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The purpose of architecture,is to create timeless, free, joyous spaces for all activities in life. !ohn "autner

Paintin# $y Theo van %oes$ur# &'(')* an+ plan for the ,arcelona Pavilion, $y -ies van +er .ohe &'(/0*1

The Church of "i#ht $y Ta+ao An+o '()( ((


Tadao Ando

Space is not emptiness, space is silent an+ silence is 2o+

I built the Church of the Light in Ibaraki in Osaka. The church is an unadorned square box as seen from the exterior, but upon stepping inside, one is faced by a cross formed by the light shining in through slits in a all. The plain square box is gi!en life by the light. "ascination# is born in the space from the light of nature.#

I $elieve that the source of all creation lies 3ithin my 3ish to ma4e architecture 5 to create fascination $eyon+ ima#ination.

I hope+ that this ju6taposition of architecture, art, an+ nature 3oul+ #enerate 5 fascination.

Connection from Insi+e an+ outsi+e

The 3all is the comman+in# element that is easily reco#ni7e+ insi+e an+ outsi+e the $uil+in#

The e6ternal 3all of the church, 3hich raps aroun+ the $uil+in# an+ then intersects throu#h it, +efines the e6tent of the spiritual realm of the church.

Enclosure an+ Connectin# out This e6ternal 3all intersects the church an+ creates the connection $et3een the outsi+e 3orl+ an+ the insi+e, this emphasises the e6perience of $ein# enclose+ an+ loo4in# out.

Spatial 8r#anisation of sin#ular versus repetitive elements The formal ori#in of the chapel 3as +erive+ from three linear spheres an+ a 3all 3rappin# the $uil+in# Se9uence of Spaces, :ierarchy , Pu$lic , Private an+ transitional spaces

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