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 Self &Time Management Workshop

 Prepared & Presented by

 Paul El-katsha
 Diaa Saad

 Sep. 09

Ground Rules

ØMobile Phones.

ØTraining Evaluation.
After finishing this workshop you should be able to:

ØDefine Efficiency and Effectiveness

ØDifferentiate between character and personality

ØKnow the 7 habits of highly effective people
ØDifferentiate between Reactive and Proactive
ØUnderstand and Apply the time management matrix
ØDetermine time wasters
Who needs time

• Have you ever looked at your growing to-do list and felt
overwhelmed because you didn’t know where or how to
get started?
• Do you have a gnawing sense of anxiety when you think of
everything that you need to do?
• Have you ever gotten to the end of a busy day and realized
that you weren’t very productive and only accomplished
a fraction of what you had hoped to do?
• Do you find it difficult to focus and concentrate on the
important projects that you KNOW will make a real
difference in your business or career?

Who needs time

• Have you ever felt like you are just spinning your wheels
and not making the kind of progress that YOU KNOW
you could be making?
• Do you sometimes feel like you have too much to do and
not enough time to do it all?

• Are you putting important things, like family and personal
pursuits, on hold because there’s too much work to be
• Do you waste too much time each day getting distracted
with low priority busywork or diversions like checking
your email or surfing the web?

What is Time ?

Does time really exist ?

We only measure it by things like Clocks

What is Time ?

Time cannot be saved…

It can only be used better
What is Time
Management ?

Time management really is self-management

What do you do in the moment ?

What do you intent to do in the next
moment ?
Efficiency or Effectiveness?

Efficiency or Effectiveness?

Ø Efficiency refers to quantity or speed while

effectiveness refers to quality.
Ø Being efficient means producing results with little
wasted effort.
Ø Being effective means producing powerful effects.
Paradigm shift …

Paradigm & Paradigm shift …

Ø Paradigms are useful because they create the

lens through which we see the world.

Ø The power of a paradigm shift is the essential

power of quantum of change, whether that
shift is instant or slow and deliberate.

Paradigm shift …
Paradigm shift …

Self Management

Why do we need self-management ?

We have to start by our-selves.
Ø People will act the way you do.
Ø Are you under-ranked?

The problem is how we see the problem.
Ø The Pen problem.

What is a habit ?

Ø The formation of a habit is the resultant of :

Ø Knowledge : I know what and why to do…
Ø Ability : I can…
Ø Need desire or will : I want to…


Before we start…

We can grow fruitful habits (the 7 habits)

Ø The habit is like a rope, we weave it thread

with thread day-after-day until it is so hard
to give-up.
Ø Try to defy gravity. A habit is like the gravity,
you need high effort to thrust away.


Character and personality iceberg


Character (including Values)

Character and personality

Ø The foundational base of anyone is his

Ø Success is achieved through the promotion
of the character
Ø The personality will follow what was invested
in the character

“ Sow a thought , reap an action

Sow an action , reap a habit

Sow a habit , reap a character

Sow a character , reap a destiny “

“ Samuel Smiles “

Everyone safeguards his “ Gate of change”, and keeps

keys deep inside, no one can change him unless he is

willing to…

let’s say I want to change
The 7 Habits
of Highly effective people

Private victory

Ø Be proactive
Ø Begin with end in mind
Ø Put first thing first

Public victory

Ø Think win – win

Ø Seek first to understand then to be understood.
Ø Synergize
Ø Sharpen the SAW
Be Proactive

1. Managing your own behavior :

Being Proactive

Be Proactive

Being proactive

Ø is coming from an inner impulse inside yourself,

powered by own desires

Being Reactive

Ø is only acting on outer stimulus without any inner

reflection, drive or initiative
Be Proactive

 Stimulus-Response model


Stimulus Response


StimulusFreedom to choose according to values Response

Be Proactive

• Our behavior is a function of our decisions not our


• A proactive person : is the one who not only takes the

initiative, but also who feels complete responsibility for
his actions, he never blames circumstances or other
people for his faults.

• Ability to choose our response … “Response – ability”

• Non- proactive one is a reactive person

• Do you have examples ?

Be Proactive

• The Circle of Concern and the Circle of Influence

• The Circle of Concern
Ø are all areas in live that we are concerned with, that we have "on
our radar", it might be our health, our children.

• The Circle of Influence

Ø are those areas inside the circle of concern,

that you actually can do something about now.
Be Proactive
Be Proactive

Reactive Says … Proactive Says …

There’s nothing I can do Let us look for alternative solutions

I can
It is my personality, I cannot change it.. chose a different approach…

He really provokes me and makes mad

I control my feelings and reactions…

They will never accept I’ll create an effective presentation

to convince them

I can’t, I have to , I must, If Only I choose, I prefer, I will

It’s all your fault Doesn’t matter whose fault, lets see
what can we do
Be Proactive

What is there inside your
circles ?

