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Data Warehousing

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential

Data Warehousing

Introduction , Terminology Necessity / Why Data Warehouse ? Characteristics of a Data Warehouse Building phases Security Tools The Impact of Web Benefits

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential

Data Warehousing - A Trend .

Data Warehousing is taking the industry by storm, and is now poised

to transform it

For too long, enterprises have been data rich and information poor technologically condemned to be informational mazes

Most organizations remain structurally incapable of providing useful business intelligence to management

Now this era is ending

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential

Data Warehousing - Introduction

Warehouse of Data

Not a product to buy off the shelf

A set of Software & Hardware Set of data managed after & outside SAP

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential

Data Warehousing - Introduction

Data Warehouse Vs Operational Systems Data Warehouse Data Operational System Data

Long time frame Static Data is usually summarized Ad hoc query access Updated periodically Data driven
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Short time frame Rapid changes Record-level access SAP standard transactions Updated in real time Event driven
Company Confidential 5

Data Warehousing - Introduction

Components of Data Warehouse

Fact Data Dimension Data

Aggregate Data
Meta Data Staging Area

Data Mart

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential

Data Warehousing - Terminology

Granularity OLAP / ROLAP / MOLAP/ HOLAP Drill Down / Roll Up

Slice & Dice

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential

Data Warehousing - Terminology


Granularity (or Grain) defines the level of detail stored in the physical warehouse Low granularity indicates lot of detail while high granularity indicates less detail Example : A commercial airline is building a data warehouse. What will the granularity be? Choice A : Each record represents a flight (High Granular) Choice B : Each record represents the customer on a flight (Less Granular)
However, you should be aware that the granularity of data affects Volumes of Data, Data Maintenance, Indexing Level of Data Exploration Query and Reporting Constraints
Sunday, March 30, 2014 Company Confidential 8

Data Warehousing - Terminology

OLAP - Online Analytical Processing

MOLAP - Multi-dimensional Online Analytical Processing

The data from data warehouse is queried and dumped periodically on to a server on local network to a data storage called Multi-dimensional Database(MDDB) provided by the OLAP tool. This MDDB forms a Data Mart which is then used for querying and reporting.

ROLAP - Relational Online Analytical Processing

refers to the ability to conduct OLAP analysis directly against a relational warehouse without any constraints on the number of dimensions, database size, analytical complexity, or number and type of users

HOLAP - Hybrid Online Analytical Processing

An environment with a combination of MOLAP and ROLAP data storage. Summarized information is typically stored in an MDDB and detailed data is stored in a Relational environment.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential

Data Warehousing - Terminology

Drill Down / Rollup

M o n t h

District Location
Analytical technique whereby the user navigates from the most summarized to the most detailed level

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential


Data Warehousing - Terminology

Rotation OR Dicing Slicing

M o n t h Product

P r o d c t


Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential


Data Warehousing - Why Warehouse ?

The ability to store Historical Data

Consistent Data
Access to Corporate & Organizational Data

A means of Slicing & Dicing the Data

A means to query,analyse & present information A place to publish used Data High Returns on Investment
Sunday, March 30, 2014 Company Confidential 12

Data Warehousing - Why Warehouse ?

Sunday, March 30, 2014

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Data Warehousing - Characteristics


Accessible Subject Oriented Integrated Time Variant

Non Volatile

Sunday, March 30, 2014

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Data Warehousing - Building phases



Loading Querying

Sunday, March 30, 2014

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Data Warehousing - Designing

Top Down Approach setting up enterprise wide architecture first & then going for individual data marts very difficult, time consuming, expensive Bottom up Approach start with highly focused data marts & then combine them for enterprise wide requirements Hybrid Approach Start with data mart having focus on enterprise wide scope
Sunday, March 30, 2014 Company Confidential 16

Data Warehousing - Designing

Logical Data model Vs Physical Data model Logical Data model Physical Data model

Uses business names Business experts drive it Includes entities, attributes & relationships

Names limited by DBMS DBAs drive it Includes tables, columns, keys & database triggers, indexes etc.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential


Data Warehousing - Designing

Star Schema

Model with Central Fact table surrounded by many Dimension tables. Central Fact table is Long & Narrow having many rows & few Columns. Dimension tables are Short & Wide having few rows & many columns.
Sunday, March 30, 2014 Company Confidential 18

Data Warehousing - Designing

Time time_key calender_date year month day fiscal_year quarter day_of_week Product_sales time_key (FK) Product_key Customer_key Amount Quantity Tax Product Product_key Operational_id Product_name UPC_code Product_class Color Flavour Product_size

Customer Customer_key Name Street_address City State_province Country Customer_type

Sales Star Schema

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential


Data Warehousing - Designing

Snow Flake Schema

Normalized Dimension Tables Each Smaller Dimension table joined to a Fact table & Descriptive Dimension table

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential


Data Warehousing - Designing









Sunday, March 30, 2014 Company Confidential 21

Data Warehousing - Security

Identify Data

Classify Data
Quantify the value of Data

Identify Data security vulnerabilities

Identify Data protection measures Select Cost Effective security measures Evaluate effectiveness of security measures
Sunday, March 30, 2014 Company Confidential 22

Data Warehousing - Tools


- Business Objects, Cognos

Query & Reporting - BO Reports, Cognos, Crystal Reports

Extraction Data modelling Meta Data Cleansing - Informatica, D2k, Ardent, Prism - ERWIN, Power Designer - Platinum, Prism - Vality, Trillium, I.d. Centric


- SAS Enterpise miner, Data Mind

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential


Data Warehousing - Impact of Web

Consistency. Everyone in the organization can draw upon a common pool of data and see reports that reflect their needs. Accessibility. Accessing the data warehouse through a common pathway, the Web browser, simplifies the process of finding information. Availability. Access to information is available to anyone at anytime, even if the database administrator is not available. The data warehouse is independent of operational activities and can be accessed via the Web whenever necessary.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential


Data Warehousing - Impact of Web

Low development costs. Software provides a standard framework for developing Web-enabled applications. Low maintenance costs. Less time is spent maintaining client-side, typically PC-based applications software; and support can be focused on ensuring that information in the data warehouse brings competitive advantages Time savings. If information consumers are directed to reports, then information providers, typically qualified specialists whose time is expensive, spend less time answering the same questions again and again.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential


Data Warehousing - Impact of Web

Improved business communications. By providing Web-enabled software-based corporate information to customers, business partners, and the public, you can improve your business performance, reinforce brand loyalties and increase your organization's exposure. Data protection. Keeping the importance of standard Web security technology in mind, you can build and deploy secure applications for your organization.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential


Data Warehousing - Impact of Web

Low marginal cost/scaleable solutions. The Rapid Warehousing Methodology -- think big, start small -demonstrates that to maximize return on investment, it is best to develop for a small number of people first, and then extend the solution to larger groups. With browser technology, the cost of doubling or tripling the user community is negligible. Low training costs. Web browsers are intuitive and easy to use.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Company Confidential


Data Warehousing - Benefits

Increase customer profitability Cost effective decision making Manage customer and business partner relationships Manage risk, assets and liabilities Integrate inventory, operations and manufacturing Link multiple locations and geographies Identify developing trends and reduce time to market Facilitate process change Improve quality assurance programs Production & Performance awareness
Sunday, March 30, 2014 Company Confidential 28

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