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Software Engineering Orientation

Software Engineering Orientation with Satyam QMS

Entry Level Technology Program

The term coding refers to the detailed creation of working, meaningful software Techniques for creating understandable source code, including naming and source code layout Use of classes, enumerated types, variables, named constants, and other similar entities Use of control structures Handling of error conditionsboth planned errors and exceptions (input of bad data, for example

Entry Level Technology Program

Coding -Standards

!asted a lot of time coding the wrong algorithm" Used a data structure that was much too complicated" Tested a program but missed an obvious problem" #pent a day looking for a problem you should have found in five minutes" $eeded to make a program run three times faster and use less memory"

Entry Level Technology Program


Testing is the process of certifying and verifying the compliance of a product with user requirements% Testing is the process of identifying defects, where a defect is any variance between actual and expected results% &t is oriented to 'detection'

Entry Level Technology Program

Why Testing

To deliver a (uality product as per requirements To control the cost by identifying the defect at an appropriate time% To eliminate legal implications%

Entry Level Technology Program

Why Testing
&n )arch of *++* it was reported that software bugs in ,ritain's national tax system resulted in more than -++,+++ erroneous tax overcharges% ,ugs in software supporting a large commercial high.speed data network affected /+,+++ business customers over a period of 0 days in 1ugust of -222 1 small town in &llinois received an unusually large monthly electric bill of 3/ million in )arch of -222% This was about /++ times larger than its normal bill% &n 4anuary -220 due to software problems at a ma5or U%#% telecommunications company that resulted in no charges for long distance calls for a month for 6++,+++ customers #oftware bugs caused the bank accounts of 0*7 customers of a ma5or U%#% bank to be credited with 32*6,066,*+0%7* each in )ay of -228

Entry Level Technology Program

Verification and Validation

Verification 9eviews and evaluation of artifacts . plans, code, requirements and specifications% :right product was built%: Validation 1ctual testing% :the product was built right%:

Entry Level Technology Program

Testing Process
%inal Report Defect trac#ing & analysis To confirm no si e" effects ue to !ug"fixing Run the test cases & report !ugs Automate testing $here require Test case preparation Plan the test strategies Effort & Sche ule Request for Testing Project Closure Defect Analysis Regression Testing Execute Test Cases & Report Defects Test Automation Design Test Cases Test Plan Preparation Estimation Project Initiation

Entry Level Technology Program

Testing Techniques
Black Box Testing :
&t is the craft of testing a program from the external view% &t is technique wherein the application ; product is tested for its functional properties% $o knowledge about the internals about the system is required% <an be executed from any location provided the system setup is existing


#ystem; 1pplication


,oundary =alue 1nalysis >quivalence ?artitioning

Entry Level Technology Program

lac! o" Testing

,oundary =alue 1nalysis
Test data is chosen to lie along the defined data boundaries Tests for data with the maximum, minimum, 5ust outside;inside boundaries and error values%

>quivalence ?artitioning
Testing technique where the system inputs are partitioned into sets%

Entry Level Technology Program

Testing Techniques
White Box Testing @ 9equire the understanding of the program internals% )ostly executed by the programmer himself Anowledge of program flow is essential%
System/A lication



Entry Level Technology Program

Test Case

1 test case is a question you ask the program

Test !ase "# Unique identification number which relates to individual element of #9# Test !ase Str$ct$re Bata &nput ;Bescription >xpected 9esult 1ctual 9esult
Entry Level Technology Program

Testing # Phases

Unit Testing

&ntegration Testing

#ystem Testing

User 1cceptance Testing

Entry Level Technology Program

Testing # Phases
Unit Testing Testing of the smallest unit of the system such as a class or program preferably by a developer% &ntegration Testing &ntegration tests target the program interfaces between the various modules of an application% #ystem Testing The primary ob5ective of the system testing is to ensure that the product will operate as intended in the production environment as per the requirement% User 1cceptance Testing >valuation of the product by the customer ; client <hecks that the system delivers what was requested

Entry Level Technology Program

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