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it is a process by which the representatives of workers n employers are brought together before a third person with a view to persuade

the parties to come to an agreement , to the satisfaction of both n in the larger interests of industry n community as a whole.

Voluntary conciliation: parties free will Free to accept or reject the decision 2. Compulsory conciliation Made compulsory by provisions

Industrial dispute act, 1947 Speedy settlement of disputes Peace making process

2. 3.

Works committee (section 3) Conciliation officer (section 4) Board of conciliation (section 5)

Consultative body Advisory in nature 100 or more workers Equal number of representatives Term 2 years Meeting Progress report Does not deal with wages n allowances Decisions not binding upon parties

Appointment by appropriate govt. Appointed for specific industries or specific areas Determination of number of officers Promote the settlement of disputes Report of settlement

Holding of proceedings in public utility services Notice Prescribed manner Fair settlement of dispute Report to the govt. along with the memorandum of settlement Failure report in case of non settlement containing Steps taken Reasons on account of which settlement could not be arrived (it is all upon the appropriate govt. whether it wants a make a reference to the appropriate authority or not)

Independent n impartial Physically n psychologically fit Ability to get well along with the people Responsible n mature judgement Friendly personality Well acquainted with laws n regulations Well trained in different aspects versatile

Adhoc body Consists of chairman n 2 or 4 members Settlement of disputes no enforcement of award Report within 2 months If no settlement is arrived the appropriate govt. may refer the dispute to the labour court, tribunal or national tribunal

Cant impose its own terms Decision with parties Help in identifying common areas of agreement

Hard posture phase: Both the parties come with hardened attitudes(inflexibility, adamant,discredit Each party takes a stand Conciliator makes an enquiry(acquires information, determines the gap) 2. Search for accommodation: Each party is concerned with protecting its own bargaining position

Neither party takes an initiative Conciliators inducement to adopt the more flexible attitude 3. Emergence of appropriate mood for settlement of compromise: Conciliator encourages n assists the parties Techniques used Factors that affect the conciliation proceedings -personal pressures -social n political pressures -economic pressures

4. Drafting of agreement In this stage, he takes some action to wind up his handling of the case Write final report to the govt. as well as to the parties

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