Be Proactive

http :// www . youtube . com / watch?v = U8LM4C1l70U & feature = related

Begin with the end in mind

2.Setting your Direction:

Begin with the end in mind

Begin with the end in mind

The funeral

Close your eyes… imagine yourself in a funeral of beloved one
or in your Funeral

Ø What kind of person have you been ?

Ø what did you stand for ?
Ø what did you create?
Ø What was your contributions to the people you love and what
difference have you made in their lives?
Ø what those people will say about you ?

Begin with the end in mind

How you can begin with end in mind

Ø Visualize what you want to be

Ø Discover your deepest VALUES… and start with a clear
understanding of your destination… then let each day contribute
to your vision
Ø Know where you are going- better understand where you are now –
make sure you are moving in the right direction
Ø Define your roles in life (work, family, friends, community), make
harmony or balance between them
Ø Define your goals or objectives in life , Objectives should be SMART

Begin with the end in mind

Focus on what you want to be (character), and to do (contributions & achievements),and

the values/principles upon which being & doing are based

What is your role What is your Goal What values will you use

Climb Mountains Be best amateur Dedicated, thorough,

climber in Egypt careful, etc..

Caring, honest,
Youth worker Leader of young people, thoughtful, supportive,
to help them develop selfless, etc.

The youngest Sales Dir. Committed, strong,

A Dept Head focused, honest, etc.
Begin with the end in mind
Goals ,Values - example

Who What Values

Abdel Nasser Most Charismatic Social Equality &

Arabic Leader Arab Unity

Uniqueness &
Omar Khairat Became the most Setting Standard
popular Musician in EG

Represented an Dedication & Team spirit

Ahmed Zoweil
Egyptian Genius
Leadership vs. Management

Ø Leadership : the first creation

Ø Management: the second creation

Management Leadership
Bottom line focus: How can I Top line focus: What are the
best accomplish certain things things I want to accomplish
Doing things right Doing the right things

Efficiency in managing the Determines whether the ladder is

ladder of success leaning against the right wall

Efficiency Effectiveness

Achieving the GOALS Setting the VALUES

Three steps to effective Self-Management
• "Many people seem to think that
success in one area can compensate
for failure in other areas. But can it
really? …True effectiveness requires

Stephen Covey

First Things First
The Clock and the Compass

 Two powerful tools direct us:

Ø The clock represents our commitments,

appointments, schedules, and activities.
Ø The compass represents our vision, values,
principles, mission, conscience, direction,
and what we feel is important- how we lead
our lives.

First Things First
Generations of time

The Three Generations of Time Management

First Generation
Ø Characterized by reminders and to-do lists.
Ø First Things are usually what happens to
be in front of us.
Ø People in this generation are flexible and
Ø There is a tendency for us to fail to keep
some commitments.
First Things First
Generations of time management

Second Generation

Ø Calendars and appointments, scheduling

future events, identifying deadlines.
Ø Preparation and planning means a higher
level of responsibility.
Ø Other people tend to become interruptions
or distractions that keep us from
sticking to our schedule.
First Things First
Generations of time management

Third Generation
Ø Values clarification; setting long, medium,
and short-term goals to obtain the values
you’ve identified.
Ø People in this generation achieve substantial
gains in productivity.
Ø First Things are a function of values and

The Need for the Fourth Generation

Ø We need to move beyond time management to life

Ø This is the fourth generation paradigm that will create
quality-of-life results.
First Things First

What is urgent?

Ø Urgent are all tasks that are "in your face" and want to be done
immediately. But are they important or not important?

What is important?

Ø Important are the tasks that are in harmony with our goals and our
First Things First

The Urgency Addiction 

Ø Anything less than a conscious commitment to the important

is an unconscious commitment to the unimportant.

Ø Knowing and doing what’s important rather than simply

responding to what’s urgent is foundational to putting
First Things First.
Ø Some of us are addicted to the adrenaline rush or the
stress of crises.
 We are drawn to do anything urgent, just to stay in
 It gives us an artificial sense of self-worth, power,
control, security, and accomplishment.
First Things First

Check your urgency index: Do these statements represent your


Ø I seem to do my best work when I’m under pressure.  

Ø I often blame the rush and press of external things for my
failure to spend deep, introspective time with myself.     
Ø I’m frustrated by the slowness of people and things around me.
I hate to wait or stand in line.        
Ø I feel guilty when I take time off from work. 
Ø I always seem to be rushing between places and
Ø I frequently find myself pushing people away so I can finish
a project.
Ø I feel anxious when I’m out of touch with the office.        
Ø I’m often preoccupied with one thing when I’m doing something


First Things First

Ø I’m at my best when handling a crisis situation.  

