Health Monitoring Management System: in - House Training

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Health Monitoring Management System

In - House Training
Dr. Edna A. Huevos
Health Advisor


Create Health Ownership through proper education and understanding of Our Body parts and its functions.

Ownership ... Taking Care of Our Body!

The Test is Highly Confidential!

At the end of the session:

I am Responsible for my Health!

Post-Test will be given.

Any Fruit and Fresh Vegetable A Day Keeps Healthy Information Coming Your Way!

Good Morning!

Nervous System

Parts of the Central Nervous System

Brain Spinal Cord

Has the power to control everything your body does: Power to dream, Power to imagine. Invent flying cars. Fall in love.

Is just like a house built with wiring. Has the capacity to supply power to every body parts.

Parts of the Brain

Cerebrum Right side - art, music & imagination. Left side - science, math and reasoning. Cerebellum controls posture, balance and coordination. Brain Stem connects the brain to spinal cord.

What is a Neuron?
It is a nerve cell. The functional unit of the nervous system. Transmit nerve messages. The brain is made up of approximately 100 billion neurons.


What are Neurotransmitters?

Chemical messengers in our brain. Send or receive information between neurons for the body to function properly. If the information is not communicated to another neuron its useless.

Aluminum / Mercury Lead / Aspartame MSG / Tar Nicotine Cause interruption in the Neurotransmitters which could lead to Memory Loss.

The Heart

Pear-shaped structure. About the size of your fist. Supply the body with oxygenated blood. Exerts pressure on the veins and arteries
called Blood Pressure.

The right side receives deoxygenated
blood. The left side receives oxygenated blood. The heart beats approximately 100,000 times a day, 60-100 beats per minute. Pumps nearly 5 quarts of blood every 60 seconds.

Functions of the Heart

Pumps blood around the body: - Contraction (Systole)

Functions of the Heart

- Relaxation (Diastole)

The Heart

Blood Circulation

Three layers. Inner most layer is smooth & came in contact with blood. The middle layer is muscular, it spasms when your anxious and opens up with exercise. The outer layer holds the artery together from outside.

Functions of Arteries
Transport blood away from the heart. Carry oxygenated blood only. Transport blood under higher pressure than veins.

Functions of Veins
Transport blood towards the heart. Carry de-oxygenated blood. Have valves to prevent flowing back of waste materials to the tissues.

Coronary Arteries
Supply blood to the heart muscle only. Any coronary artery disorder can reduce flow of oxygen and nutrients to the heart.

When Injured
Pull away from each other. Form a gap (tear).


Arterial Plaque

The Immune System

Immune System
Protects the body from disease and infection. Destroy and remove foreign invaders. Like an army that is always on guard to protect the body.

Innate Immune Response

Skin Bone Hair Eyelids Tears Nasal secretion White Blood Cells Neutrophils Macrophages

Adaptive Immune Response

White Blood Cells
Lymphocytes (antibodies)

Lymphatic System

Lymphatic System
Removes all waste materials from the infection.

How the Immune System Work?

B cells destroy the covering of the bacteria. T cells digest the offending bacteria.


How the Immune System Work?

T cells mature T cells ask for reinforcement

Bone Marrow
B cells are produce Create antibodies

How the Immune System Work?

Coffee shop of the body T cells get together to talk to each other Information exchange about infection

The Immune System

Seems to be less effective as you get older if you dont take care of it. B cells slow down leaving you less powerful to fight bacteria thus invaders like viruses and bacteria can break through!

Respiratory System
Q. Do you know how much air do you take in with each breath? A. 6 Quarts Enough to fill-up 10M ballons (air sacs)

What is respiration?
It is the act of breathing: inspiration taking in oxygen expiration giving off carbon dioxide

Respiratory System
Nose Pharynx Larynx Trachea Lungs

Parts of the Lungs

Main Bronchus Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli the site of gas exchange Celia- tiny hairs like windshield wipers.


Functions of the Lungs

Take in oxygen which cells need to live and carry out their normal functions. Get rid of carbon dioxide, a waste product of the bodys cells.

Be your own Air Traffic Controller

Go to the parks/nursery with lots of plants Go to corniche/beach Avoid pollution Avoid smoking

Do You Know About Your Kidney ?

