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Enabling Technologies

© Knowledge & Innovation Network 1

Enabling Technologies SIG

June 16th

The Swan
at Streatley
© Knowledge & Innovation Network 2
 Welcome and Introductions
 Guest Speaker – Scott Gavin
 Technologies – Who uses what?
 Resources


 Developing an ET Toolkit
 Charter
 Social Bookmarking
 Priorities
 Personal / Favourite Tools

© Knowledge & Innovation Network 3

Why are we here?

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People Process


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Introductions, Expectations and Offerings

Who are you?

Why are you here?

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what is Enterprise2.0 ?

meet Charlie
meet Scott

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Who uses what ?

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Who Uses What Mind Mapping
Developing an ET Toolkit

 What should be in it?

Starter Suggestions

 Tool Selection Criteria

 Training Materials
 Governance Models
 Process Models
 Springboards Stories
 Examples of ways to use

© Knowledge & Innovation Network 19

ET Toolkit Brainstorm
Purpose & Scope
KIN Enabling Technologies SIG

Objectives Tools

Roles Behaviours Processes

Purpose & Scope
KIN Learning from Projects SIG
We will share Knowledge and Expertise to enhance our individual
and collective capability to Learn from Projects in order to drive
ongoing performance improvement in our organisations
The processes, tools and technologies by which project teams
learn before, during and after.

Objectives Tools
• Map member organisations • Stair & River diagrams
competencies using stair & river diagrams • Peer Assists
(target 1 data point / member org by end 2008) • Masterclasses
• Roundtables
• Use results to drive focussed K sharing • KIN Memberspace
events between member organisations Repository
and acquisition of K from experts Discussion Forums
• Telephone Conferencing
• eMail / Phone

Roles Behaviours Processes

• Quarterly F2F meetings with
Facilitator: Phil Ridout • Prepared to learn Masterclass or Roundtable
• Prepared to actively share (1/year linked to KIN conferences)
Associate: Nick Milton • Collaborating face to face and • Quarterly Telephone
virtually both during and in Conferences between F2F
between KIN events meetings
• Interactions between member
Purpose & Scope
KIN Enabling Technologies SIG
We will share Knowledge and Expertise to enhance our individual
and collective capability to …

The processes, tools and technologies by which…

Objectives Tools
• Map … • Masterclasses
• • Roundtables
• Stair & River diagrams
• Use results to drive focussed K sharing • Peer Assists
events between member organisations • KIN Memberspace
and acquisition of K from experts Repository
Discussion Forums
• Telephone Conferencing
• eMail / Phone

Roles Behaviours Processes

• Quarterly F2F meetings with
Facilitator: Phil Ridout • Prepared to actively share Masterclass or Roundtable
• Prepared to learn (1/year linked to KIN conferences)
Associate: • Collaborating face to face and • Quarterly Telephone
virtually both during and in Conferences between F2F
Members: between KIN events meetings • Interactions between member

 2 ticks on central map

 6 ticks (max) distributed across sub-maps

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Currently Scheduled

 24 Sep – Collaboration Platforms Roundtable

 14 Oct – WEB 2.0 Masterclass
 18 Nov – Information Management Webinar

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Social Bookmarking

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Personal / Favourite Tools

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And Finally

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