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An oil spill is the release of a liquid petroleum hydrocarbon into the environment, especially marine areas, due to human

activity, and it is a form of pollution.

It was a major oil spill. This oil spill took place on March 23, 1989 at Prince William Sound in Alaska. The spill greatly affected sea otters and sea birds.

The map tells you where the oil spill started in Alaska, which would be in Prince William Sound.

Major spills around the world.

There have been other major spills around the world. The table below gives you a few oil spills that have occurred around the world.

How Do Oil Spills Damage the Environment?

Oil Spills Damage Beaches, Marshlands and Fragile Marine Ecosystems

Oil spills kills animals,marine mammals

Oil Spills Destroy Wildlife Habitat and Breeding Grounds

A bird covered in oil from the Black Sea oil spill.

Surf Scoter covered in oil as a result of the 2007 San Francisco Bay oil spill.

There are many things being done to prevent more spills. The US Congress passed OPA (Ocean Pollution Act) 90 (in 1990). The OPA 90s major laws are:i) Emergency Response Plans ii) Liability iii) Double Hulls

iv) Spill Fund

v) Navigation

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