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Human Resource Management

Group Discussion

Prof. Kasturi Naik

Group Members
Kunal Mallihali Jitesh Mishra Sadir Khan Animesh More Nikhil Mukane Prashant Naik Aditya Pandey Satyaprakash Pandey Sonal Parab Monisha Parekh M4131 M4132 M4133 M4134 M4135 M4136 M4137 M4138 M4139 M4140

Social Topics

English Should be made Official Language

The first question that may arise in anyones mind whose mother tongue is not English Why should it be the official language? The most certain reason would be its acceptance and use. English is the most common language used throughout the world.

English Should be made Official Language

In this era of globalization, we need to follow what most of the world does. English, being the most common and widely used language is one of them. English is being followed for years. It is used as the most common medium of communication. The WWW has 80% of its content in English. Almost all countries in this world are aware of the language.

All of us aware of freedom of speech and hence making any language official defy this. Having multiple languages helps to maintain diversity, respect and know about different communities. It is indeed shameful to not be aware of your own mother tongue fluently and know English well. Due to severe competition, youngsters tend to concentrate more on English and forget their national language. People cant be forced to do anything today. At home, they will anyways speak the language they are most comfortable.

NGOs, Do they serve people interest

Non Government Organization or NGO is an organization which works for the people to protect the interest of people. They are the voice of people. The number of NGOs in India is increasing day by day.

NGOs, Do they serve people interest

NGOs have shown that they are in a better position to handle social issues than the government. These organizations have come into the picture to protect the interests of people of the country. They are also the representative of general public to voice against any issue that goes against their interests. They reach out to people in rural areas where it is very inconvenient to reach and understand their concerns and try to improve their lives with the aid which they get from foreign countries, companies, government bodies.

The NGOs have a major role to play in politics as they serve peoples opinion. As they enjoy lot of support from a large portion of population which make them powerful They are so powerful that they can make or break a business. Some NGOs are working only to evade taxes and not for the welfare of general public.

How to deal with Terrorism

Terrorism refer to those violent acts which are intended to create fear (terror). Lakhs of innocent people died because of terrorism. And so many people suffered. Now a days terrorism is a biggest challenge for the entire world. Terrorists do not see themselves as evil. They believe they are legitimate combatants, fighting for what they believe in, by whatever means possible. In Terrorist view, one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. Terrorists main ways are bombings, kidnappings, armed Attacks, hijackings.

How to deal with Terrorism

Poverty. Illiteracy. Religious extremism. Extreme nationalism. Unemployment. Injustice in some cases.

Eradicate poverty. Increase in no. of jobs. Creating awareness among people, so that they won't get influenced to join in terrorism. Severe punishment for terrorists, who were caught. Full security at the boundaries of the country. Justice must not be denied and it should not be delayed too. Everyone must know the true meaning of religion and also the truth that killing people is against to God.

Brain Drain has stopped

Brain-Drain means settling in foreign country. It can be simply defined as the mass emigration of technically skilled people from one country to another country. Brain-Drain is occurring because of lack of opportunities or lack of facilities for practical education in higher education in their own country or because of political instability or for other reasons.

Brain Drain has stopped

Because of Brain-Drain India is still remaining as developing country. Indians must utilize their knowledge and skills for India to make our India as developed country. If all Indians utilize their skills for India, India will be the top most developed country in the total world. Because India has much skilled manpower. Not only in case of India but also in every country, if everybody serves their country, every country will become developed and standard of living of every person increases. Developed countries attracting the citizens of developing countries by high salaries and using their skills for themselves.

It completely depends on individual. Everybody have a right of freedom. Most of the NRIs are returning India and using their money, which they earned in foreign country to develop their native place or for charities. Some people are going foreign for better studies and they are returning India and serving our country. It'll be really an asset for India.

Role of ethics in tobacco industry, liquor industry


Ethics play very important role in the success of any industry. Industries are now trying to create some ethical laws for their further practices.

Role of ethics in tobacco industry, liquor industry

Companies doing business in ethical ways are far ahead than the companies who are using unethical means of doing business. Companies following ethical principles help them to get good investments from the shareholders and investors as they trust the business of company. If industries like tobacco and liquor are following ethical principles then they can freely distribute it. Profits earned by ethics are more valuable then by doing illegal work. Government also supports ethical industries which are running such businesses.

The industries like tobacco and liquor cant be made legal even if they have ethics because they produce and sell harmful substances to the consumer which is unhealthy for their health Such industries are playing with the health of consumers as they are more interested in making money. They are promoting their product in such a tempting way that young generation has started taking it putting their life at risk at an early age.

