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Strategic Issues of IT/IS in Tatra Banka, a. s.

Tatra Banka
1990 Modern universal bank 1st private bank in Slovakia 3rd biggest Slovak bank Member of Raiffeisen Bank International

Tatra banka group

Tatra leasing Tatra asset management Tatra billing Centre of living Supplementary pension insurance of Tatra

banka Tatra banka foundation

700 thousand clients 3 366 employees 155 business locations 330 ATMs 82 awards from 21 announcers

Account and payments Loans Cards Savings and investments Treasury Private banking

Voice biometrics for Dialog Live Tatra banka VIAMO Mobile contactless payments Contactless debt cards Tatra banka Smartphone mobile application Scanner of documents

3 areas of IT with positive business impacts

Awarded from Global Finance:
Best Consumer Internet Bank in Central and

Eastern Europe
Best in Mobile Banking worldwide Best Web Site Design worldwide

Internetbanking of Tatra Banka

first Internet banking in Slovakia - in 1998 first generation: change password look at the online status and account transactions


the third generation (2011, in cooperation with Unicorn Systems)

Inovative features:

filtering of transactions a quick search, create and manage templates for domestic payments, Quick Payment function, ability to export to pdf and csv formats, show balance and product development in the charts...

Mobile banking of Tatra Banka

introduction of the application in 2010 as the first native mobile application created for Internet banking in Slovakia
application Tatra banka is available for iOS, Android and BlackBerry 10 possible to check the status of accounts, credit cards, securely send money orders, view made payments or movements on credit cards...

Other applications:
Mobile payments (for contactless mobile phone payment), takaTB (authorization and authentication tool to work with electronic banking), ArtConsulting (Catalogue artworks for private banking clients),

Tatra banka Viam (for easy sending money)

Webpage of Tatra banka

Redesign of website (in 2012):
faster and more intuitive navigation, products are available with just a click, added various interactive tools such as calculators, guides to products, simple comparison

Preferred way of contacting banks for clients is a chat window - Tatra ChatTB - or online call accessible directly from the website of the bank.

The main page of

Added value through IT implementation

quicker and easier work with Internet

increase the quality of displayed data, efficient use of the Internet connection,

strengthening its position as a technology

leader on the Slovak market,

new development opportunities of

functionality and of Internet banking services.

Business Impacts
in 2012 a number of domestic payment

orders increased also in the unstable economic situation of almost 4%,

in foreign payments, the increase in the

number of transactions was even bigger more than 14%

especially thanks electronic distribution channels through which it was entered more than 95% of the total number of executed payment orders

proportion of transactions made

through these distribution channels confirms that the innovations immediately gain the favour of clients

Number of Domestic transactions via Internet banking

20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Source: annual reports of Tatra Banka, a.s.

2012 Share of internet transactions in total transactions 95%

2011 90%

2010 90%

2009 85%

2008 85%

2007 83%

The percentage of internet transactions in total transactions is gradually rising, therefore it is clear that the bank will continue to strive to develop electronic banking, and so fulfill the requirements and expectations of their clients and this also bring a great advantage in competition with others banks.

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