or "PA" system is an electronic amplification system with a mixer, amplifier and loudspeakers, used to reinforce a given sound, e.g., a person making a speech, prerecorded music, or message, and distributing the sound to the general public around a building.

Fire alarm system : fire detection system WHAT IS FIRE DETECTION SYSTEM ..? In high rise building there is fire occurred at any floor than it is necessary to evacuate total building for safety system , fire detection system identify exact location of fire occurrence and message transform to fire controller . Heat detector Optical smoke detector Wire less smoke detector

Heat detector

Optical smoke detector

Wireless smoke detector

Energy saving by this system:

Comparison of Wireless With Wired Smoke Detection / Security Systems

Wireless smoke detector panel

NO wiring and conduiting works on radio waves. Lot of concealed wiring is required in case of wired system. Each detector works as a independently unit. So in case of non working of particular detector it does not have any effect on the system. But in case of Wired System Complete zone / system becomes effected due to damaging of wire or failure of connection. Very competitive prices of wireless panel. Wired panel with equal nos. of zones cost five times more than the wireless panel. Saving of cost from 10 to 60 % at the time of installations and 90% saving in running cost. Easy testing while every time it is practically not possible to test the system by generating smoke. A test button is available with each wireless smoke detectors and just pressing the button is sufficient for working of detector, panel and emitter. In case of non working / failure of main control panel in wired system whole system will be held up. But the complete system will be working in case of non working of panel.

Lighting control system

Here are the example of aura IWS/IWD is a in-wall switching system, which offers the flexibility of controlling incandescent, halogen, fluorescent, CFLs and also the speed of fans through group scene controlled by remote. A multichannel controller with maximum load of 550W & 1800W per channel it can operate a combination of ceiling fan and light fixtures.

Key features

Dimming Saving On power up last scene recall. 10% Delay turn on. 25% Over voltage and under voltage protection (330>73 v) 50% Over current protection 75% Capacitor base hum free fan speed control restarting facility against high electrostatic discharge (esd) and electrical over stress (eos). 60 scenes with non-volatile data memory Soft turn on User programmable fade times of up to 0 - 99 sec. 5 speed fan control seamless av integration with touch screens to enable full light and vision control

Life Enhancement 2 times 4 times 20 times > 20 times

Electricity 10% 20% 40% 60%

Vertical circulation system: Lifts Company name : KONE Product : Machine room less lift Energy saving through elevators..? KONE products and services provide outstanding energy-efficient performance. KONE can provide an energy life-cycle analysis report specific to project's vertical transportation that demonstrates the energy savings over the base building and system model. Machine-room-less elevators of KONE having stand-by energy saving capabilities. Additional energy-efficient features such as LED lights in the elevator cabins are also improvements which will allow a total reduction of 30% in energy consumption. KONE elevators and escalators contain recycled steel, aluminum, plastic, rubber and glass. Furthermore, nearly 95% of KONE elevators and escalators are recyclable. elevators and escalators contribute to the whole-building energy savings as a non-regulated system.

KONE solutions avoid exposure of building occupants to potentially hazardous levels of VOCs that can adversely impact air quality.
KONE utilizes low-level VOC adhesives and sealants, paints and coatings, carpet systems, and composite wood and agro-fiber products in all its solutions.

KONE elevator and escalator solutions limit building occupant exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals.

CO2 sensors for car park exhaust

What is CO2 sensors..?

(duct mount) (wall mount)

It is a controller with built-in sensors to monitor at the same time carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. With these parameters, the programmable unit can control, for example, ventilation rates, and generate alarm signals for personal safety devices It can be designed for both standalone operation, as well as being connected to larger building aation systems. How this system works ..? It combines CO and CO2 measurements which not just guarantees public safety, but also saves energy when applied to Demand Controlled Ventilation. There is also possibility to regulate ventilation systems stand-alone, as well as being just a sensor in a larger system. To cover larger spaces, several sensors could be joint in a simple relay loop and together control an intermittent two-speed exhaust fan.

CO2 sensors for car park exhaust

(duct mount)

(wall mount)

Internal CO and CO2 recorder samples data continuously every 20 minutes. After 13 days and 8 hours the storage memory is full and the oldest data are eventually overwritten one by one. The data storage is secured every four hours.

Energy efficiency by using this system: In the area like public parking or in basement CO2 generation is more , ventilation rates is low .this system can be very efficient to maximize required ventilation flow through mechanical exhaust system , thus it provides safety to human health. Maintenance: Products available in markets are Maintenance free more than 5 years.

Power failure alternatives : Why to use stand by power generation system ..? In case of power supply cut this system is used to get required amount of uninterrupted power supply.

How this system works ..? Stand alone power generation, using grid interactive inverters with & without batteries. Solar panels will be used to generate electricity , it will be stored to battery.

Energy saving by this system: Abundant solar radiation is available in most parts of India. Hence, SPV systems can be used anywhere in the country. SPV systems are modular in nature. Hence, they can be expanded as desired and used for small and large applications. There are no running costs associated with SPV systems, as solar radiation is free Silent, non-Polluting and renewable. Savings in Electricity bills.

Material efficiency
Building components Energy efficient contents

Plain cement concrete

Paver blocks Walls

Fly Ash content in cement

Fly Ash content in cement, pervious in nature Fly Ash bricks / Aerated light weight concrete blocks like SIPOREX and ECOLITE blocks . Fly Ash content in mortar. Low VOC paints Filler slabs made of Terra-cotta pots / plates to reduce concrete volume and heat gain from ceiling U-PVC frames Particle board U-PVC frames Double layer reflective glass to reduce heat gain from window Particle board (made of saw-dust)/ Mineral fiber/ cellulose fibers Fly Ash bricks / Aerated light weight concrete blocks like SIPOREX and ECOLITE blocks . Fly Ash content in mortar. Natural Stone Cladding. Low VOC paints Use of Particle Board Reused furniture

Ceiling Doors Windows False ceiling Compound wall

Furniture of Common area

FLY ASH as recycle content

What is fly ash..?