Management Topics

Women are better Managers

Art of management is a gift to women by nature. Women are born to take responsibilities and perform them flawlessly. They can easily manage everything without a crease on their forehead.

Women are better Managers

Women are the ones who are expected to handle various responsibilities from the childhood which makes them a good multitasker Be it managers in the top companies or the ones who are managing their homes, women in all areas manage their work flawlessly. Their inherent qualities make them good managers as they are more patient in the difficult situation and are able to manage situations with their positive attitude and calm mind compared to their counter partners. They have the quality of managing their children and are simultaneously able to concentrate on their career.

Women are very emotional and soft hearted which is considered as a weakness in managing things. They are not practical about the situations. They might be good at managing things at home but this same strategy cannot be applied in the external environment where they have to work for an organization. They might have all the qualities of managing like courage, patience, understanding etc but these are not the only key qualities required to manage a vast workforce or other difficult situations. Today we have progressed a lot but there are many women who are not given a chance to prove themselves or are not given enough responsibilities to showcase their potential

Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from poor judgment
We all face situations daily when we are asked to take crucial decisions. We can only take the right decisions if we can judge the situation correctly. Taking the right decisions doesnt mean overcoming a situation. By judging, you should be able to foresee any implications.

Good judgment comes from experience and experience comes from poor judgment
You learn from your mistakes. If every decision you take is in your favor, you may not learn as much. You acquire a good judgment with a poor judgment. This is a typical situation for people in research field. An experience is a mixture of good and bad. Only if you encounter bad can you sense and value good. No one is born with experiences. And no one is born perfect. Unless you dont encounter a poor judgment, in essence you havent really experienced anything. You cant succeed, if you cant try. If you dont try, you encircle yourself with a fear of taking incorrect decisions.

Consider a doctors profession. He cannot afford to make a poor judgment. At times taking too many poor judgments can cost you a lot. That doesnt leave you with a choice to experience anything Good judgment comes from logic for most people. If you can carefully assess a situation, you can judge properly. Good judgment can also come from knowledge. You dont have to experience poor judgments to take good judgments. A judgment usually results in a decision. Good or bad at times cannot be predicted under unfavorable circumstances. We learn every day and we experience every day. These experiences nurture us to take decisions

Law is the creation of the strong to rule the weak

We are living in a society bound by laws. Its human psyche that if we are restricted to do something we like, we dont like the law. Laws, procedures etc are not created when we want to. They are created considering various aspects.

Law is the creation of the strong to rule the weak

Strong people are usually perceived as rich people. Some of them misuse the power to rule the weak. Some law systems consume so much time and money that the common man cant afford them Most of the times, the rich who are considered as strong have the ability to bypass the law. This way, the weaker section gets affected.

Laws bring discipline and fair treatment across various levels in the society Laws are created to bring fairness in society. Mostly, laws are made considering the weaker section of the society. This may not be true for some laws. Consider laws for dowry etc. People who are financially weak cannot be ruled because of such laws. There are many ways by which the strong can rule the weak. They dont laws to do that.

There are laws against corruption, bribe etc. Some people misuse such laws to rule the work.

Winning is not the important thing, it is the only thing

Winning is the only thing, is it? It is true that winning is the form that makes competition what it is. It is the essence of competition. But winning is not life, it is just the good side of losing. Winning teaches you a few things but not everything.

Winning is not the important thing, it is the only thing

If you have a must win attitude, you will always be successful no matter what the consequences are If you never learn how to do what it takes to win and achieve what you want, success is not a very likely option. It is a sense of accomplishment, gives you the confidence to strive more to win. Winning is like a drug, the more you taste it the more you want it. It boosts your morale like no other thing in this world, in other words it is the feeling of ecstasy.

The most essential thing in life is not conquering everything but fight well for it. Life isnt all about winning; its about keeping the right attitude that is required to win. Turning failure into an advantage and learning from them is the important thing. Winning is not the only thing but the other side of losing. Winning and losing are two sides of the same coin both have their own effects. The most important things are won in life only when one has learnt the art of conquering his/her failures.

A man with words and no deeds is like a garden full of weeds

A man with words and no deeds is like a garden full of weeds targets those people who only talk or perhaps talk big and dont anything. There are people who just keep having big goals but they do nothing to achieve them. While it also depends on luck, we must try to strive towards achieving what we want.

