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Technology: What they gonna do next?

Teacher: Luiza Carvalho

Brazilians and Technology

A study from IBGE (the Brazilian Institute of Geografy and Statistics) showed that Brazilians are using digital technology a lot more now. Everybody has a cell phone nowadays. Computers, the internet and MP3s are now part of Brasilians everyday life. According to IBOPE (the Brazilian In stitute of Public Opinion and Statistics) 40 million people use the internet to help them at school or at work. And the vast majority are students and teachers. We can find everything on the net and its easy. Books are important, but I cant buy book, a student says. Another university student mentions that you can do your banking, buy products online, download your favorite music and movies with just a click, chat online and meet

new people. The study also showed this: in August 2008 the number of cell phones increased by 24.8% in relation to August 2007, and 80% of these cell phones were pay-as-you-go. And thats not all. Many people have two or three different cell phone chips. The virtual world is also changing the profile of Brazilians. More and more people prefer staying online to having a real relationship. A highly Brazilian newspaper has stated that Brazil is the country where internet users stay online the longest.

Reading activity

Exercise correction
Finding the main ideas 3 According to the text, what do these numbers refers to?
number of people using the internet 4o million _______________________________________________ the increase in the number of cell phones 24.8 % __________________________________________________ number of cell phone chips some people have Two or three _____________________________________________

Exercise correction
Finding specific information

4 Why are computers, the internet, MP3s and cell phones part of Brazilians everyday life nowadays? Because brazilians are using digital technolgy a lot more now. They also use the __________________________________________________________ internet to help them at school or at work. __________________________________________________________
5 List three advantages of the internet according to the text. You can find everything you want, its easy. You can download your favorite music __________________________________________________________ na movies, meet people, do banking, buy products. __________________________________________________________

Future time Will

Will um modal verb usado antes do verbo principal no infinitivo sem o to para expressar aes no futuro.

Usos do Future time Will

1. Falar de aes que ainda no ocorreram e que ocorrero em um futuro noimediato: He's sure his team will win the championship. Penelope is a good student; she'll pass the exame.

2. Expressar aes completas no futuro: John will work in New York next year. Cars will be more economical in the future
3. Expressar decises tomadas no momento da fala: The phone is ringing. I'll answer it!

Usos do Future time Will

4. Expressar aes que, de fato, vo acontecer no futuro, seja ele imediato ou remoto.
These boxes are heavy; I'll help you lift it. Sorry, I forgot to bring your book, but I'll bring it tomorrow. 5. Fazer um pedido a algum dando um tom polido e bastante educado: Will you close the door, please? Will you bring me my coat, please?

Affirmative form

You will help him later. I will survive! In the future, everybody will have a robot.

Negative form

You will not help him later. I will not survive! In the future, everybody will not have a robot.

Interrogative form

Will you help him later? Will I survive? Will everybody have a robot, in the future?

Writing activity

iPhone 5S Fingerprint ID Scanner

With that new technology you will be able to lock and unlock your iPhone using your unique fingerprint; Your phone will be really safe.

Smart watches
Functions: Make calls; Wirte text messages; Access the internet.

This product will allow you to wear tecnology; With the smart watches you will be able to call or text faster then before.

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