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Module 2 Exercises

Ex.1: Questions
What to do Answer the following questions: Is there an equivalence between Capability Levels and Maturity Levels? Explain What is the difference between base practices and advanced practices? Why dont they apply to staged representations? What is the difference between Specific Practices and Generic Practices? Why is the customer satisfaction initially decreasing when a company starts the process improvement journey?

Ex.2: Continuous vs. Staged

Scenario An immature company has just started process improvement SW disciplines only What to do Develop the high level strategy and approach for their program Decide what PAs should be chosen and explain why What is the implementation order Expected outcome Staged or continuous representation? And why What PAs, why, and in what order

Consider a software company that intends to implement CMMI. You have to make a first appraisal and determine the maturity level of the company. The company has 40 employees and 10 active projects. For the larger projects (>5 people) the company uses a simplified version of RUP and for the smaller projects it uses Agile Techniques. Some projects do not follow any structured process. Version control is not consistent, the company uses MS VSS for controlling code versions but requirements change and documentation versioning is not consistently controlled.

What to do
What is the estimated maturity level? What are the PAs that need improvement to move up to the next maturity level?

Expected outcome
Current ML What PAs, why, and in what order

Consider a software company that you have to appraise and determine the maturity level of the company. The company has 120 employees and 10 active projects. For the larger projects (>5 people) the company uses a simplified version of RUP or an instance of the MSF. For the smaller projects it uses Agile Techniques. All the projects follow some kind of structured process but it is up to the project manager. Training is not consistently provided to all the technical staff. Senior management is not involved in defining and enforcing global policies.

What to do
What is the estimated maturity level of the company? What are the PAs that need improvement? What would be a plan to implement the next maturity level

Expected outcome
Current ML What PAs, why, and in what order The plan to implemeny next ML

Prj.1: Contract Management

Group of 3 students Scenario Consider the group as a company that wants to buy a software tool suite from a supplier What to do implement SAM (Supplier Agreement Management) specific practices Expected outcome
All the work products associated with the SPs and the contract agreement

Prj.2: Project Planning

A laboratory with a server and 12 workstations. All data is stored on the server and is visible on all 12 stations. The working team is made of 12 students, and the timeframe for finishing the project is 6 weeks.

What to do
Develop a detailed project plan to implement a data management system, following the PP SP2.x practices The

Expected outcome All work products and the project plan

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