Report of The Working Group On Autonomy For Akashvani and Doordarshan, 1978 - Merlin Oommen /neeti Duaneria - Semester 3 (Batch 2010 - 2012)

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Policy Workshop

Aakashbharti National Broadcast Trust, 1977

Submitted By: Merlin Oommen Neeti Dauneria

Historical and Social
The Working Group was formed after the White Paper on the Misuse of Mass Media and the K.K.Das (former Secretary of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting ) Report; both commissioned by the Janata Government The working group was headed by Mr. B. G. Varghese The working group envisaged an Autonomous National Trust named Akash Bharati National Broadcast Trust. Free flow of news and information was seen to be very important in a Democratic Country. The same was highlighted in the Chanda Commitee Report of 1964. The need of free media was felt to be pertinent after and during the emergency as people living in a democratic country had the right to access news free from any form of government censorship and propaganda.

Economic Context:
Chanda Committee Report talked about and highlighted the need for generating revenue for both AIR and Doordarshan If both these organisations could generate revenue they would not have to depend on government funds to such an extent and the government would not be able to arm-twist these organisations


The Policy is Regulatory in Nature. A Regulatory policy is a policy that targets the behaviour of individuals and industry. Is it Regional, National or Global in Nature: It is all of the above, it is National in nature as it talks about setting a National Autonomous Trust. It is regional in nature also as it talks about working with regional Akashwani centres for disseminating information, and bridging the gap between rural and urban India. Global as the working committee visited the many broadcasting centres around the world to develop NBT policy.

The interconnections between each level if any: Yes there are interconnections as each level is interdependent on each other.

B.G. Verghese: Chairman, Journalist

V.G. Rajadhyaksha, Bureaucrat

Dr. Malcom. S. Adiseshiah, Academician (Education and Economics)

Chanchal Sarkar ,Journalist P.L. Deshpande, Artist Dr.Ishwar Dass

Umashankar Joshi, Artist

A.G.Noorani, Lawyer

P.J.Fernandes, IAS Bureaucrat


The Core Values of the Players: The core value of the players was to work towards the creation of an autonomous nation trust authority under which Akashvani and Doordarshan would grow.

The Core Values of the Document:

The core value of the document is based on the Social Welfarist Values.


The Policy was enacted to address the issue of repression of Press, as observed during the Emergency (1975). The Fundamental Right to Freedom of Speech and Expression was addressed with regard to the Emergency. A need was felt to develop an Autonomous Media entity away from the influence of the Government. The NBT was envisaged in order develop a free media system for the entire nation, as free media is regarded as the backbone of a true democracy.


To examine the functional, financial and legal aspects of the proposal to give full autonomy to Akashwani and Doordarshan, consistent with accountability to Parliament, keeping in mind the different forms of autonomous organisations existing in other democratic countries in matters of broadcasting .
To suggest the form and the structure of the autonomous organisation and its relationship with Govt. To grow and reach the masses in the New Information Era. To work towards Democratising Communication. Vision 2000AD, to increase Radio Sets.

Desired Outcomes: To promote national integration and awareness along with entertainment, information and instruction. To promote Rural Development. To reach every corner of India.

Data used for identifying the problem: Working Group was established after The White Paper on the Misuse of Mass Media, which brought forth the haphazard growth of mass media to the absence of a well defined communication policy, The Chanda Commitee Report 1964 and the K.K.Das Report Data used for planning and formulation: Questionnaire, Examining witnesses from a cross-section of society to elicit all shades of opinion. Data used for conclusion and implementation: Held meetings, Visited nearly all the states and several Akashvani and Doordarshan Kendras, replies to questionnaires. Visited several foreign countries to study their broadcasting structures.


Policy Cost:

The Electronic Media will be out of Govt. Control.

The policy is trying to bring forth a National Autonomous Broadcasting Trust

Monetary Cost: Not Indicated.

