Islam and Its Fundamentals

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In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful

Islam 101
A comprehensive but basic course about Islam

Prof. Yusuf Roque Morales,PhD

National Commission on Muslim Filipinos

Islam in the Philippines Who were the first Filipino Muslims?
Rajah Sulayman Kaggi Pulaku/ Maas Ilidji/Maas Pulun Gat Masungit Rajah Banaw Bae Urduja

Why Islam 101? - Background and Need

Desire to know and understand Islam in the Philippines

Stereotyping about Islam and Muslims in the Western Media

Stereotyping in Muslim Countries about the West Activities of interest groups for and against Islam Communication gaps between Islam and the Western World

Why Now?

September 11 terrorist attacks on WTC and the Pentagon, and the backlash against Muslims
Recent Conflict in Mindanao (Zamboanga-Midsayap)

National Commission on Muslim Filipinos


Islam 101 - Topics

Module 1: Introduction to Islam Module 7: Islams Social System

Module 2: Basic Beliefs

Module 2a: Jesus, Part of Islamic Faith Module 3: The Five Pillars of Islam Module 4: Dealings and Behaviours

Module 8: Role of Women in Islam

Module 8a: Relationship between Man and Woman Module 9: Economic System Module 10: Political System Module 11: Judicial System Module 12: The Differences Module 13: Islam in the World

Module 5: Jihad
Module 6: Muslim World

Module 1: Introduction to Islam

Origin of Islam
The first man on earth (Adam, peace be upon him) was a Muslim Meanings of Muslim Meanings of Islam First Muslims
Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (peace be upon them)

Islam, the most misunderstood religion in the western world

The followers of the Companions (Taab-e-een)

Famous Muslims
Highlights of Islamic History Contribution of Muslim scientists and researchers for mankind

Attributes of Islam
Islam is not a mere religion Islam is a way of life Islam is the most structured religion Islam touches and guides each and every aspect of human life Islam is a complete package. There is no pick and choose in Islam. Islam requires complete submission to Allah

Brief History of Islam

History of Prophets History of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Early Muslims
Prophet Muhammads Family (Aaal-e-Nabi) Prophet Muhammads Companions (Sahabah)

Module 1: Introduction to Islam

Islam is the religion of moderation not extremism


Sunnah / Hadith provides the details and interpretation of Glorious Quran

The Last Book - Holy Quran

Attributes of Glorious Quran
Whose Book is this?
This is Allahs Book

Islam = Quran + Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Difference between Quran and Hadith
In holy Quran every thing is from Allah. Its words, taxonomy, arrangements, chapters, indexing are all from Allah. In Hadith, the message and the commandments are from Allah but the words are of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Hadith is the most essential and important source for understanding Quran.

Whats in Holy Quran?

Guidance for all humanity

Every verse in holy Quran has a context. If a verse is read or understood without its context then there is a huge possibility of misunderstanding the Quranic verses. How to read and understand Holy Quran? Where to find the context?
Context is in Sunnah / Hadith

What is Sunnah / Hadith?

Actions and sayings of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Module 1: Introduction to Islam

Introduction to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Some Attributes of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Birth of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Family Background


Attributes of Muslim defined by holy Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)
Believes in unseen (Ghaib) Obedient to parents Best in manners Caring and loving to all human beings Activist to promote good and stop evil Fears only Allah Completely submits his/her desires to Allah Respectful towards elders, loving and caring towards youngsters Does not harm anyone with his tongue or hands Environmentally sensitive

Early childhood
As a teenager As an adult Marriage Business

Announcing Prophethood
Life in Makkah Life in Madinah Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in the eyes of nonMuslims

Module 2: Basic Beliefs

Basic Beliefs in Islam
God, Prophets, Divine books, Angels, Hereafter, Fate / Luck
religions in the world use or associate the word God for things / personalities other than GOD, the Creator and Sustainer of all things and mankind.

Five pillars of Islam Believe in ONE God?