Fly ash is a waste residue of coal after burning. It can be mixed with cement as construction material. Why it is energy efficient? No adverse impact on corrosion of reinforcement steel. Reduce green house gas emission. Solves serious waste disposal problem faced by power generation industry. Conserves natural raw materials.


FLY ASH as recycle content

Autoclaved Aerated light weight concrete Blocks (ACC Blocks) What is AAC BLOCK..? It is primarily a mixture of cement, lime, water and sand/fly ash that expands by adding aluminum powder. Why it is energy efficient? ACC blocks are seven times the size of traditional bricks. This results in substantial savings in Cement due to fewer joints compared to brick work and finished plaster work. ACC blocks are factory finished with precise edges & shapes, this result in economical POP or Putty finish and much reduced plaster cost. Due to light weight and low density, overall dead load reduces, thus saving structural steel consumption compared to conventional masonry. Faster construction gives higher work productivity. It covers greater area for the same mass of brick used thus saves on transportation costs and conserves precious fuel. No Frog or depression is required as in traditional bricks as ACC blocks composition is similar to mortar, reducing the mortar consumption.

U-PVC Doors and Windows :

Why it is energy efficient? Perfect insulation - Keeps the cold out and the warmth in during winter vice versa in summer - Double glazing available if requested that can offer the ultimate in insulation Highly hygienic: Keeps dust, polling, wind and bacteria out while closed Virtually no maintenance required - No painting - No sanding - No warping Fully recyclable Modern uPVC is not effected by wind, dust particles, sun UV and other natural elements Termite Resistance. Impact Resistance Fire Resistance Corrosion Resistance UV Stability or Efficient Thermal insulation

U-PVC Doors and Windows : Double Layer Glass Windows : In this type of glazing the air gap between two glasses act as insulation layer and reduce heat gain Why is energy efficient? Decrease solar transmission Transmit less ultra-violet rays Increase A.C. efficiency Visible transmission is less so comfortable day lighting increase human efficiency and better environment inside building.

Low VOC Paints:

Paints can have a major impact on the overall aesthetics of a space; sometimes more than even flooring and furnishings because of the enormous square footage of coverage. Paints may also have a major negative impact on the healthfulness of a building, because they can contain chemicals called VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and other toxic components which evaporate into the air and are harmful for the health of the occupants as well as to the environment. VOC refers to a class of chemicals which evaporate readily at room temperature. They are in all oil-based paints as solvents. Many latex paints (which use water as the solvent or carrier) also contain VOCs as part of their paint chemistry. When these VOCs off-gas, they may cause a variety of health problems like nausea, dizziness, irritation of the eyes and respiratory tract, and more serious illnesses including heart, lung or kidney damage and even cancer. Certain people are particularly susceptible to these effects, including those with weakened immune systems or chemical sensitivities, asthmatics, young children and the elderly. Why is it energy efficient? No more than 250 gm/l (grams per liter) of VOCs in Low-VOC latex paints and no more than 380 gm/l for Low-VOC oil-based paints. However these limits are based primarily on reducing ozone formation in the outside air and not on health considerations for indoor air. The Green Building Program requires buildings rated to use paints with no more than 150 gm/l of VOCs. No negative impact on Building healthfulness.

Particle Board: Particle board ("chipboard) is an engineered wood product manufactured from wood particles, such as wood chips, sawmill shavings, or even saw dust, and a synthetic resin or other suitable binder, which is pressed and extruded. Particle board is a type of fibreboard, a composite material, but it is made up of larger pieces of wood than medium-density fibreboard and hardboard. Why is it energy efficient? Particleboard and other manufactured boards have had a very positive impact on timber resources, stemming almost entirely from the use of recycled materials. Furniture can be made out from particle board in low cost. Solid wood is prone to warping with changes in humidity, whereas particleboard is not.

Filler slabs:
In order to significantly minimize the use of concrete in the conventionally made flat roofs for large span, terracotta pots/plates that are locally made as kitchen utensils, are used to create voids in areas of slab where concrete is redundant. These pots are 40 cm. diameter and 15 cm. deep and can significantly save the volume of concrete used. Why is it energy efficient?

1. It reduces the use of concrete in slabs 2. Terra-cotta pots are used as thermal insulator and reduce heat gain from ceiling. 3. Filler materials are so placed as not to compromise structural strength; they replace unwanted and non-functional tension concrete, thus resulting in economy. 4. These are safe, sound and provide aesthetically pleasing pattern for ceilings. 5. An additional advantage of filler slabs is that they do not need plastering.

Filler slabs:

Double wall as Thermal insulation :

Hot air goes out

Convicted heat goes out from duct

A.C. Duct

Less heat gain by reflective plaster

Less heat gain inside so A.C. Efficiency increases

More heat gain inside so A.C. Efficiency decreases


Fresh air goes in

Fresh air intake Single wall

Double walls are made out of ACC blocks 3 feet distance between walls. At every floor level there are pipes for air intake WHY IT IS ENERGY EFFICIENT? Wall is a major element of building, which is exposed to sun. Normal brick wall transfers heat inside the building and increase indoor temperature. And at the and efficiency of air condition decreases. In double layer wall air gap between two walls act as insulating layer. The wall exposed to sun-light transfers heat to air between two walls. So, air inside gap becomes wall and travel upside. And goes out from top. Fresh air goes into the duct from intake pipes. In this way there is constant air circulation in duct , which controls the temperature. So, inside wall which is not exposed to the sun remains cool and control indoor temperature.

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