A man with words and no deeds is like a garden full of weeds

Some people only talk good things or makes promises. However, these people do nothing to keep their goals. After a point of time, people realize your true color and stat to distrust you. If you keep talking with no actions, positive energy is taken over by negative. Here, weeds are being referred to some negative people in our life. So, when we only have words and no actions, negativity is what lies within us. If we keep talking and not take any actions, it makes us lethargic.

Only if you talk can you achieve something.

At times, even if we take some actions and dont succeed, it doesnt mean that we can never do it again. For instance, we may talk of scoring well in exams. We even try and work towards it (deed). But, there may be a case wherein we still dont exceed. At times, situations are beyond our control. So, we talk with the hopes of a possible solution.

Economy And Business Topics

Print Media vs Electronic media

Communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data, or promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting and narrowcasting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax, and internet.

Print Media vs Electronic media

Print Media
Choice of reading Allows user to read anytime and can be carried anywhere. A much affordable form of media when compared to electronic. For an individual, its quite an easy proof for any sort of information People specially living in rural areas can easily afford a newspaper as compared to TVs etc. Relatively easier form of accessibility public for campaigns etc.

Electronic Media
A more advanced form of media. Introduces more revenues and job opportunities. Relatively a more innovative form of media. Thanks to motion pictures, animation etc. A variety of options available unlike print media. People can surf through different channels, site etc. Very appropriate for instant POLLS reviews of public. Works better for people with hearing and seeing disabilities. Can be reached faster and can be made LIVE.

Is China threat to Indian I T Industry

China has skilled man power. Chinese government and industry program is shaping tie-ups with colleges abroad and investing millions of dollars in research laboratories and equipment. More than 100,000 Indians migrating to the United States each year for betterpaid software jobs. This is a big disadvantage to Indian software industry. Chinese software's are of less cost. So, people prefer them. Some software professionals are not working for India. They are working for foreign countries

At present, India is far ahead than China in IT sector and it is developing too fast to catch it. Only six of China's 30 biggest software companies are qualified at level five or four of the capability-maturity model. On the other hand, all of the top 30 Indian software companies have surpassed these benchmarks. The top 10 Chinese information technology services companies have only about 20% share of the market compared with 45% garnered by India's top 10.

Indian culture doesn't breed leaders

From a very small age we are never given the rights to make our own decision. It has always been our parents or our teachers who get a say in all our matters. We Indians have always backed away from taking responsibilities for ourselves and for others We are always taught to let the superior person make decisions for us and never to question their ability and judgment. We lack confidence in our ability of achieving anything and everything, which is a very important quality in shaping a leader.

It is a very wrong conception induced by people that leaders are born but the correct notion is that they are made not born. Thus, we can say that India doesnt breed leaders they help them to become one. Indian culture is a very rich culture it is because of our culture that we are called the Incredible India. So, if we cant breed leaders than no other nation can. Not every individual born can lead. But everyone can be effective. Thus, it is right to say that in India everyone is not a born leader but everyone is effective enough to become one.

Corruption is the price we pay for Democracy

Corruption is any unfair means to get your work done. Corruption exists in almost in every sector. In small terms corruption exists in colleges where students pay to get marks. In big terms it exists in politics! As we know, democracy means of the people, for the people and by the people. It is to help people leave the way they want. This liberty however can be misused. Hence a question here is Is democracy resulting in corruption?

Corruption is the price we pay for Democracy

Democracy makes everyone a free bird. Some people especially the politicians make use of this in the wrong way. Though it is unfair to say that because of Democracy, corruption is existent, however, the fact remains that democracy provides equality to everyone that results in people to have their own aims. These aims may not always necessarily be for the country. Democracy allows people to choose their leader. The leaders can thus easily buy votes!

Corruption is not a direct result of democracy. It can exist anyway. At the end of the day, it is an individuals decision to spread corruption or not. When people are given a choice to their leader, they must think twice before doing so. If they accept bribe it is not democracy that can be blamed.

FDI In retail a Boon or Curse

Foreign direct investment (FDI) refers to capital inflows from abroad that are invested to enhance the production capacity of the economy. However, FDI in retail is different from the investment in corporate, manufacturing, or infrastructure sectors. Retail can be single or multi brand and may be described as a sale to the ultimate consumer at a margin of profit. While the FDI in single-brand retailing was allowed earlier, FDI in multi-brand retailing is being allowed now; meaning a retail store with a foreign direct investment can sell multiple brands under one roof. So it is the link between the producer/manufacturer and the individual consumer. India had to open up the retail trade sector to foreign investment as she is a signatory to the World Trade Organizations General Agreement on Trade & Services, which include wholesale and retail services.

