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2. How does your media project present particular social groups?

Character A

Character a

Character A is presented as a young vulnerable teenage girl. We took in to consideration of the way she was positioned in order to reflect her vulnerability therefore placed her in the Conner, in order to connote a sense of isolation and highlight the distress and hopeless emotions she may be feeling at the time. We created the mise en scene with it being as empty as possible showing the isolation she has, and how there is no one around to help her once again showing her vulnerability
Another factor that presents the young teenage girl is through the costume and her makeup. As you can see through the frames on the slide before , she is presented with ripped clothes, with rope and tap confining her to stay within the Conner we placed her in. This created a sense of entrapment not only physical and once again suggest vulnerability and a sense of holiness. This overly causes the audience to have empathy for her. The girl is also physically injured, indicated through the nose bleed, the colour of the blood stands out on her face as a it symbolises the danger she is in.

Another factor that presents her as a young teenage vulnerable girl, is through the camera angles within her shots. We purposely shot her using a high angle in order for her to look powerless and hopeless suggesting she is the victim entrapped within the room. The close-ups we used emphasise and highlight the distressed look on her face suggesting that she is not only physically hurt but also mentally and she sobs. There is non diegetic sound of the girl trying to get her arms free ( rustling from the rope ) this is amplified throughout showing the audience that she is entrapped but also highlights her weakness as she does not have the ability to break free. As well as this the non diegetic sound of her sobbing which is also amplified but also suggests the weakness of her character as she is unable to stay strong which creates empathy within the audience for her

i am comparing my character a too accused

When deciding and planning my opening I took inspiration from the character from the thriller the accused. As the character on the left is portrayed to the audience of being vulnerable an d distress within the opening sequence. This is reflected through her costume, having little and ripped clothes. We liked this idea when deciding what we should dress are character A in as we felt it connotes a sense of desperation, powerless and obscurity within in the character from the accussed, which we also wanted are character to have. However we developed the idea of the character from the accused as we didn't like the idea of her Being free to get away as this character within the accused as hope of getting away. We wanted our character a to be entrapped within our opening sequence as we felt this would be more effective as presenting her a venerable and hopeless also would create more suspenece within the audience

Wait until dark

I am also comparing this character to the women in wait until dark a she is also another female that is presented as weak and vulnerable through her panic in trying to get away from the man. Se is also presented as entrapped as she hides behind the fridge as the man gets closer and closer , building up tension and suspense. Just like are opening as if follows the same structure with the man getting closer and closer with her entrapped in the room. Within these shots the women is wearing light colours, therefore we dressed are teen age girl character also in a light colour in order to portray that she is the innocent protagonist. However we developed this idea further by instead of using dark lighting we used bright in order for focus to be on our character more highlighting the emotion on her face, we also thought the shadowing looked more effective with highlighting entrapment within the teenage girl.

Character b- Damion

Character b- Damion
Damion is presented as a middle class man, within his 70. We wanted him to appear physically normal however have small hints of him being mentally unstable to the audience, without it being to obvious and giving away the plot. The character Is introduced first within the sitting room planning something with his dog by his side to show a caring nature from him as he reflects his love through the expression and actions to the dog . However his other side of his personality is also reflected through this as he repeatedly writes split showing to the audience the mentally unstable side of him. Another aspect that reflects Damion as a normal 70 year old man is through his costume, as we dressed him in completely normal clothes however the fact that he is wearing dark clothing conveys a sense of evil and is aimed to reflected the darkness within his personality. A factor that also presents the character of Damion as a middle aged normal 70 year old man , is through the camera angles and shots , as we used multiple low angle shots and close up to highlight the look within his face as it looks emotionless creating a sense of mystery making the audience wonder how he is actually feeling. As well as this the shots highlight how calm he is overall despite having a trapped girl within one of the bedrooms of his house conveying him as mentally unstable as being calm is not how normal people react to situations like this. But also highlighting his as powerless as he has this young teenage girls life In his hands. The last point that reflects Damion as mentally un stable is through the sound. As at the end w used diegetic amplified sound of him stabbing the chopping board when the door knocks. This is to highlight his angry and aggressive nature, but also shows how potentially dangerous he could be.

I want to compare the character on Damion to lovely bones

The main image of are character is based on the character from lovely bones, although he is over a younger man (aged around 40 to 50 ) We liked the look of the moustache and glasses to found a character that also had these features, as we felt personally that it gave a normal but sinister look , which is what we wanted. AS well as this the story line of lovely bones has a similar idea of a teenage girls lives being at the hands of these men meaning they have power . Therefore we thought that it was a perfect idea to base our main character of Damion on this character.
However this character is present in more dim light portraying him clearly as the antagonist, we did not want to include this within our opening sequence as we felt that it was giving away to much, as we on want small hints of him being the antagonist that is mentally not all there.

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