Recommended a Draft Constitutional Amendment , facilitating the establishment of NBT That NBT should be funded by the Govt. For a period of 5 years after which it should be allowed to borrow from the market or from the Govt. With interest. That the content must cater to all sections of the society including the underprivileged, women and minority audiences. That radio and TV should be operated as separate streams but under NBT.

To authorise grant to approved educational institutions as franchises.

AIR and DD should be awarded special Transnational Status.

Recommended commercial content but monitored advertising. To develop external services in the Indian Sub-Continent and develop a subject matter specialisation with regard to foreign affairs and cultural exchange. Radio and TV should have individuals as their target audience; thus, need for the establishment of a strong audience research division. Should make audience more critical in accepting programmes, with the option to switch off or turn the knob to another station.

Contribution Towards Democratic Environment: The Policy is contributing towards a democratic environment as it moving towards a free and autonomous media, which is the pillar of a growing democracy. Is the Policy bringing positive change in Governance: Yes, the policy is bringing in positive change in governance as it is moving towards an autonomous media. Is it aiding the Government and the Modern State: Yes, it is as an autonomous media would both question and challenge the Government and help question its functioning Is it contributing towards social and cultural environment: Yes, as the policy is working towards a media which caters to all section of the society.


Possibilities of Gains and Benefits: The policy indicates shift towards a democratic media. But the question is whether a media dependent on Govt. funds can still remain democratic and truly autonomous. Any indication for social welfare and cultural growth: The policy talks about social upliftment and cultural growth, but only within the ambit of nation building.

Environmental Changes: The Policy was never implemented, even the Janata Govt which won the election in the aftermath of the emergency and constituted this committee (B. G. Verghese ) omitted two of its most important recommendations.

Political Gains: The Janata Govt. came to power after the emergency. The election manifesto of the Govt. mandated a free and autonomous media for the country. No political gains in the long run for any political party, as they would not be able to use the media for propaganda.

The policy is heavily depended on Govt. funds, hence its autonomy can be questioned. The objective is to develop an autonomous electronic media, but the system of finance and the selection of the Board of Directors keep under Govt. control. Social welfare is one of the envisioned target as it focuses on developing an autonomous public media broadcasting model. Public Interest is the Focus of the policy but was never fully implemented and DD and AIR continued to serve political interests instead.

Method to identify the Problem: - Autonomy should be guaranteed in the Constitution and no ruling or legislation should be able to surpass it -Reduce dependency on Govt. funds Policy Communities: -We suggest inclusion of Policy Researchers in the Policy Community as they will help arrive at a broadcast model which will be best suited for the environment of India The Purpose and Aims: -We agree with the purpose and aims of NBT. Also recommend including all sections of the society in the ambit of broadcasting The Methods of Implementation: - We propose the implementation of the policy for a period of 5 years after which any discrepancy, if felt, should be studied and rectified with suggestions from some members of the earlier policy community and some new

Lindstadt, Nadine (2010) Germanys PSB Going Online Is There an Economic Justification for Public Service Media Online; Singh, Indu B (1980) The Indian Mass Media System: Before, During and After the National Emergency; Aggarwal, Bala Vir (2001) Handbook of Journalism and Mass Communication; Concept Publishing Company

Humphreys, Peter: Public Policies for Public Service Media: The Uk and German Cases (with warning lessons from the USA);
Nehru on Indian Press;

B.P. Sanjay; Communication Policies in the Nehruvian Era; B.G. Verghese (1997); The Media in a Free Society: Proposals for Restructuring ; The Economic and Political Weekly Sharma, Kanchan (2003); Mixed Signals; Economic and Political Weekly Gupta;R.R (2012); Mass Communication and Journalism in India (Popular Guide); Ramesh Publishing House; Delhi Gupta;R.R (2012); History of Print and Broadcast Media; Mass Communication and Journalism in India (Popular Guide); Ramesh Publishing House; Delhi

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