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Gustar y los verbos similares Cancin de amor de Titanic

Miniprueba: el imperfecto y vocabulario del episodio 8

Los objectos indirectos

The direct object is the noun or pronoun that the verb acts directly on. The indirect object is the person affected by the action buy not acted directly upon. I write the message to my boss. Escribo el mensaje. Escribo el mensaje a mi jefe.

I write the message.

The message is what was written/influenced by/acted on by the verb. My boss was eventually involved, but the verb didnt directly affect or contact him.

Indirect object pronouns

These generally translate to to a person or for a person

meme, to me, for me

teto/for you leto you/Usted, to him, to her (for Ud., him her)

nosto/for us

lesto/for ustedes (Uds.), to/for them

Like the direct object pronouns, these go directly before conjugated verbs. With compound verbs, they go before the entire verb or after and attached to the last word (the infinitive).

Explico la gramtica a los estudiantes.

To whom do I explain the grammar? To the students.

Whats the substitution?plural, 3rd person-LES Like the other pronouns, these go before a conjugated verb: LES explico la gramtica.

Simple enough, no?

Vamos a ver:

Yo compr la comida para mis amigos. Tienen que dar la tarea a m.

Yo LES compr la comida.

ME tiene que dar la tarea.

Tienen que darME la tarea. El presidente explic el problema a nosotros. El presidente NOS explic el problema.

Sustituciones (y frutas!)
Your mother went out shopping and bought fruit for everyone. Indicate for whom she bought each fruit, using the indirect obj. pronouns. Ej. Mam compr duraznos para l. Le compr duraznos (qu son duraznos?) 1. Mam compr manzanas para m. 2. Mam compr peras para nosotros. 3. Mam compr uvas para ella. 4. Mam compr una pia para ti. 5. Mam compr melocotones para Ud. 6. Mam compr una sanda para ellos. 7. Mam compr cerezas para Uds. 8. Mam compr fresas para l. 9. Mam compr bananas para Rodolfo. 10. Mam compr mangos para Sofa.

But wait! Theres more!

Te explico la situacin.

Le damos el dinero.

Leto him, to her, to Ud. If the context has already been established, then using LE (or LES) will be clear. If not, or if there may be confusion, youll have to include the person or people that LE or LES is substituting for.

Hablo con Tito y Marco, y le doy mi nmero de telfono.

I talked to both of them, but to whom did I give my phone number??

Le doy mi nmero a Marco.

A Marcos le doy mi nmero (word order is flexible.)

When LE or LES substitutes for Ud. or Uds., these personal pronouns are usually included because it sounds more formal or polite. Le doy las gracias a Ud. A Ud. le doy las gracias. I give you my thanks.

Otro uso de los objetos indirectos

me te le nos les

Se usa los objetos indirectos con el verbo gustar

Me gusta el verano. Summer is pleasing to me/Summer pleases me/I like summer.

Singular thing that you like, singular form of the verb Me gustan las vacaciones. Plural thing that you like, plural verb Vacations are pleasing to me/I like vacations. But its not all about you, and you can do more than just like things.

Word order in Spanish is more flexible.

El verano me gusta. The meaning is exactly the same. Las vacaciones me gustan.

Use this structure if its easier to see how the verb relates to the noun in the first part of the sentence.

First, the other people

Nos gusta comer.

When you talk about what you like to DO, you use the infinitive form of the verb, and and its singular, even if its more than one action.

Nos gusta correr y nadar.

Un poco de confusin

Le gusta bailar.

To whom does LE refer?

Sometimes its necessary to be redundant. So youll have the pronoun AND the name of the person that the pronoun replaces. Youll need the personal A, the persons name and the indirect object pronoun. The word order is flexible. Laura likes to dance [Dancing A Laura le gusta bailar.. Le gusta bailar a Laura. is liked by Laura].

Handout about preferences Entreviste a su compaero

Ask the question Te gusta.....?

Answer... Me gusta / No me gusta.....

A m me...... A more emphatic way of stressing what I like

A ti te.... A more emphatic way of stating what you like

Los verbos como gustar

Gustar is not the only verb that operates in this way and that needs an Indirect object pronoun.

Verbs that work like gustar

Doler Me Te Le Nos Les Importar Asustar



Molestar Fascinar


Dolerwhat hurts you

Me duele la cabeza. My head hurts me.

Ayer ella corri mucho y ahora le duelen las piernas. Yesterday she ran a lot and now her legs hurt her.

Importarwhats important to you

A los estudiantes les importan las notas? Are grades important to students?

No me importaI dont care.

InteresarWhats interesting to you

A mi padre le interesa la poltica. Politics are interesting to my father.

A mi hermano le interesan los deportes.

Sports are interesting to my brother.

MolestarWhat bothers or annoys you

Me molestan los insectos. Insects bother me. Me molestan las personas ignorantes. Ignorant people are annoying to me.

Fascinarwhats fascinating to you

Me fascina viajar. Travelling fascinates me. A mis padres no les fascinan las computadoras. Computers dont fascinate my parents.

Aburrirwhat youre bored by

Me aburren los libros de Twilight. The Twilight books bore me. (Seriously, the writer only knows 4 adjectives.) A los profesores nos aburren las reuniones largas. Professors are bored by long meetings.

AsustarWhat frightens you

No me asustan los perros. Dogs dont frighten me. Al nio le asusta la noche. The boy is afraid of the night /the dark.

Faltarwhat youre needing, lacking

Me falta dormir. I need sleep. Sleep is needed by me. A mi mam le faltan zapatos nuevos. My mom needs new shoes. New shoes are lacked by my mom.

Encantarwhat you really like, love

Me encanta viajar. I love to travel. Travel is loved by me. Te encantan los deportes. You love sports. Sports are loved by you.

Las reacciones
las matemticas los gatos esquiar las pelculas de horror

el fro la historia el chocolate el bisbol los hombres guapos el espaol las pelculas romnticas

tarea Worksheets 4.10 and 4.11

Back to the pretrito e imperfecto next class.

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