The Arabic translation of God is Allah. Allah is the deity who is worshipped alone without any partners and associates. He is the Creator of all things. Allah has no boundaries, shapes and bodies. There is nothing like Allah. Allah does not manifest Himself into any person or thing.

Some most famous attributes of Allah

Believe in Prophets and Messengers

Allah sent His messengers and Prophets to guide human beings. The exact number of Prophets and Messengers are known to Allah. However, according to one of the famous Hadith, Allah did send from time to time 124,000 Prophets and Messengers towards humanity. A Muslim must believe and respect all Prophets and Messengers of Allah.

Why Muslims call God Allah?

Muslims prefer to call God Allah because some of the

Module 2A: Jesus, Part of Islamic Faith

Every nation or region had received Allahs Messengers He is still alive and shall return to this world to fight against evil. He then will die in the Jihad (struggle against evil) and will be buried in in Prophet Muhammads (Peace be upon him) mosque in Madinah near Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

Five most famous Prophets of Allah

Noah (Peace be upon him) Abraham (Peace be upon him) Moses ((Peace be upon him) Jesus (Peace be upon him) Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

Jesus and Mary (Peace be upon them) in holy Quran;

Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Allah hath chosen thee and purified thee; chosen thee above the women of all nations. (3:43) "O Mary! worship thy Lord devoutly; prostrate thyself and bow down (in prayer) with those who bow down. (3:44)

Jesus Christ (Peace be upon him) is the most mentioned Prophet in the Quran. He is the only Prophet whose life time events are discussed in detail compared to other Prophets. Muslims believe that Jesus did not die. He was raised towards the Heavens alive.

Module 2A: Jesus, Part of Islamic Faith

Behold! the angels said "O Mary! Allah giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Christ Jesus. Christ the son of Mary held in honor in this world and the Hereafter and of (the company of) those nearest to Allah. (3:45) "He shall speak to the people in childhood and in maturity and he shall be (of the company) of the righteous. (3:46) "And Allah will teach him the Book and Wisdom the Law and the Gospel. (3:48) Behold! Allah said: "O Jesus! I will take thee and raise thee to Myself and clear thee (of the falsehoods) of those who blaspheme; I will make those who follow thee superior to those who reject Faith to the Day of Resurrection; then shall ye all return unto Me and I will judge between you of the matters wherein ye dispute. (3:55) This similitude of Jesus before Allah is as that of Adam: He created him from dust then said to him: "Be" and he was. (3:59) And behold! Allah will say "O Jesus the son of Mary! didst thou say unto men `worship me and my mother as gods in derogation of Allah"? He will say: "Glory to Thee! never could I say what I had no right (to say). Had I said such a thing Thou wouldst indeed have known it. Thou knowest what is in my heart though I know not what is in Thine. For Thou knowest in full all that is hidden. (5:116)

Some important attributes of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

Relationships with other Prophets Last Messenger of Allah Prophet of Mercy and Messenger of Allah towards all humanity

Module 2:Basic Beliefs

Believe in Divine Books

(Continue) Believe in Angels

Muslims believe in all angels. Angels are made of light (noor) and do nothing but what Allah asks them to do. They are very obedient to Allah. The actual population of angels is only known to Allah. Some famous Angels
Gabriel (Peace be upon him) (Was responsible to bring revelations to Allahs Prophets and Messengers) Mekaiel (Peace be upon him) (Responsible for weather and agriculture) Izraiel (Peace be upon him) (Responsible for taking people's soul and hence causing them to die

Muslims believe in all divine books including;

Divine Booklets Psalms of David (Zaboor) Torah (old Testament) Bible (Enjeel) (new Testament) Quran

Holy Quran is the continuation of the books before Quran and it is the last book in which Allah has completed His message for the humanity. Common message of all divine books Quran verifies Torah and Enjeel Allah has completed His message/ guidance towards humanity

Module 2: Basic Beliefs

Israfiel (Peace be upon him) (responsible to blow the Horn in order to end this universe and blow the Horn again to make them alive in order to face the judgment day.


