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AIM: How was the Indian subcontinent able to gain independence from Western rule?

DO NOW: What do you need to accomplish today? Set 3 goals for yourself. Menu Day! You may work on the following: Objective Activities 1-5 Vocabulary Words from Mini Lessons 1-10
AGENDA 1. AIM/DO NOW 2. GO OVER DO NOW 3. Menu DayStudents will: Complete Objective Activities Work on Vocabulary

AIM: How did World War I undermine the influence and power of European colonialism? DO NOW: What do you know about India? Where is it? What is the culture like? What do you know about its history?
AGENDA Aim/Do Now Notes Check for Understanding Scholar Pair work reading and Qs. Review Questions from class work activity Summary (Check for understanding) Objective

During the 1700s, a joint-stock company called the British East India Company was chartered by Queen Elizabeth I of England. The companys main purpose was to make a profit for shareholders by exploiting natural resources and gaining access to markets in India.

AGENDA Aim/Do Now Notes Check for Understanding Scholar Pair work reading and Qs. Review Questions from class work activity Summary (Check for understanding) Objective

AIM: How did World War I undermine the influence and power of European colonialism?

British East India Company used divide and conquer tactics to increase their control over entire regions of India. This strategy entailed fanning the flames of religious division between native Muslim and Hindu groups, and taking advantage of the political rivalries that existed between local native rulers.

AGENDA Aim/Do Now Notes Check for Understanding Scholar Pair work reading and Qs. Review Questions from class work activity Summary (Check for understanding) Objective

AIM: How did World War I undermine the influence and power of European colonialism?

By 1857 the British army in India included a large number of Indian soldiers, or Sepoys. The rifle cartridges that were distributed to the Sepoys had to be bitten to remove a cover before being inserted into a gun. Rumors circulated among the Sepoys that this cover had been greased with beef and pork fat. This angered Muslim Sepoys who were not supposed to consume pork, and the Hindu Sepoys who were not supposed to eat beef. Thus, the Sepoys revolted against the British army, which eventually ended the conflict through use of force. This resulted in the British government officially taking control of India, making it a colony.

AIM: How did World War I undermine the influence and power of European colonialism?

AIM: How did World War I undermine the influence and power of European colonialism?

Read about Indian Nationalism and answer the questions below (CCLS RI.1-citing strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis).
AGENDA Aim/Do Now Notes Check for Understanding Scholar Pair work reading and Qs. Review Questions from class work activity Summary (Check for understanding) Objective

Read the letter from Gandhi to Lord Irwin, English governor in India, and complete one of the following activities: 1. Write a response letter from Lord Irwin, reflecting the British reaction to Indian attempts at gaining independence. Your letter should be at least one page long, should use relevant information from the text, and should use the vocabulary from the mini-lesson.

2.Answer the following questions in complete sentences on a separate sheet of paper.

AIM: How did World War I undermine the influence and power of European colonialism?

Aim: How did Gandhi use civil disobedience to protest injustice in South Africa? Do Now: What is civil disobedience? Give examples of how it can be used.

AGENDA Aim/Do Now Discussion of Do Now Check for Understanding Complete the History Frame Graphic Organizer while watching Gandhi Movie Answer Review of Movie Questions Summary (Check for understanding) Objective

Directions: Complete the History Frame according to todays segment of Gandhi. This will count as your MiniLesson notes. Be as complete and thorough as possible! Answer the questions that follow.

AGENDA Aim/Do Now Discussion of Do Now Check for Understanding Complete the History Frame Graphic Organizer while watching Gandhi Movie Answer Review of Movie Questions Summary (Check for understanding) Objective

Aim: How did Gandhi use civil disobedience to protest injustice in South Africa?

Option 1: Media played a very significant role in the success of Indian National Movement. Write two editorials about Gandhi. One should express opinions that might have appeared in a British newspaper of the 1930s. The other should express opinions that might have appeared in an Indian nationalist newspaper of the same period. Editorials should include information about the conditions that Gandhi opposed, the goals that he had and the methods that he used. Editorials should express different opinions. Option 2: Describe how the system of apartheid works from the perspective of two native South Africans: one African and one European. This should be at least one page in length, and should cite evidence from the film and readings. Option 3: Illustrate the process of apartheid in three cartoon frames. The frames must demonstrate the origin of apartheid and its effect on South African society. Use evidence from the film and your readings to create your cartoon strip.

Aim: How did Gandhi use civil disobedience to protest injustice in South Africa?

