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It means telling the exact truth, what happened and when, without opinions filtered in, without interpretations.

A partisan approach is employed to writing. This kind of journalism influences popular opinion through political stories and news.


At the end of the 19th century, The New York Times founds itself competing to stay afloat without using sensationalist headlines popularized by its competitors. Although, The New York Times raised prices in order to pay the bills, this action led to declining readership and soon the paper went to bankrupt.

In 1896, Adolph Ochs took a gamble and bought The New York Times. On August 18 of that year, the new owner made a bold move and announced that The New York Times would be clean, dignified, trustworthy and impartial. The New York Times quickly turned into one of the most profitable impartial papers of all time and also demonstrated that press could be economically as well as ethically succesfull.


The most inportant information is placed in the lead paragraph with additional information appearing in order of importance.


the most important or most interesting part of the news is told first.

Explanatory information order diminishing importance.

in of

The least important bit of information.

Quake Hits Seabed Off Greece Island ATHENS, Greece (AP) A strong earthquake shook the seabed off the southern island of Crete on Thursday, but there were no reports of damage or injuries. The Athens Geodynamic Institute said the undersea quake had a preliminary magnitude of 5 and its epicenter was 220 miles south of Athens. The quake occurred at 8:51 a.m. Earlier, another quake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.4 occurred offshore in the Aegean Sea about 213 miles northeast of Athens. No injuries or damage were reported from the moderate temblor, which struck at 2:03 a.m. near the island Samothrace. A quake of magnitude 2.5 to 3 is the smallest generally felt by people. A quake of magnitude 4 often causes slight damage. Magnitude 5 can produce moderat damage. As in the previous story, the last two paragraphs give background or non-timely information. The lead paragraph uses a strong, descriptive verb.

Toboganes para salir del estadio de ftbol

Los toboganes estarn prximos al estadio de Newcastle. Toboganes e hinchas del ftbol. Quiz no suene como la combinacin ms apropiada, pero en Inglaterra piensan instalarlos para que los usen los seguidores de Newcastle United, equipo de la Liga Premier inglesa.
La compaa NE1 divulg planes para colocar toboganes de acero inoxidable fuera del estadio St James Park, en la ciudad de Newscastle, en el noreste del pas. Los llamados "aceleradores de viajes", de 15 metros por 6 metros, estarn prximos al campo, lo que permitir una salida ms rpida hacia la estacin de metro de St James, informa el diario britnico Daily Mirror. El estadio, inaugurado en 1898 y remodelado en el 2000, cuenta con capacidad para 52.404 espectadores sentados. El plan prev que los toboganes se conecten con el estacionamiento y la estacin de Metro debajo del estadio, y evitar as el largo recorrido en escaleras. Pero no se trata slo de beneficiar a los espectadores. "Inyectar diversin" "Los toboganes estn destinados para inyectar un poco de diversin en el centro de la ciudad y se inspiran en Holanda, donde se instalaron en una estacin de ferrocarril para acelerar el acceso a las plataformas y para inyectar nueva vida en la zona", explica el director de operaciones de NE1, Adrian Waddell.

Journalism with inverted pyramid technique

1854 William Howard Russell in his coverage of the Battle of Balaklava

1865 Edwin Stanton wrote a telegram about President Abraham Lincolns Death

1845 Samuel Morse and his telegraphe invention

1861 American Civil War

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