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Invisible Cloak

Invisibility cloak as the name suggest that it is a device, after wearing this device the person will disappear from the scene.

You can reveal many secrets by wearing this device.

A cloak of invisibility is a term that has been used in fiction, and is also a device which is under some scientific inquiry.

In fiction
Cloaks of invisibility do occur in some fairy tales, such as The Twelve Dancing Princesses, The cap of invisibility has appeared in Greek myth.

Edgar Rice uses the idea of an invisibility cloak in his novel A Fighting Man of Mars in 1931. likewise In Harry Potter series of novels Harry uses the cloak to sneak into forbidden areas of the school.

More recently, cloaking devices have been

used in video


for example Battlefield Heroes, Team Fortress 2 and the Halo series,

In science Metascreen microwave invisibility

In 2006, a cloak was produced that routed microwaves of a particular frequency around a copper cylinder in a way that made them invisible. The cloak was made from metamaterials. It cast a small shadow

Cloaking device that can make tanks invisible has been developed by BAE, a global company that specializes in making defense weapons. It involves the use of metamaterials specialised materials that can make objects disappear by bending light away. BAE engineers have succeeded in cloaking tanks/vehicles with hexagonal sheaths of such a material.

The hexagons can act as pixels and combine together to create an infra-red image that is formed by an onboard camera that records the surrounding landscape and projects it from the surface of the tank. The tank can thus disappear to the outside observer and appear just as trees and bushes. The technology can also be applied for cloaking ships, aircraft and helicopters.

some problems in making practical cloaking device

It's not yet clear that you're going to get the invisibility that everyone thinks about with Harry Potter's cloak. To make an object literally vanish before a person's eyes, a cloak would have to simultaneously interact with all of the wavelengths, or colors, that make up light

Pakistan and other OIC member states have been relying largely on imports from the west. They will discover that they were supplied weapons that is outdated and ineffective against the latest systems. Over 50 percent of the research expenditure in the US is contributed by US defence agencies such as Nasa, Darpa, the US air force, the Office of Naval Research etc.

Much of this funding is given to universities and private companies in order to develop specific capabilities. In Pakistan our armed forces spend little or nothing in research. It is vitally important that at least 10 percent of our defence budget is spent annually in strengthening our universities in fields such as nanotechnology, material sciences and robotics so that our dependence on foreign equipment can be reduced and we become exporters instead of importers of sophisticated defence equipment.

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