Aim: How did Gandhi use civil disobedience to protest injustice in South Africa? Do Now: How is Gandhi treated in South Africa and why?
AGENDA Aim/Do Now Discussion of Do Now Check for Understanding Complete the History Frame Graphic Organizer while watching Gandhi Movie Answer Review of Movie Questions Summary (Check for understanding) Objective

Gandhi is based on real characters and events that took place between 1893 and 1948. Mahatma Gandhi was an Indian lawyer who first organized nonviolent protests while he was living in South Africa. In 1915, Gandhi returned to India. For the next 30 years, he led the people of India in a non-violent civil disobedience campaign to fight for Indias independence from the British.

Aim: How did Gandhi use civil disobedience to protest injustice in South Africa?

How did Gandhi use civil disobedience to protest injustice in South Africa?

Aim: Why was Mohandas Gandhis appeal so great in all colonized areas? Do Now: Do you think it would be difficult to not fight back if someone was hurting you? If you grew up with a certain tradition, do you think it would be very difficult to change if you realized it was an unfair tradition?

AGENDA Aim/Do Now Discussion of Do Now Check for Understanding Complete the History Frame Graphic Organizer while watching Gandhi Movie Answer Review of Movie Questions Summary (Check for understanding) Objective

Finish Notes from yesterday Notes for today (Salt March)

AGENDA Aim/Do Now Discussion of Do Now Check for Understanding Complete the History Frame Graphic Organizer while watching Gandhi Movie Answer Review of Movie Questions Summary (Check for understanding) Objective

Why was Mohandas Gandhis appeal so great in all colonized areas?

AGENDA Aim/Do Now Discussion of Do Now Check for Understanding Complete the History Frame Graphic Organizer while watching Gandhi Movie Answer Review of Movie Questions Summary (Check for understanding) Objective

Option One (Use Sources 1 and 2): Read the document and answer the questions, citing evidence from the text in your answers. Option Two (Use Sources 9 and 10): Read the document and answer the questions, citing evidence from the text in your answers.

Aim: How did the Indian sub-continent gain independence? Do Now: Based on what you have seen so far, is Gandhi a hero or a trouble maker/publicity monger(some who wants publicity no matter what think Kim K.?

AGENDA Aim/Do Now Discussion of Do Now Check for Understanding Complete the History Frame Graphic Organizer while watching Gandhi Movie Answer Review of Movie Questions Summary (Check for understanding) Objective

What are the causes of the Salt March? What are the effects of the Salt March? How is the Salt March an example of civil disobedience? How does Gandhi use the media to further his cause during the Salt March?

1.The hot climate of India makes salt very important for health. When salt taxes made salt too expensive for many Indians, people began suffering from salt deficiencies. By putting a high tax on salt, the British were controlling a very important part of Indian health. Salt March to protest the British tax on salt in 1930. 2. Because the British appear to be unable to control the protests. After Gandhis march, Indians began making and selling salt without licenses, defying the British laws. This made the campaign very effective.

In 1942, the widespread campaign for England to Quit India began, eventually leading to independence in 1947. Mahatma Gandhi died on January 30, 1948 at the of age 78. He was assassinated by a fellow Hindu, Nathuram Godse, who felt that Gandhi had betrayed the Hindu cause. He was born Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi on October 2, 1869, into a family of merchants.

Option 1: Famous Assassinations: Compare the assassination of Gandhi to other figures through global and explain if his death was more important or symbolic than others. Option 2: Draw a political cartoon about the Amritsar massacre. Your political cartoon should use images, symbols, but few words to convey a point of view. Option 3: Prepare a time line of the events of the history of Indian National Congress from its establishment to Independence. Collect photographs related to it and arrange them.

AIM: How was the Indian subcontinent able to gain independence from Western rule? DO NOW: Examine the following political cartoon. Write a title for it and write a short paragraph explaining the meaning.

Read the following and answer the questions that follow

Read the following and answer the questions that follow

How was the Indian subcontinent able to gain independence from Western rule?

OBJECTIVE ACTIVITY OPTION 1: Write a letter from Gandhi to the leaders of these new nations. Consider, what would Gandhi make of the events that occurred since his assassination? Use all of the vocabulary words in the list at the top of the previous page.

OBJECTIVE ACTIVITY OPTION TWO: Label the map of India after the partition of Pakistan using page 883 in your textbook. Label all the major landforms and new political borders. Label the surrounding countries. Next to each newly formed country on the Indian subcontinent, write a brief summary of the belief systems and major characteristics of that country.

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