Ø The adrenaline rush from a new crisis seems more satisfying
than the steady accomplishment of long-term
Ø I often give up quality time with important people in my
life to handle a crisis. 
Ø I rely on solving some crisis to give my day a sense of
meaning and purpose.        
Ø I often eat lunch while I work.        
Ø I keep thinking that someday I’ll be able to do what I
really want to do.



First Things First

• Time Management Matrix

First Things First

• Time Management Matrix

First Things First

Time Management Matrix
First Things First

Group Work Exercise

Urgent / Important Matrix

First Things First

Results from living in each quadrant

Quadrant I People
 Results Personal Traits:
ØStress & burn out
ØAlways putting out fires
Ø Crises managers
ØProblem-minded people
ØDeadline-driven producers
First Things First

Results from living in each quadrant

Quadrant III People

(Urgent/Not Important)
Results & Personal Traits:
ØShort term focus
ØCrises management
ØReactive character
ØSee goals & plans as worthless
ØFeel victimized, out of control
ØShallow or broken relationships
First Things First

Results from living in each quadrant

Quadrant IV People
(Not Urgent/Not Important)

Results & Personal Traits:

ØTotal Irresponsibility
ØFired from jobs
ØDependant on others for basics
First Things First

Results from living in each quadrant

Quadrant II People
(Not Urgent / Important)
Results & Personal Traits:
ØVision, perspective
ØBalance (short vs. long term results)
ØDiscipline, commitment
ØFew Crises
ØOpportunity minded people
ØPreventive thinking people
ØEnhanced relationships
First Things First
The Main Thing is to keep The Main
Thing the Main Thing

Quadrant II Organizing: The Process of Putting Things First

ü When there’s no gardener, there’s no garden.

ü Identify what’s important and focus your efforts on helping
it grow.
ü The Weekly Worksheet provides a view of the bigger picture,
as opposed to the limited view of daily planning.
- Weekly organizing puts things in a proper context and
emphasizes importance over urgency so we don’t
limit our perspective to what is in front of us
at the moment.
• Step 1: Connect with your vision and mission
ü What is most important?
ü What gives your life meaning?
ü What do you want to be and to do in your life?
First Things First
The Main Thing is to keep The Main
Thing the Main Thing

• Step 2: Identify your roles.

ü We all have many roles to fulfill at work, in our families, in
the community, or in other areas of life.
ü We sometimes succeed in one role at the expense of another,
so the key is balance.
ü Your various roles have to work together along with your
mission statement.
ü Life is more than just a job, family, or a particular
ü It is all these together. Sharpen your physical, mental,
emotional/social, and spiritual areas by spending time on
ü Schedule and stick to your exercise program, talk to your
daughter, read up on the latest developments in your
field, and have time to meditate, pray or do some
spiritual reading.
ü The key word is Harmony.
First Things First
The Main Thing is to keep The Main
Thing the Main Thing

• Step 3: Select Quadrant II goals in each role.


• Step 4: Create a decision-making framework for the week.

ü In some cases it may be better not to schedule a goal at a
particular hour of the day but to list it as priority
ü It may be more effective to watch for the right time when the
opportunity arises to have that heart to heart talk with
your son, or ask your boss for that raise.

• Step 5: Exercise integrity in the moment.
ü Preview the day.        
ü Prioritize. Identify priorities using numbers and letters,
highlight, encircle, or mark them with asterisks.        
ü Use some form of T planning for the day. Time-sensitive
activities can be listed on one side; activities which
can be performed any time of the day are listed on the
First Things First
The Main Thing is to keep The Main
Thing the Main Thing

• Step 6: Evaluate
ü At the end of the week, review your mission statement to
begin organizing the next week, pause to ask yourself:
- What goals did I achieve?
- What challenges did I encounter?
- What decisions did I make?
- In making decisions, did I keep First Things first?
Time Wasters/Stealers

Ø Procrastinate
Ø Multi-Tasking
Ø Email checking and replying / junk mail
Ø Interruptions and phone calls / drop in visitors
Ø Not sticking to priorities
Ø Socializing on the job
Ø Extended lunch or breaks
Ø Web browsing / facebook / youtube
Ø Doing important tasks in the wrong time
Ø Working when hungry
Now after we’ve finished this workshop you should be able to:

ØDefine Efficiency and Effectiveness

ØDifferentiate between character and personality.

ØKnow the 7 habits of highly effective people .
ØDifferentiate between Reactive and Proactive.
ØUnderstand and Apply the time management matrix.
ØDetermine time wasters.


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