Customer Service Management

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Presented by: REGINA M.SIKAIN

1. Customer Relation & Those with a positive attitude and a cheerful outlook Communication

Customer Relationship Management Concept

Service is.
Customers in a restaurant want more than a meal

Guests in hotels want more than a room

Client in a transaction want more than a settlement Customer want more that just the product or service that is offered they also want to be treated well

Service is Intangible

Intangibles deal with the human side of an organization

Service is intangible

They include human emotions, behaviors, understandings, feelings, and perceptions

Service is Intangible
Examples of customer service intangible :

Satisfaction Attentiveness Flow Helpfulness Sensitivity Tone Attitude Knowledge Understanding Tact Guidance

Two Dimensions of Service

The procedural dimension Consist of the established systems and procedures to deliver products and/or services


The personal dimension How service providers (using their attitudes, behaviors, and verbal skills) interact with customers

Customer Service defined

Doing ordinary thing extraordinarily well Going the extra mile Providing pleasant & courteous service Customer Experience

Framework for CRM

Identify prospects and customers Differentiate customers by needs and value to company

Interact to improve knowledge

Customize for each customer

CRM Strategies
Reduce rate of defection Increase longevity Enhance share of wallet Terminate low-profit customers Focus more effort on high-profit customers


Understanding the Customer Who are Customers?

The most important person in any business Is not dependent on us Not an interruption but the purpose Is part of our business not an outsider We arent doing a favor by serving them

Who are Customers?...cont.

A Customer is not just money. They are human beings with feelings & deserve to be treated with respect. Is a person who comes to us with their needs & wants. Deserves the most courteous attention we can give them. They are the lifeblood of every business.

Customer Service & Relationship

The term Customer Service details the process that companies have devised, to enhance the experiences customers have while dealing and

interacting with their company


Customer Focused Behavior

Customer focused behavior Act promptly

Guide rather than direct

Dont rush customer Offer assistance Dont keep customer waiting Avoid unprofessional actions


Addressing Customer Needs

To Feel Welcome To Be Understood To Feel Comfortable

To Feel Appreciated To Feel Important To Be Respected

Customer Needs

Four Styles of Behavior






The Importance of Customer Retention


Customer Retention
Acquisition of customers can cost 5 times more than retaining current customers. The average customer loses 10% of its

customers each year.

A 5% reduction to the customer defection rate can increase profits by 25% to 85%. The customer profit rate increases over the life of a retained customer.

Ways of Retaining Customers...

Maintaining customer satisfaction

Resolve customer problems and disputes

Keep em coming back

Ask for referrals


Database Key Concepts

Customer database Database marketing Mailing list

Business database

Data warehouse
Data mining

Developing Excellent Communication with Customers


What You Should Know?

Know Your Organization

Customer Service Person

Know Your Product/Service

Know Your Customer


Developing Excellent Communication with Customers

Excellent Verbal Communication Skills

Productive Relationship with Customers

Excellent Non-Verbal Communication Skills

Excellent Listening Skills


Excellent Verbal Communication with Customers

Communicating positively.. Plan your messages

Greet customer warmly and sincerely

Be specific

Use small talk

Use simple language Paraphrase


Excellent Verbal Communication with Customers

Communicating positively.. Ask positively phrased question (Instead, Why do you
feel that way , use: What makes you feel that way? Instead, Why do you want that color, use : What other colors have you considered?)

Communicate to your customers style Agree with customers Solicit customer feedback and participation

Excellent Verbal Communication with Customers

Six C of giving good information to customers








Non Verbal Communication with Customers

Body language

Volume Cues Non Verbal Behavior

Appearance and Grooming

Miscellaneous Cues

To listen more effectively..

Attend physically the right body language helps us
to focus on the customer and encourages the customer to give us more information Attend mentally follow the customers flow of thought, listen to understand, not evaluate; listen first, then assess Check it verbally paraphrase, clarify, probe further, summarize your understanding


Dealing Assertively with Customers

Look customers in the eyes as you speak

Grasp firmly without crushing

Think, plan, speak a specific question Stop, gather thoughts, speak Apologize if you make a mistake Increase volume, sound firm and convincing

Take responsibility, resolve the problem


Marketing Segmentation & Segment of One

Market Segmentation
Segmentation is the process of partitioning a large heterogeneous market into smaller groups of people or businesses which shows similar Needs & Characteristics, thus resulting into a similar Purchase Behaviour


Mass vs. One-to-One Marketing

Mass Average customer Customer anonymity Standard product Mass production Mass distribution Mass advertising One-way message Economies of scale

One-to-One Individual customer Customer profile Customized market offering Customized production Economies of scope Share of customer


The Value Proposition

The whole cluster of benefits the company promises to deliver
Make it better than the competitor

Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value

Customer equity

Lifetime value
Customer profitability

2. Quality Management


9 Principles of Quality Customer Service

Attracting new customers costs more than retaining existing customers Customer service costs real money Understand your customers needs and meet them Good process and product design is important Customer service must be consistent Employees are customers too Open all communications channels Every customer contact is a chance to shine People expect good customer service everywhere

Setting Quality Standard

Develop a set of standards on how you expect staff to behave towards customers Standards can also encompass how you wish the services you provide to customers to be delivered, or the acceptable level of quality of the products you manufacture


International Standards
Balanced scorecard ISO 9000 Customer Service Quality Standards (CSQS)


Screening Job Applicants

To uncover red flags that needs to be probed in an interview. To establish benchmarks against which to gauge To match new hires with compatible managers. future progress. To make sure job applicants have the sales skills and personality necessary to do the job.


