What Is The Internet?: Prepared by Musbri Mohamed Pengurus Besar Yayasan PEKIDA Malaysia

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What is the


Prepared By
Musbri Mohamed
Pengurus Besar
Yayasan PEKIDA Malaysia
The Internet is by definition a meta-
network, a constantly changing collection
of thousands of individual networks
intercommunicating with a common

The Federal Networking Council (FNC) agrees that the following
language reflects definition of the term 'Internet'. 'Internet' refers
to the global information system that –

(i)  is logically linked together by a globally unique address space

based on the Internet Protocol (IP) or its subsequent

(ii)  is able to support communications using the Transmission

Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) suite or its
subsequent extensions/follow-ons, and/or other IP-compatible
protocols; and

(iii)  provides, uses or makes accessible, either publicly or

privately, high level services layered on the communications and
related infrastructure described herein.

Nobody owns the Internet,
there is no centralized
control, and nobody can turn
it off.

There is no central control, administration, or
management of the Internet. While this is
generally true, there are several well-known
organizations that work together in a
relatively well structured and roughly
democratic environment to collectively
participate in the research, development, and
management of the Internet.

The companies running the Internet
backbone operate very high bandwidth
networks relied on by governments,
corporations, large organizations, and
other network providers.

Freedom of expression
What price must be paid for free speech?


I have seen the cartoons and was

unimpressed by them. They are the
intellectual equivalent equivalent of
shouting “fire” in a crowded cinema.
While there is a need for a genuine
discussion about the rights of the West
to define its own boundaries of free
speech, these cartoons are trite,
purposely provocative and
unnecessary. In this case, the
protesting Muslims have a point.

ROGER SCRUTON, Philosopher

People of different religions or none can co-exist —

so we hope, and so we have reason to believe. But
co-existence with someone requires respect for the
icons, rituals and symbols of his faith.
It is as wrong to mock the religious taboos of a
Muslim as it is to pour scorn on the icons of
Christianity. Unfortunately, because we have got
used to the continual childish blasphemy against
the Christian faith that passes for sophistication in
the film industry, on television and in the art
schools, we think that others, whose experience of
Western society is more recent and who are not yet
inoculated against its hooligan iconoclasm, will also
respond with a saddened shrug when people pour
scorn on their faith.

What hope do we have of winning the hearts and minds of
Muslims when we insult them? We tell them that the problem
with Islamic nations is that they are not democratic. Then we
condemn them for daring to vote in a party we don’t like in
Palestine, and next we make fun of their most sacred symbols.
Why should they trust democracy when we only use it to attack

Springvale, Victoria, Australia


The Internet has become the information superhighway for
the buying public. Most persons prefer the hassle free
transactions that Internet shopping can offer. As a result, the
Internet has become the most powerful selling tool. Internet
Promotion offers cost effective ways for small businesses to
enhance their product or service distribution networks. For
example, the use of portals can help create new marketing
channels and logistics, or provide better or faster product
access for customers.

With millions of person using the Internet
to search for products and services, small
businesses can penetrate other markets at a
fraction of the cost of traditional marketing

With over 400 million Internet users, building
online relationships and communities could be
that killer application. But there are many great
reasons for creating an online community.
Maybe you want an online version of your
existing offline community or maybe you want
to create a new internet-only community. Or
maybe you want to bring together all of your
clients and customers in one place.

Seed, Feed, Weed...

Community management is like gardening - you need

to seed conversation, feed interaction and weed out the
dead wood! And it's your moderator who makes sure
things run smoothly. They are responsible for
maintaining content, upholding site guidelines, guiding
users and stimulating conversation. Your moderator
needs to be a great receptionist, a knowledgeable
manager and a top communicator all in one. They're on
the frontline of your business and need to be equipped
as such. To your visitors, they ARE you and your idea.

How to Communicate with Prospects All
Over the World Who Speak a Different

Did you know that over 50% of all Internet traffic is from
non-English speaking countries?

As the Internet grows in popularity, more users
will want to access websites in their native
languages. According to a report by the World
Intellectual Property Organization, two-thirds of
all Internet users will be non-English speakers.

Now, you can type your response in English,
and then hit the "translate" button and turn it
into Spanish, French, German, Portuguese,
etc. Take the new content, past it into your
email as a reply and then send! You just
typed in a foreign language you did not even
know how to pronounce it or even spell it!

Take your business international, and reach

50% more people than you could before by
using this great free translation service.

With the advent of the
technology age, the Internet
has been used for everything
from research to shopping.

We live in one world. What we do affects others, and what
others do affects us as never before. To recognize that we
are all members of a world community and that we all have
responsibilities to each other is not romantic rhetoric, but
modern economic and social reality.

More understanding, less prejudice,
we want peace!


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