FDI In retail a Boon or Curse

Indian retail sector is highly fragmented with around 97% of its business being run by the unorganized retailers. The organized retail is in its infancy. With the entry of FDI the retail sector will become organized. Foreign investment in food-based retailing would ensure adequate flow of capital into the country and its productive use, multiplying the same. It will promote the welfare of farmers by agriculture growth, and thereby increasing their income level. Intermediaries, known with different names in different parts of the country, flout the business ethics. Prices lack transparency, due share of farmer is not paid to him.

FDI is all not goodie-goodie. However, if an aspirant speaks against FDI, he should be careful to leave room for positive thoughts. The unorganized retail sector is the largest source of employment after agriculture and has deep penetration in rural India. It generates more than 10% GDP of India. There is all probability that there will be a great job loss in this sector. The worst affected would be the rural youth. The foreign big guns like Wal-Mart coming with huge investment may not procure material from the domestic producers and might import the same from international market. This will add to the woes of already crumbling Indian producers.

Ditching the Kyoto Protocol - Is India's objection on EU justified?

The Kyoto Protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which commits its Parties by setting internationally binding emission reduction targets. Recognizing that developed countries are principally responsible for the current high levels of GHG emissions in the atmosphere as a result of more than 150 years of industrial activity, the Protocol places a heavier burden on developed nations under the principle of "common but differentiated responsibilities." The Kyoto Protocol was adopted in Kyoto, Japan, on 11 December 1997 and entered into force on 16 February 2005. The detailed rules for the implementation of the Protocol were adopted at COP 7 in Marrakesh, Morocco, in 2001, and are referred to as the "Marrakesh Accords." Its first commitment period started in 2008 and ended in 2012.

Ditching the Kyoto Protocol - Is India's objection on EU justified?

Its justified because Kyoto protocol requires India to cut down on carbon emission that will halt its progress of development. Kyoto protocol is not fair because it accords cutting down of equal amount of carbon emissions for both developed and developing countries. India is a poor country and if the carbon emissions are cut down it would lead to unemployment, poverty and many other such things. India being a developing country requires loads of industries and mechanical power that would result in emission of carbon. Indias road to development will be hampered by Kyoto protocol. Each country has a right to develop and industrialize their economies.

Its not justified because global warming and environmental degradation has global consequences and everyone has shared responsibility. On the contrary India should take a lead in tackling climate change by accepting the Kyoto protocol. India being a huge populated country results in loads of carbon emission which is hindering with the health of our environment. Objecting this protocol would result in the collapse of the UN process, which is the only international forum that works for the upliftment of the poor countries.

Developing countries need trade, not aid

India is developing country which requires help from its neighboring countries as well as from the powerful countries of the world in order to become developed country.

Developing countries need trade, not aid

Developing countries need trade and not aid for their development. Because aid makes a country dependant on other countries for their requirements. Only trade can enhance the economic growth of a developing country by developing better relations with other nations. Aid is short term solution to any problem but trade is a long term solution to a developing countrys problems. A developing country like India needs trade which will provide various opportunities within the country to improve its current situation. It develops more entrepreneurs and generates opportunities for job seekers.

Aid is required to set up the business. Trade is important for a developing country like India but to do trade they need financial stability. Developing countries first need to have stable economy and for that they will require aid from the countries which have high economies of scales.

Political Topics

Freedom of press should exist

Whenever the word press is heard of, the immediate thought is news and updates!

Freedom of press should exist

When the primary job of press is to report news, there should be no restrictions. India is a democratic country. The media and press should be given all the rights to publish the truth. This way people will not be blind folded. It is said that voice of press is voice of public. No freedom given to press is suppressing publics voice. Media creates awareness about violence and social issues. This brings in a fear in people. In this era of so many technological advances, competition etc. press cannot be restricted of what needs to be written. Their primary job is to inform people about updates. Press brings up social and religious issues., it helps citizens realize their moral duties.


The hype and propaganda created by media can hurt sentiments of many people. Most of the issues covered by media are that of entertainment and politicians. The most important issues of farmers, poverty take a back seat. To increase the ratings of the newspapers, gossips from the entertainment industry are given more importance. If not restricted, it might bring issues like inter community misunderstanding, violence amongst youngsters etc. Domestic issues and crimes are over hyped that may provoke young children. The use of words and superlatives may be de motivating for a large number of people.

Tainted ministers should not be allowed to contest elections

Corruption is Indias biggest problem in todays scenario and it would only become worse if tainted ministers are given the authority to run our country. What havoc will they make after attaining a powerful position, has anyone guessed?

