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The Village By The Sea


In this chapter, Hari went back to his village, Thul after he had collected some money by working at Bombay. He insists that he should go up and collect mother while Lila, Bella and Kamal stay behind and get everything ready for Diwali day. When Hari arrives at the hospital, he sees that his father is there waiting sitting outside. As Hari reunites with his sisters, they all begin sharing stories with each other detailing the changes that took place after Hari left.

Hari soon hears news that the government is

going to build factories in Thul. He and his friends hope to get jobs there. Hari plan to use his saved money which he made and brought back from Bombay to start a small chicken farm as a start up business for the family. Meanwhile, Biju who is the richest fisherman in the village, is building a new fishing boat that will have a diesel engine and a freezer. People had forgive Biju at last for his arrogance after he had helped and rescued the drowning fishermen. They had realized how much they depended and needed on each other.

He imagines that he will set out a chicken farm at his village

although he knows that the government will build up a factory there. He wants to buy a few of chicken and start to increase the size of farm. He feels so confident about his plan and keep telling the same to Ramu and sahib. Evidence: Hari skirted their field and stood at the corner for a while, staring at it and wondering how he would set a poultry farm on it. pg238 I thought I would buy some chickens, build chickens coops in my field, start a poultry farm, sell eggs in the village and chicken to rich people who will come to Thul once the factory is built, and so we will live for a while. pg256

He still wants to go on with his plan about the farm

because he wants to change his villagers life. Although Ramu tell him that the government will build up a factory at the village. Evidence: You cant work on your own, shouted Ramu. Wait for the factory to come up, then therell be jobs. pg 240 But,Ramu, interrupted Hari at last, we have to change too, we shall have become different as well. pg 240

Love his mother
After he is going back from Bomba, he promise that he

will stay at Thul and care for his mother. He wants to bring back her mother once in a month. Evidence: I will bring her back, Hari promised eagerly. I am not going back to Bombay. I will stay here now, in my village, and I will bring her back every month. pg 243

Responsible After what he had done to Pinto, he feels regret and

sorry to the dog. At last, he realize that he should not kill Pinto and feels responsible toward the dog. Evidence: Only our Pinto is missing, he said, making them all start with surprise. Poor Pinto. he murmured, and fell silent again. Pg 248-249

Loves nature
He had studying about nest-building habits of the baya

birds and likes to keep watching on what birds is doing. Evidence: I have been studying the nest-building habits of baya birds, said the gentleman and waved his hand at the nests that dangled and swayed from the coconut tree that leant across the marsh. I watched them all through monsoon and now they are bringing up their young, see, he said in a tone of excitement and turned away from Hari to watch. Pg 252

Literary devices
Imagery of sound

The birds flew in and out of them, crying, Tilililili, tililee - kiti-tililee-kitee. pg 254 Simile Men and women in houses like matchboxes working in factories that are like prisons.

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