Motion and Its Formulaes

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I Soumya Puli of class IX ‘B’ made this project
on MOTION with the help of internet and
with the help of our Science teacher
Mrs.SWARNALATHA madam who gave us
many instructions and fully supported us in
making this project . I would also like to
thank our Principal Mrs. SUDAMANI

madam who gave us the opportunity to make
this project.

In the guidance of our teacher and the
information given by our teacher I could
complete this project successfully.
The act, process, or state of changing place or position;
movement; the passing of a body from one place or
position to another, whether voluntary or involuntary; --
opposed to rest. 
Motion is Physical and Found in Space
Take your pencil and let it fall on the table; because
the pencil is moving, free fall is motion.
In gravimotion's interpretation of
Nature motion is a physical phenomenon as real as
the pencil itself.
Even though that sounds childish, in the
gravimotion world motion comes out of space and is
what makes the pencil fall!
The pencil and its motion only are worth mentioning
as this is all that we human are witnessing in this
We neither see Newton's force of gravity nor
Einstein's space-time curvature let alone space and
 As shown by Galileo's Principle of Relativity, motion is a
necessarily relative concept: what appears to be
moving from one frame of reference may not appear
to be moving, or moving in the same way, from another
frame of reference. From a physical point of view, all
frames of reference are given equal validation. So
uniform motion itself will also be a relative concept. If
an object A is in uniform motion relative to another
object B, then from B's view there appear to be no
force applied to A; i.e. it appears to be neither
accelerating nor decelerating, nor changing directions
or moving in a curve. The same should apply vice versa. 
Rate of motion is speed.
Average speed=Total distance travelled

Total time taken

Velocity is a vector which contains both the speed
and the direction of motion. Average velocity=

initial velocity + final velocity


The acceleration is the rate of change in speed
For example=
An object travels 16m in 4s and then another
16m in 2s.what can be the average speed of
the object?
Here the total distance travelled by the object
Total time taken=4s+2s=6s
Average speed=total distance travelled
 total time taken
 =32m
 6s =5.33m/s
There fore the average speed of the object is
Acceleration is the rate at which velocity
changes. When velocity is decreasing,
sometimes the word "deceleration" is used
instead. Acceleration and deceleration describe
generally how velocity can change. Keep in
mind that things can get a little more
complicated than just speeding up or slowing
down. For example, in an elevator going up,
you can feel increased G force resulting from
acceleration upward, and you can also feel
increased G force if the elevator is in free-
fall and it decelerates.
FOR EXAMPLE=Starting form a stationery
position ,

Rahul paddles his bicycle to attain a velocity of
6m/s in 30 sec. then he applies brakes such
that the velocity of the bicycle comes down to
4m/s in the next 5sec .

What could be the acceleration of the bicycle in
both the cases?

ANS: In the first case;

Initial velocity, u=0

Final velocity, v=6m/s

Time , t=30s

A= v-u

 30s
In the second case
Initial velocity, u=6m/s
Final velocity, v=4m/s
Time, t=5s
Then A =(4m/s –6m/s)
 5sec
Line graphs show dependence of one physical

quantity such distance or velocity on another

quantity, such as time.
Distance time graph

 graphs is a way to visually show a
 of data. It allows us to understand the
 between the data.

below is a example of a distancetime graph, the

Distance-Time for Table 1
The below is an example of distance time graph


 time
0 (s) Time
0 (s)
654321 13
As you can see, the data from the table is
shown in a visual format in the graph. The
time(s) is shown as the x axis and the
distance(m) is shown on the y axis on the
graph. The points on the graph do not
create a perfectly straight line so a line of
best fit must be drawn in.

The proper equation for a line is y=mx + b
The y is the dependant variable (on y
The x is the independent variable (on x-
The m is the slope of the line
The b is the y intercept of the line.
V elocity time graph

Motion of objects can be represented. Such
means include the use of words, the use of
diagrams, the use of numbers, the use of
equations, and the use of graphs. Lesson 4
focuses on the use of velocity versus time
graphs to describe motion. As we will learn, the
specific features of the motion of objects are
demonstrated by the shape and the slope of the
lines on a velocity vs. time graph. The first part
of this lesson involves a study of the
relationship between the shape of a v-t graph
and the motion of the object.
Consider a car moving with constant velocity and with

constant acceleration.

If the velocity-time data for such a car were

graphed, then the resulting graph would look like the

graph given below. Note that a motion de constant,
positive velocity results in a line of zero slope (a
horizontal line has zero slope) when plotted as a
velocity-time graph. Furthermore, only positive
velocity values are plotted, corresponding to a
motion with positive velocity scribed.

ROLL NO:-23

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