Tainted ministers should not be allowed to contest elections

They like to keep silent even after looking at all the malicious things prevailing around them. They are afraid to take a stand as they are only concerned about their position and have no care for the people suffering from their deeds. Tainted ministers are soaked in corruption from head to toe, and people should not waste their precious votes in electing those who will only make them suffer. Tainted ministers are only going to worsen the economy of India which would not serve our purpose as we are on the road of development.

The frame up and conspiracy is very common in country where politics play a very important role. Tainted ministers should be given a fair trial to know whether they are guilty of anything or are they being framed. They are likely to understand the problems of normal people as they would have had the experience of facing it themselves. Tainted ministers must be debarred from holding any position of responsibility in public office as it is highly upsetting for the masses to know that we are ruled by criminals and frauds.

India needs a strong dictator


A dictator can easily help us get rid of the dirt in politics. A very small community of people actually understands the meaning of democracy and dont make misuse of it. For over decades, India is trying to get rid of poverty, may be, a dictator can help in this aspect. A dictator can help the citizens realize the meaning of democracy and freedom.

India being a strong democratic country doesnt really need a dictator. It may just lead to disruption. India is a big country. People live in harmony and are known for their unity. A dictator may not be able to maintain this. Few people may again misunderstand dictatorship and may think it defies the purpose of freedom. Dictatorship may bring very short term changes. A country needs a strong government. Dictatorship may introduce communal differences depending on the community of the dictator. Human rights can be certainly bypassed. It may lead to disorganization and malfunctioning of the law and order system of the country

Politics and economics go together

Economics means are based on production and exchange whereas the political means are based on plunder. When getting richer, one either does not use violence or does make use of it. There is no other way. So, should politics and economics go hand in hand?

Politics and economics go together

Various western political thinkers have linked political ideology to an economic arrangement. Marxs Capital predicts a classless society within an economic paradigm. Left wing-Right wing political divisions predominantly owe itself to differences in economic ideology. Leftist translates into welfare economics and the liberal translates into free market economics. Politicians are interested in conducting as many policies as possible but with justification which can only be done by the help of economics.

Economic compulsions will always take preponderance over political ambitions. Economic charts out the working of the state. Politics is a mere selfish race for power and authority for man. There are always flaws in the coordination and exchange of information between politics and economics. Politics put pressure on economics to provide with more justification in favor of the policies. Economics is not a powerful educating tool in terms of education of the people having political background.

The 2G scam - has shaken the trust of world business in India

The 2G spectrum scan in India is related to illegally creating 2G subscriptions for cell phones. This scam was incepted and encouraged by few government officials by undercharging mobile telephony companies. The scam amounts to thousands of crore of money.

The 2G scam - has shaken the trust of world business in India

Needless to say, the scam involved millions of dollars of money. This means that the money that could be used for a better cause was involved in corruption. Many companies that received the license were not even eligible. Such scams encourage many other companies. Lot of officials involved is public servants with great powers and stature. This case is considered as one of the biggest scams of the country. Obviously, such scams shake the trust of world business in India.

The 2G scam has shown the right path and exposed the loopholes in the policies and procedures. Foreign companies are matured enough to realize that such scams are more individualistic in nature rather than based out of benefit of the country. India is a developing country; the spectrum of investments and earnings is varied. It cannot get influenced by such scams. India is a democratic country and known for its sovereignty and integrity. Foreign companies realize that justice would be granted sooner than later.

General Topics

Global warming
Global warming is the increase in temperature of the earths surface and oceans.

Global warming
Different gasses emitted from power plants, cars, air planes. Gasses like Carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide are the main culprits. Pollution the polluted gasses emitted from the vehicles are the biggest cause of global warming. Population Most of the populating countries will demand more vehicles, more demand for agriculture. This results in more methane because there will be more burning of fossil fuels.

To start with, plants and animals will be affected the most. This is because high temperatures will melt ice in Greenland and Antarctica increasing the rise of sea level. High temperatures will make agriculture next to impossible. Only areas that will be left little cold can withstand the agriculture. The rise in sea level will pollute the salt water, empty reservoirs and results in water scarcity. Global warming will result in more heart related ailments. In the worst scenario, the environment will be destructed leading to floods, drought etc.

Food Bill - Is it really something India needs?

Food Bill is another roll of a dice played down by Congress to win support for various states. Food bill is something that needs but it cant be neglected that it might result in the deterioration of the fiscal situation. Should we take it as just another additional increase in expenditure or is it a cause for major concern?

Food Bill - Is it really something India needs?

