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Ms pretrito vs. imperfecto

episodio 9: Trabajo para las chicas

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ms prctica: SLC/superhombre.php ammar/index.html

Extr@ Episodio 9 ?v=h6FRAropOG4 (23:01)
Fridays quiz will combine the preterit and imperfect with actions and vocab from Ep. 9. Look at the Actividades for the episode, #3-6. Most of the verbs are in the present or present perfect tenses. Change them into one of the 2 past tenses. Check your answers on the next slides.

Las respuestas
Actividad #3 1.Pablo quera ser un gran productor... ( I. He wanted to be a directorongoing, descriptive, no end to the action.) 2....Lola habl de ftbol.... ( P. She spoke with the team, completed action.) 3.A Sam le gustaba.....( I.Sam liked his tights. An emotion, reaction, opinionno set beginning or end. 4.Canal 9 buscaba....(I They were looking for....ongoing. No end stated.) 5.Sam hablaba espaol bien. (I His linguistic abilities didnt start and stop; description.) 6.....jefa estaba impresionada (I The boss was impressed. Same as #3. You could argue P estuvo impresionada if the boss WAS impressed but no longer is, a completed action.) 7....tenan cable (I ongoing; when did they get cable? for how long? ) 8.....Hamlet se pareca a la historia....( I The story of Hamlet was like the story of Lolas family. The resemblance is descriptive, doesnt start or end.) 9.Pablo pensaba que no se necesitaba (I He thought we dont know for how long he had these thoughts or if he still doesthat talent wasnt necessary (a description of someones skill set, or lack thereof.....Lola estaba enfadada (I she was angry description of an emotion. You could use P estuvo enfadadaif she exploded in anger and then calmed downcompleted action

Actividad #4
1. Lola estaba demasiado enfadada (I she was too angry to talkongoing, description. P estuvo ....if youre stressing that she later calmed down and was able to talk.) 2. Pablo ense a Sam (P He taught Samlessons are over) 3. Lucrecia era la nueva jefa (I L was her new boss. Description, on-going, no end.) 4. L dijo que Lola siempre estaba (P, I L saidonce, completed action; Lola was always wrongrepetition.) 5. L pensaba que Sam era (I she was thinking/thought over an unknown period of time; Sam wasongoing, description.)

Actividad #5
If you watched the British guys video, one of the stipulations for the use of the preterit is that you can note the action in a calendar, day planner, agenda, etc. These are 3 actions that took place at specific times during Lolas work day, so all three are preterit. Entren con el equipo. Almorz. Mir el desfile de moda (fashion show).

Actividad #6
Not all of these work as well for our purposes. Recibiste mi fax?did you receivePcompleted action Recibiste mi email?same thing Qu dijo Sting?its already in the preterit! Decir is usually in the preterit, unless you are talking about what someone always used to say to you. Iba a hacer la entrevista? I Was he going to (planning on ) doing the interview? Indicates a thought process of unknown length. Forget the next two. Dnde estaba? I where was he, at some vague time period in the past Dnde estuvo? P where was he at a very specific moment in the past

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