Did You Know ?

Size of your Kidney equivalent to your Fist. is

Bean-shaped organs near the middle of your back.

Did You Know ?

Filters blood approximately 5 liters, 300 times everyday.

A person can live a normal life

with only one Kidney !

Functions of Your Kidneys

1. Eliminate excess fluid from your blood. 2. Remove waste products like drugs and toxins. 3. Conserve water in the body.

Functions of Your Kidneys

4. Conserve salts and electrolytes. 5. Regulation of blood pressure. 6. Regulation of red blood cell production.

The Kidney
Each Kidney has 10 Nephrons. Nephron is the functional unit of Kidney. The kidney cant regenerate new nephrons.

The Kidney
Renal Injury and aging will decrease the number of nephrons. After age 40, the nephrons begin to decrease by 10% due to benign nephrosclerosis.

The Kidney
The remaining nephrons adapt to take the increased work load. Clinical kidney symptoms appear if 70% of the nephrons are lost.

The Musculo-Skeletal System

Muscular System
Support body weight. Coordinate body movement. The body has more than 600 muscles
Skeletal- bone Smooth- intestine, urinary bladder Cardiac- heart

Skeletal System
Strong framework that supports the body. Protects the internal organs. An adult consists of 206 bones.

Joints link one bone to another to allow movement. Ligaments fibrous capsule which keep ends of bone together.

Cartilage connective tissue that provide cushion upon bones. Synovial fluid lubricant and nutrient that feeds the cells of cartilage.


As you age
Becomes thinner. Cushioning effects are gradually lost. They are less protective of the bones.

As you age
Bones grind against each other. Joint becomes inflamed causing pain.

Do you experience any of the following?

Constipation and/or diarrhea Food intolerance or food allergies

Do you experience any of the following?

Heartburn Rumbling or gurgling sounds in the abdomen

... then, your digestive system may not be functioning well, as it should be!

Our body
Has been and is constantly exposed to toxins daily.

Our body
Accumulates toxins faster than we eliminate them.

Is it too LATE?

No, it is not for those who are aware of their body and change their lifestyle.


Functions of the Digestive System:

Breakdown food and turn it into the right chemicals for body use. The process of food breakdown begins the moment food enters the mouth.

Where the body's breakdown of food really gets serious. An adequate secretion of acids and enzymes is very important.

What is the Intestine?

Between the stomach and anus. Small intestine is about 6 meters (20 feet) long. Large intestine is 1.5 meters (5 feet) long.

Functions of Small Intestine

Most extensive part of digestion occurs. Most food products are absorbed. Secrets a hormone to stimulate the pancreas to produce digestive enzymes.

Functions of Large Intestine

Responsible for absorption of water. Excretion of solid materials. Waste is solid because most of the water has been removed.

What is the Liver?

Largest glandular organ of the body. Lies on the right side of the abdomen. Has 2 main lobes (right and left).

Parts of the Liver

Hepatic duct - transport bile to the gall bladder and small intestine. Portal vein - carries blood containing digested food from the small intestine. Hepatic cells basic metabolic cells of the liver.

Functions of the Liver

Has more than 500 vital functions. Produced bile which breakdown fats in the small intestine. Production of cholesterol and special proteins to help carry fats through the body.

Functions of the Liver

Conversion of glucose into glycogen for storage. Storage of iron and other vitamins in the body. Clearing the blood of drugs and other harmful substances (alcohol).

What is the Gallbladder?

A pear-shaped organ that stores and concentrates bile. It is connected to the liver by the hepatic duct.

Functions of Gallbladder
Stores and concentrate bile. Dispersed fats and neutralizes acids in the duodenum (small intestine).

What is the pancreas?

Found beneath the stomach and is connected to the duodenum (small intestine). Secrets digestive enzymes. Secrets 2 hormones: insulin and glucagon.

Functions of the Pancreas

Produces the bodys most important enzymes. Breakdown proteins, fats and starch. Insulin lowers the blood sugar level. Glucagon increases the blood sugar level if it falls too low.

Digestive System
Alpha Cells

Beta Cells


Blood Stream


Digestive Enzymes


Thank you!

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