It seeks to provide subsidized food to 62.5% of the countrys population. This would make way for nutritional and healthy food which would in return increase the productivity of the people. This would make sure that the food is distributed to the needy and correct person which in return would help in forming a welfare state. It is a strong step towards removing the poverty from India as passing this bill would somewhat guarantee the food security of the poor people.

People getting access to concessional food are sure to make some wastage. The unique identification number is yet to reach every nook and corner of the country. The storage of the entire food supplement is of major concern. Agro markets will be distorted as the population that needs to be fed is enormous and financing this incremental burden (Indias population) will be next to impossible. Food bill is going to place India in a very appalling debt position in the coming future as India would not be able to cope up with the ever growing population. Making the grains available at different prices for different sections of the society is not a very good idea.

Television in India
Television is increasing its watchers day by day, thus reducing the number of doers. But is television at fault here or are people to be blamed?

Television in India
There has been hindrance with the peoples ability to grow and lead an active life and TV plays a major in this interference. TV has become an addiction and people have become dependent on it. It has become a physical dependence of majority of people living in India. The educational channels have reduced rapidly and vulgarity has plunged a great deal forward making more people attracted to it. Television is creating dreamers rather than doers. People have started devoting more time in viewing things rather than doing it.

TV is great medium of providing sound knowledge about many various things, including various remedies for different diseases, yoga, etc which are practiced at home by the viewers. The infomercials shown on TV act as aspiration for many, especially the unemployed. TV shows lots of documentaries and scientific discoveries which educate people to a large extent; they make them aware and encourage them to do something in life. TV is a great form of entertainment which stimulates or creates the interest of the youth in art.

Good things always arise from good thinking

Good things always arise from good thinking, reflects optimism. It defines our ability to withstand pressure. This can be done only by purifying our mind and peace of mind. In todays era, with the stress we handle each passing day, peace of mind is a remote possibility.

Good things always arise from good thinking

With the challenges we face every day, couple of times we encounter situations beyond our control. This prohibits us from thinking good.
Always good thinking cannot create good things. We are surrounded by evil people. To deal with such people, good thinking may not help. Good thinking alone cannot lead to good things. There are many other factors like corruption etc. that needs to be taken into account. If you think well, you start to divert all your efforts to achieve what you want. Lets take an example of population control. If you think good and take this seriously, each one of us can help the country in population control. Good thinking eludes negative, greedy and evil thoughts. If you dont get such thoughts, inevitably good things will happen. If you let one evil thought pass across your mind, you are giving way to more evil thoughts. When you think well, you start to enjoy life and take each day as it comes. You avoid wracking your head over trivial issues.

We all learn from our mistakes. They help us realize and understand ourselves much better.
Its our luck and destiny that matters too. If our luck doesnt favor us, no type of thinking can help.

India's huge population - bane or boon?

Indias population is going to provide us with better options in the coming future but will India withstand the necessities of the ever growing population or will it perish in this process?

India's huge population - bane or boon?

- Indias population is a boon as it would result in high income which would in turn result in higher savings, clear indicators of economical growth. - Our population offers us an absolute force of cheap manpower which is a very useful tool for India. - People turning up of government services have increased significantly which is a very good sign for a country like ours as it would mean more social force. - Our growing population has resulted in an increase of different options in various fields guaranteeing more jobs. - India has become a nation of various talents. Larger population means a deeper pool of domestic intelligence which can be used to good effect. - Larger skilled population means a natural inclination of foreign companies to offer us newer projects and yes we can do them more cost effectively. - It creates unemployment as the population keeps on increasing the job opportunities keeps on diminishing. - Indias infrastructure wont be able to withstand the burden of our ever growing population. - Literacy rates are not in direct relation with the increase in population and this is resulting in people piling up below the poverty line. - There is a major dip in the standard of living as well as in health departments as India has a very poorly administered population policy. - The existing grain is getting used up at the rate of knots and the rate at which the population is growing it will be impossible to supply food and water to this increasing population.

Sachin Tendulkar's retirement - A matter of his choice?

Sachin Tendulkar an all time great and the leading run scorer of the century has been questioned incessantly about his retirement. Should this great gentleman be given his own space to decide his future or should he be pressurized to retire?

Sachin Tendulkar's retirement - A matter of his choice?

Sachin being the best batsman that the game has ever produced should be given liberty to call the shots for his retirement. Its because of him that the Indian team has flourished and reached unimaginable heights. Sachin is an inspirational figure in the team and is a role model for the youngsters in and out of the team. Sachin has served and excelled in the field of cricket. He should be given some freedom to choose the time of his retirement. He being a great gentleman that he is thinks that it would be selfish to leave the game when he is at top of his game.