Believe in Hereafter
Life after death According to Islam every human being is responsible for his/her actions and he or she will be accountable in front of Allah on the Judgment Day about two things
Allah will ask, I had given you life, where and how did you spend it? I had given you means for your life, where and how did you spend those means (wealth, resources, power, etc...)?

Kiraman Katebeen (Two respectful writers)

Every human being is accompanied by two angels at all times and in all situations. Symbolically, one is on the right shoulder and the other is on the left shoulder. The angel on the right side writes whatever good is done by the person and the angel on the left side writes whatever bad is done by the person. This whole record of good and bad deeds will be handed over to the person on the Judgment Day.

Muslims believe that Allah already knows everyone's deeds. The above process is only for reminding every individual what kind of life they had in this world.

Module 2: Basic Beliefs

Description of Hell in holy Quran A very horrible place in which humans, Jinn and rocks will burn.

Once every individual pays his / her accounts to Allah, then Allah alone will decide who will be punished and sent to Hell and who will be rewarded with Heaven. The Mercy of Allah will play a very important role and Allah may forgive whoever he wants regardless of the numbers and quantity of sins.

Believe in Fate / Destiny

A Muslim believes that no one can cause harm or benefit except Allah. Whatever good or bad happens in this world, it is according to the wish of Allah. But Allah does not force anyone to choose certain beliefs or lifestyle. It is the persons decision and the person will be responsible for the decisions. The balance between the above two points is critical

Allah loves to forgive but the criteria of forgiveness is defined by Allah alone. No body else.
The entry into Heaven depends upon the mercy of Allah.

Description of Heaven in holy Quran

A very loving, peaceful, unimaginable place where the creation will be able to see the Creator and worship Him

Module 2: Basic Beliefs

Cleanliness; is the most important
requirement for worshipping Allah
Wudhu (Ablution)
Requirements Steps


What is Sharia? (Jurisprudence)

Sources & Principles

Why intention is important?

Taking Shower
Requirements Conditions

Celebrations in Islam
Eid ul Fitr Youmul Arafa (Hajj day)


Cleanliness when using Toilet Dress Place Mosques (Masjid)

Place for worship
Respect for Mosques Value of praying in the mosque

Eid ul Adhha Animal Slaughtering Ramadhan

The Night of Power (Lailatul Qadr)

Anniversary of Holy Quran Other Events

Prayer in congregation

Module 3: Five Pillars of Islam

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said that Islam is based upon the following five pillars. Anyone who demolishes (does not practice) these five pillars, in fact, he /she demolishes the building of Islam. Shahadah, testifying that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (peace be upon him) is His last Messenger A person can offer optional prayers and may remember (Dhikr) Allah at any time

Zakat: A Muslim with certain amount of savings must pay 2.5% of his savings to the poors every year. This is called Zakat. The optional charity called Sadqah can be given at any time and in any quantity Fasting in Ramadhan, every Muslim adult, men or women must fast everyday from Dawn to Sunset in the month of Ramadhan. During fasting, the fasting person must avoid eating, drinking, smoking and sexual relationships. Certain people are exempted from fasting, such as children, sick, elderly (weak), travelers and women in periods.

Five mandatory prayers (Salat)

Fajr (Morning prayers before Sunrise) Dhohr (Zohar) Prayer (Noon Prayer but after the noon time)

Asr (Afternoon prayers but before sunset)

Maghrib (right after the sunset prayers) Isha (late evening prayers at night) Movie on Salat

Module 3: Five Pillars of Islam

Module 3 (Continue) In certain situations person has to complete his / her missed fasts later on or feed the poor to compensate for missed fasting days


Other Components (Continue) Islamic Calendar

Start, months, important dates

Eid Prayers Other Optional Prayers Optional Fasting Optional Charity Umrah (Small Pilgrimage) Supplications Rituals performed at Birth
Adhan & Iqamah in ears

Hajj, Every Muslim adult, men or women who has enough resources and physically capable to travel to Makkah must perform Hajj, at least once in the lifetime.
History of Kaba

Other Components
Adhan and Iqamah (call for prayer)
Friday Prayer
Significance of Friday


Rituals performed at the time of death and burial

Ghusl, Kafn, Salatul Janazah, Burial, Grave, Graveyard, Dua for the deceased

Module 4: Dealings and Behaviours

Anger Management
What to do when one is angry?

