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Relative Pronouns

[ Who Which Whose Where ]

Sylva Kotchounian

* If the subject that youre talking about is at the beginning of the 1st sentence , e !ove the "n# sentence right after the relative Pronoun [ ho hich$ hose here ] %&' Martin is a gardener . He is 50.

Martin who is 50 is a gardener.


* If the subject isnt at the beginning of the sentence, We #ont change the (lace of the sentence. %&' This is the magazine . I bought it yesterday.
Sylva Kotchounian

This is the magazine which I bought yesterday.

Who ' It is use# to re(lace the (ronouns [ I you he she

they hi! her us the! ]

1- The girl is from India . he li!es ne"t door. The girl who li!es ne"t door is from India.

#- I $now a man . He%s !ery bra!e . I $now a man who is !ery bra!e.

Sylva Kotchounian

Which ' It re(laces the (ronouns [ it they

1- The horse is blac$. It won the race. The horse which won the race is blac$.

#- This is the &lane . I came to 'ondon on it. This is the &lane which I came to 'ondon on.

Sylva Kotchounian

Whose ' It re(laces Possessive a#jectives

[ !y your his her our their its )*etc* ]

1- (adia is my friend . Her house is ne"t to ours. )&ossessi!e at the beginning of the sentence*

(adia whose house is ne"t to ours is my friend.

#- That is the door . Its handle is bro$en.

That is the door whose handle is bro$en.

+- (adia is my friend . I tal$ed to her. )ob,ect &ronoun*

(adia who I tal$ed to is my friend.

Where ' It is use# after a (lace*

*We !ust see the "n# sentence* or# there at the en# of the

1- this is the hos&ital . My uncle wor$s there. This is the hos&ital where my uncle wor$s.

#- The hos&ital is big . My uncle wor$s there. The hos&ital where my uncle wor$s is big.

Sylva Kotchounian

*+hoose ' [ ho here ]

1- The bi$e #- The !illage +- The &eo&le .- The woman brigade.




I bought is !ery e"&ensi!e.

where I li!e now is !ery -uiet. who li!e ne"t door are my friends. whose house was on fire called the fire

Sylva Kotchounian

,o!e ork'$
1$ -he boy as (unishe# * ,is behaviour as ba#* inter there* "$ .s an is a on#erful city * We s(ent the

/$ I bought so!e flo ers * I gave the! to !y !other* 0$ -hats the !an * ,e hel(e# !e yester#ay* 1$ ,ere are the books * 2oure looking for the!* )))))))))))))))))))))))))) )))))

Sylva Kotchounian

Sylva Kotchounian

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