The young blood is ready to take over from the old horses and Sachin who cant be forced to retire is making their wait, longer and longer. Sachin has served the country well but now its time for him to give the reasonability that he has handled for so many years, to youngsters. The age factor is not on his side and he is prone to many injuries which would leave the Indian team exposed as they are still very dependent on him and the youngsters not given enough exposure will only make it worse.


Examinations - has it killed education?

Positive aspects

Negative aspects

It helps the student stay connected to his books and keep him on his toes. Exams help the student understand pressure which he/she will face in their professional lives. Exams help in facing competition. If students are only taught, there is no way to judge if they have understood what is being taught. Exams should not be theoretical. Most questions should be multiple choice and objective to really understand the analytical ability of the child. As long as the Exams are not very theoretical and are prepared to evaluate a students understanding ability rather than marks, examinations are definitely important. Moreover, it should be understood that judging a student mere on marks cannot be justified.

Exams unnecessarily pressurize the student. In India especially, there are many exams annually. Student barely has any time for extra curricular activities. Most of the exams structure and design are not sufficient to evaluate the real capabilities of the student. Exams in India are based on marks. Grades can be an appropriate mechanism.

E-Learning is good for the education system and society INTRODUCTION

The advancement in the technology has taken education sector to a new level which is E-learning. This is an improved way of education system.

Examinations - has it killed education?

E-learning sources provide best study materials which is very helpful for the students knowledge building process. This process of education makes life easier for students. Students dont have to remember every thing or dont have to take notes of every important point as they have every thing on net through E-learning source. It reduces the travel time and associated cost in the process of learning. E-learning gives flexibility to students with respect to time and place. More knowledge based activities are included in E-learning programs. Students get an option to see the things they don't understand in one go again.

E-learning has made students lazy as they dont put in as much efforts as compared to students who were used to before this e-learning evolution. Students dont attend their important lectures as they have E-learning resource available 24*7. Now they dont have to work hard to make notes and prepare for exams. Students have started depending on these E-learning programs. It lacks face to face communication which is important for overall development of the student. Many villages and remote areas do not have an access to internet or the internet speed there is too slow.

Hard work or Smart work - Which is important?

Work is important to do as it takes us to the next level of success. The most important question you should ask at this place is what kind of work will take you to that level: is it hard work or smart work.

Hard work or Smart work - Which is important?

Smart work is really the need of the hour. Smart work saves lots of time and allows you to be more organized. Through smart work your goals can be reached faster. Doing smart work allows you to save time for other things which you might not get by doing hard work like, exercise, spending time with family etc. Smart work brings lots of recognition from the society and allows you to grow more in the industry you are in.

Hard work takes lots of time just to make things correct. It is totally time consuming and exhausting experience, as after doing lots of work you left out with less energy to do anything else. Hard work doesn't allow you to fully use your brain and it pushes you for more physical work. In terms of determination and persistence hard work is really important but not lot can be achieved. Working hard is not enough as it might not bring the best result of a problem or a situation.

Indian universities vs Foreign universities


India is known for its education worldwide. Indian universities are providing the quality education to the students making them future leaders.

Indian Universities vs Foreign Universities

FOR Indian Universities are better than Foreign Universities as the quality of education they provide is high. Indian Universities equip students with right knowledge and right attitude. Many students from Indian Universities are getting placed in top MNCs. Foreign companies also prefer Indian students for their own companies. AGAINST Foreign universities provide better technologies with a new way of studying. Their education system is far much better than Indias education system. In India we have got really bright minds but the Indian universities dont know how to convert these minds into something really useful. In foreign universities education is based on practicality than the theory based knowledge. Students get chance to experiment with their ideas in foreign universities.

Should GD/PI be a part of selection process in management schools?

Group discussions (GD) and personal interviews (PI) are standard selection tools for admission in a good management school in India. Should this be made a permanent feature of the selection process?

Should GD/PI be a part of selection process in management schools?


Communication skills are extremely imperative for students seeking a career in management. GD/PIs prove an effective mechanism to test an aspirants analytical, listening and speaking abilities. It assesses an aspirants receptiveness to the inputs and his ability to incorporate them with his own ability and simplicity. It is the best possible way to choose a worthy student that would do well in management schools.