Type of Tests
General Cognitive Ability Personality and Motivation Tests Pre-employment Integrity Tests

Management Tests Job Skills Tests


Training for Quality Customer Service

Provide ongoing training to ensure you have knowledgeable and confident staff Classroom-based training Workshops Seminars Conferences Web-based training On the job training Job shadowing Day release or night classes Coaching

Quality Customer Service Leadership

Decide to create the culture Hire the right people Coach them Inspire them Empower them

3. Customer Service Strategy & Tools


Steps in Identifying A Service Strategy

Determine the most important service attributes for meeting and exceeding customers expectations. Determine the most important service attributes on which competitors are most vulnerable. Determine existing and potential service capabilities of our company Develop a service strategy that addresses important, enduring customer needs, exploits competitor vulnerabilities, and fits our companys capabilities and potential

Four Core Elements of Service Strategy

Service Reliability
Service Surprise

Service Recovery
Service Fairness


4. Managing Customer Service


Listening to Customer
One of the skills required by staffs who deal with customers is Listening.
We all think we listen wellbut many of us DONT!


Characteristics of Good Listener

1. Empathy 2. Understanding 3. Patience 4. Attentiveness 5. Objectivity

Good Listener


Strategies for Improved Listening

Stop talking !
Prepare yourself Listen actively Show willingness to listen Show empathy Send positive nonverbal cues Dont argue Ask questions

To listen more effectively..

Attend physically the right body language helps us
to focus on the customer and encourages the customer to give us more information Attend mentally follow the customers flow of thought, listen to understand, not evaluate; listen first, then assess Check it verbally paraphrase, clarify, probe further, summarize your understanding


Handling Difficult Customer

Dont take it personally Remain calm, listen carefully Focus on the problem, not the person Reward yourself for turning a difficult customer into a happy one

When all else fail, ask for help


Customer Service in a Diverse World

DIVERSITY the different characteristics, values, beliefs and factors that make people different, yet similar.
Innate characteristic (inborn) such as height, weight, hair, color, gender, skin color, physical and mental condition.
Learned or gained factors (religion, values, beliefs, economic level) Platinum Rule find out what customer want and treat them as they want to be treated

Typical cultural value

Modesty Expectations of privacy Forms of address Respect for elders Importance of relationships Gender roles Attitude towards conflict Concept of time Ownership of property


Quality service to diverse group

Customer with language differences
Customer with disabilities

Elderly customers
Younger customers


Customer Service via Technology

Automatic call distribution (ACD) system Automatic number identification (ANI) Electronic mail (E-mail) Facsimile (fax) machine Internet telephony Interactive voice response (IVR) Media blending On-line information fulfillment Predictive dialing system Screen pop-ups Video Voice recognition


The telephone in customer service

Advantage: Convenience Ease of communication Economy Efficiency Communication Skills
Speak clearly Limit jargon, slang Adjust your volume Speak at a rate that allow comprehension Use voice inflection Use correct grammar Pause occasionally Smile as you speak Project a positive image and attitude Wait to speak Listen actively

Effective Telephone usage

Eliminate distraction Answer promptly Use titles with names Ask questions Use equipment properly
Request permission before

transfer calls
Be a good intermediaries Reconnect with the customer if the transferring fail Avoid making blind transfer If u put customer on hold,

Use speakerphones with

caution Transfer call properly Use call waiting

check back every 20 to 30

seconds Thank the caller for waiting

Encouraging Customer Loyalty

Loyalty a deeply held commitment to re-buy or repatronize a preferred product or service in the future despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behavior


Customers vs. Consumers

CUSTOMERS A person or company who purchases goods or services Goods or service purchased is either for their use or the use of their family Goods or service purchased can be on the behalf of their company CONSUMERS An individual who buys and uses a product or service May not necessarily be the purchaser of the goods or service Goods or service are utilized by the consumer


Loyalty further defined


Clients Supporters Advocates Partners

Reward Loyal Customers

Adding Value to Service Customer Satisfaction Make Switching to our Competitors difficult

Encourage Loyalty

Customer Service & Relationship

The term Customer Service details the process that companies have devised, to enhance the experiences customers have while dealing and interacting with their company. The focus here is to provide the customer with excellent, friendly and accurate services. The emphasis here is to provide a personal touch.
Last..but not.. Least!

Customer Service - GUEST

G Greet the customer U Understand customer needs E Explain features & benefits S Suggest additional items T Thank the customer



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