IndoVER - New Brochure

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Do You want to be a doctor in Germany ?

We do know how !

Why do You need our help ?

- Kami akan membantu dan membimbing anda untuk menjadi Resident di Program Pendidikan spesialis di Jerman - Kami akan membantu dalam segala keperluan kepengurusan dokumen. - Kami mempunyai banyak informasi dan akses ke hampir semua rumah sakit di Jerman yang sedang membutuhkan tenaga dokter - Kami akan membantu anda dalam pembuatan kontrak kerja yang menguntungkan ( selama pendidikan anda mendapat gaji ) karena tidak semua resident mendapat gaji. Tergantung dari kontrak kerja yang ada - Harga yang kami tawarkan tidak sebanding dengan apa yang akan kalian dapatkan. Contoh : bila gaji per bulan 30 jt , dalam 5 tahun pendidikan anda akan mendapat 30 jt x 12 bln x 5 th = 1,8 M ( *perkiraan, belum termasuk jaga malam tambahan ). Tiap tahun keresidenan gaji bertambah

The experience of Dr. Abdullah Al Maktary

Dr. Abdullah Al Maktary was born and raised up in the country of Jemen. For his medical studies he was leaving his home and studied succesfully Medicine in Iraque. Because of his specific interests in orthopedic and hand surgery he finally decided to continue his specialization as a doctor in Germany. Therefore he moved by his own to Cologne in Germany, learned the German language in a special school for foreigners and found his first job in Germany at the University Hospital in Aachen. Because he did not know better at that time he was signing a contract as a Gastarzt (visiting doctor ) what means that he will get no payment from the German hospital but only a supporting help from his home country. To avoid this and to sign a contract that makes You equal with all the other doctors in Germany indoVER is ready and proud to help You for Your future career.

STEP 1 REGISTRATION and APPLICATION 1000 euro - collecting personal data - advice-plan (German class, medical courses, collecting exams etc) - translation and legalization of documents (German Embassy etc) - curriculum vitae - sending applications - direct interaction with hospitals STEP 2 JOB INTERVIEW - training for job interview - VISA - flight ticket, travel-insurance - airport transfer - accomodation (for 3 month) - transportation to job interviews (Deutsche Bahn) - 3 month German class in Aachen (Germany), super intensive class - working VISA - work permission - assistance in housing (including rent for32 month) - assistance in signing insurances (health etc.) - flight ticket - airport transfer 9000 euro

*price valid from 01.01.2011 until 30.06.2011; may vary due to exchange rate IDR/EUR

GUARANTEE: no job interview within 9 months after signing for STEP-1 we will pay You 50% of the paid money back (50% of STEP-1)

no succesfull job interview within 9 months after signing for STEP-2 and STEP-3 we will pay You money back as followed:
after 1 flight 50% of STEP-2 and 100% of STEP-3, after 2 flights 25% of STEP-2 and 100% of STEP-3

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