Martyrdom, the most sacred and desirable in Islam

Stress Management
Satisfaction of Heart and Soul is in the remembrance of Allah

Difference between Martyrdom and Suicide

No one has the right to take someones or his / her own life Death, a call ONLY from God

Avoiding Violence
The violence on the lands and in the seas is earned by human hands.

Overcoming the revenge Forgiveness is better than revenge

Repentance, most desirable action Forgiveness, a blessing of Allah Life, an opportunity Counter Terrorism in Islam Prophet Muhammads (Peace be upon him) Journey to Taif Conquest of Makkah The Agreement of Hudaibiyah

Dangers of arrogance Problems of arrogance

Suicide is forbidden in Islam

A person who will commit suicide will go to hell.

No compulsion in Islam

Module 5: Jihad
What is Jihad?
Jihad means struggle for the sake of Allah and must not include any personal ambitions and interests.

Warfare in Islam
The battles during Prophet Muhammads (peace be upon him) time
Do not kill innocent civilians Women and children must not be harmed Places of worship of other religions must not be destroyed Water should not be contaminated Green trees should not be cut Elderly and sick should not be killed Those who surrender must be protected

Types of Jihad
Jihad bin Nafs (Struggle within against the evil desires)

Jihad bil Qalam / Lisaan (Struggle against evil through writing or/and speaking)
Jihad Bis Saif (Warfare to stop evil)
Conditions for Jihad (warfare) Can people make their groups and announce Jihad (warfare)? Who is responsible for declaring Jihad (warfare)?

Forgiveness must prevail over revenge

Kidnapping and hijacking innocent civilians is a crime

Killing someone just because of his/her nationality or religion is a crime

Module 6: Muslim World Module 7: Islams Social System

Module 6: Muslim world
Whats happening in the Muslim world? Impacts of colonial era on Muslim countries Continuation of imperialism/ dictatorships in Muslim countries
Effects of Capitalism - IMF and World Bank

Module 7: Social System

Is Western Culture Christian? Islamic culture OR Islamic values
The most important unit of Islams social system is FAMILY. Islam wants to establish a very strong moral and spiritual society. Marriage Vs common law relationship pornography and nudity

Stereotyping of Western Society by Muslims Stereotyping of Muslims by Western non-Muslims Communication gaps, insecurity, and exploitation Characteristics of a model Islamic State?

Local cultures in Muslim countries compare to Islamic values

Tribal systems and feudal lords Misinterpretation of holy Quran and Sunnah for exploitation

Module 7: Islams Social System

Male domination

Halal and Haraam Dietary restrictions in Islam No pig and alcohol products Paintings and Statues Photography Jokes and picnics (Having fun) Tourism

Social gatherings in Islam

Separation of Female from Male in social gatherings Birth and Burial ceremonies

Prophet Muhammads (Peace be upon him) marriages Arranged marriages Islamic way of weddings

Divorce Clothing
Male clothing
Female clothing

The effects of five pillars of Islam on Muslims social life Relationships with non-Muslims Environmental sensitivity Animal Cruelty Absolutely forbidden in Islam Some examples from Islamic history Care for pets

Arts & Craft

Music and Dance

Module 8: Role of Women in Islam

What Quran says about Women?
Those who slander chaste women indiscreet but believing are cursed in this life and in the Hereafter: for them is a grievous Penalty. On the Day when their tongues their hands and their feet will bear witness against them as to their actions. On that Day Allah will pay them back (all) their just dues and they will realize that Allah is the (very) Truth that makes all things manifest. (Surah
Noor, 24:23,24,25)

A Muslim who raises three daughters with good education and character will be in Heaven with Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him)

Woman as co-workers Woman as professionals

Prophet Muhammads (peace be upon him) own wife, Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her) was the most successful business women of her time.

What Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) says about women? Woman as mother
The highest achievement of any men is under womans feet

Exploitation of women in the west in the name of freedom Exploitation of women in Islamic countries in the name of Islam Hijab
What is Hijab? Bikini or mini skirt Vs. modest dress

Woman as Wife
Prophet Mohammed's relationship with his wives

Woman as daughter

Module 8B: Relationship between Man and Woman

Who is better or Superior?
In Islam, the criteria of being better or superior does not depend upon;
Gender, Colour, Language, nationality, etc..

Intimate relationship is sacred. Not for display Marrying woman ONLY for sexual pleasure is not sacred

What is meant by man is more powerful over woman? Monogamy Vs. polygamy
Is Western Society monogamous? Children out of wedlock in the West No secret in Islam Islam prefers single marriages Multiple marriages allowed but discouraged Which way is better? Multiple marriages with accountability and responsibility OR have multiple partners with no accountability and responsibility.

The better person among you is he or she who is more pious among you.

Relationship between husband and wife in Islam

They are like garments for each other
Mutual respect

Comforting for each other

Protecting each other Beauty of each other Trusting each other Satisfying each other


Module 9: Economic System Module 10: Political System

Module 9: Economic System

Module 10: Political System

The Constitution Head of State
Quran and Sunnah

Responsibilities of State
Welfare State Fiscal Discipline Taxes (Zakat & Jizyah) Social Security

Electoral System of Islam

(Ameer ul Momeneen)

Consultative Council (Legislation) Responsibility & Accountability Freedom defined by God vs. freedom defined by man


Employment Earnings Economic exploitation is absolutely forbidden in Islam

Interest vs. Profit
Taking Loans
Stay away from loans if you can

The Best Charter of Human Rights

The Last Sermon of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

Protection of freedom and Constitution

The event of Karbala sets the standards

Challenges of modern economic system Charities

Every individual is important Is majority rule always perfect?

Module 11: Judicial System of Islam Module 12: The Differences

Module 11: Judicial System
Judiciary independent of Administration Accountable to Allah When you make decisions among people, make decisions with justice Some cases between Muslims and Non-Muslims during Prophets (peace be upon him) time.
A Muslim Vs. a Jew A son Vs. a Father case Women Vs. Men

Module 12: The Differences

Sunni and Shia Muslims
No difference in basic beliefs No difference in Quran No difference about Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) and his family Differences on mostly political issues such as succession of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him)

Minor differences within Sunnis Minor differences within Shias

Justice starts within the family Capital punishment

Pre-requisites Requirements Importance of witnessing Womens witness

Some non Muslim groups emerged from Islamic faith

Daruze Bahai Ahmady / Qadyani

Module 13: Islam in the World

Islam in the West
Freedom of Religion Mosques and Islamic Schools Everywhere Muslim Students Relationships between Christians and Muslims Few extremist groups in the West do not represent the entire western community Sympathy and goodwill for Muslims Backlash against Muslims after September 11 and support from Christian community Desire to learn and understand Islam Ignorance about the west in Muslim countries

Muslim Population
Muslims Born in the West Islam, the fastest growing religion Laws to protect from Discrimination and hate crimes Muslims participation in local politics and Activities

Moving Forward

May Allah Guide Us and Open Our Hearts And Minds, And Save Us From Evil. Ameen
Thanks for Participating in Islam 101 Acknowledgment
Special thanks to the participants of Islam 101 classes and Presentations

National Commission on Muslim Filipinos

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