Communication skills should be developed in management schools. Simply rejecting a candidate just because he isnt suave or flamboyant or got nervous and couldnt give his or her best performance is a bit harsh. People who make it to the GD/PIs have worked hard all through the year to clear the entrances and that itself should be enough to guarantee them a seat. It demoralizes students who are not able to clear the GD/PIs, this leads to disappointment and a reason to take extreme measures (suicide). It neglects the value of the academic performance as GD/PIs are all about overall quality and personality.


Beauty contests degrade womanhood

A beauty contest is a platform where women all over the globe compete for a pageant. Well renowned beauty pageants are Miss World, Miss Universe etc.

Beauty contests degrade Womanhood

FOR Beauty pageants give women a platform to showcase their talent. It helps them realize their inner self and confidence. It helps them realize that they are no less and gives them new opportunities. Many leading actresses have won beauty pageants. An ordinary girl gets a celebrity status. Its not just about winning the pageant. A girl learns to become more responsible because she has to also do a lot of social work. AGAINST Most of the beauty pageants are considered to be vulgar and harm to youngsters. The swim wear of the show is considered to be a little offensive. Many women give up their religious and cultural sentiments to win the pageant! Many young girls leave their education for such pageants.

Need of censorship on social media Group Discussion


Certain pages can be seditious, defamatory to the institution of religion which is not accepted in the plural society. It wont be good for the harmony of the country. Some of the social media which is put up on the internet is offensive either to people or to a nation, and thus, requires censoring. Various sites play host to materials which could bring about a rift in the society. It can be used for mass effects like, mass violence or creating mass chaos.

There is a very thin line between censorship and obstruction of freedom of speech and expression. Laws and rules which are brought in the system should be followed which would not require the need for censorship. India is a democratic country and if they censor these social networks then they can hardly preach to dictators. There are many important services like rescue service, which rely on the social sites for real time information, not providing it may cost many lives. Social media should not be treated differently from the other forms of media like book or press. If they are not being censored then there is no need for censorship on social media.

Yoga - not limited to Hindus


Yoga has been emulated in the west in many countries. Yoga is a mean to have salvation and thus everyone is doing yoga worldwide to earn their salvation. Yoga is a mixture of meditation and some acrobatic exercises which is done to take control over ones won body and mind. Yoga is very beneficial to mind and body both, thus it should not be limited only to a certain section of people, especially Hindus, as everyone should benefit from it. Yoga is done by people in the west to stay fit and healthy and it also has many medical benefits, which is what yoga is basically meant for. So there is no point in keeping this practice of yoga to Hindus only.

Its been sensationalized in the west but its true and pure manner can be manifested only in true Hindu civilization where it is deep rooted. Yoga is done to attain salvation i.e. its a way to unite ones body to that of god in a spiritual way and it is not recommended in any other culture to attain salvation. Yoga is religious in nature and is used by high class Indians, like Brahmins and pundits in order to follow the path to God and people other than Hindus believe in no such thing.

Texting affects the vocabulary negatively - Group Discussion


People like to text in short terms and our brain gets accustomed to picturing words in the short term, which affects our vocabulary. It will hinder childrens abilities to apply grammar in their writing and social skills. Students have an adverse affect on their schoolwork due to this short texting messages. It depletes the standard of written and spoken English, as texting involves informal use of English which is not good for the growth of the language. The use of the short terminologies is not going to help aspirants in their written interviews. More than the decline in grammar it has a huge impact on the lives of the teenagers as they have become more distracted than ever.

Texting is just a very short and quick way to communicate and it has no effects on the vocabulary. Texting has resulted in the growth and emergence of a new, short and convenient language that is used by the teenagers of today. It also depends on the person who is texting. Its up to that person to get influenced by texting.

Celebrity Brand Endorsement: Effective Advertising?


Today on every TV channel, all big brands are being endorsed by a celebrity, be it a celebrity from cinema or cricket world. Celebrities add glamour to the product and their association with a product makes it popular with their fans.

Celebrity Brand Endorsement: Effective Advertising?

FOR People like to be associated with good quality brands. Brand endorsed by celebrities put less effect on the purchase or selling of a product as everyone's knows the real picture of it. Brand endorsed by celebrities add only a bit of value not to its quality but, to its overall look so that the product look very good in the market. Public has now become smart and they try the products in which they believe. People are attracted towards the products use, design and the quality. AGAINST Celebrities attract more public through endorsement and their other acts. The products endorsed by a celebrity get more popular. The publicity remains more effective when the name of the brand is associated with some celebrity. More and more people come to look which products our celebrities are using and they go for it. Association of celebrity with a brand allows it to be more promotable. Celebrities can influence the consumer purchasing decision.

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