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Calcium Potassium and Magnesium Cycle


Berperan pada metabolism Meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap kerebahan Meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap hamapenyakit Meningkatkan ketahanan terhadap situasi embun Berperan dalam mengatur penyerapan air Berperan dalam metabolism N Meningkatkan kualitas tanaman

Unique because it isnt incorporated into some molecule in the plant. It exists in its ionic, K+ form, in solution in cytoplasm Tissue levels of 1.5 - 4.0% Functions as a catalyst for biochemical reactions Functions in maintaining turgor Functions in carbohydrate synthesis Deficiencies hard to diagnose

Used to form carbohydrates & proteins. Formation and transfer of starches, sugars, & oils. Increases disease resistance, vigor, & hardiness.

Deficiency Symptoms
Mottled, spotted, streaked or curled leaves. Scorches, burned, dead leaf tips & margins.

Adequate Potassium

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Increases root growth Increases disease and environmental stress tolerance (?) Increases wear tolerance It sounds like a magic elixir! But the beneficial effects are realized only when compared to K deficient conditions. There is little benefit from adding K to an already sufficient soil!


tanaman dalam bentuk Ca+2 Berasal dari mineral seperti kalsit CaCO3 Berfungsi untuk mengeraskan batang serta merangsang pembentukan bijibijian Kekurangan kalsium menyebabkan proses pembelahan sel terhambat, daun keriput dan tanaman lemah

Calcium enters from biosphere in dust or from organisms Like phosphorous, there is no gaseous state so it does not stay in the atmosphere When animals die, the calcium in their bodies are decomposed and go into soil

Water can carry calcium to or from soil through weathering When in the soil, calcium is in an insoluble form until it is broken down by microbes into a usable form Mineralization can store calcium in rocks Calcium can be returned from root leakage Calcium can be absorbed by plant roots

When absorbed by plants, calcium is now in an organic state The calcium can continually be recycled between the plant roots and soil OR herbivores can eat the plants or drink the water and the calcium returns to the biosphere If the plant or animal dies, decomposers break down the organism and calcium is returned to water or soil

Calcium is a mineral necessary for life In early life, calcium helps build strong bones and teeth Helps with muscle contraction and other body processes Plants need calcium to help in cell wall development and their metabolism; stronger cell walls protect from pathogens

Form taken up by plants


Mobility in Soil
No, slight mobility in soil solution

Mobility in plant
Movement occurs in xylem to the leaves (one way ticket)

Role of nutrient in plant growth:

Required for cell wall rigidity, cell division of meristems and root tips, normal mitosis, membrane function, acts as a secondary messenger, aids in storage of phosphates in vacuoles, actively involved in photosynthesis and found in the endoplasmic reticulum

Role in microbial growth:

Needed for Rhizobium and Azotobacter

Interactions with other nutrients:

Since Ca+2 is so directly related to pH in solution, it effects all of the other nutrients. When NO3-N is applied to soil, Ca+2 absorption increases in the plant. Increases in Ca+2 in soil decreases Al+3 in acid soils, as well as decreasing Na+ in sodic soils. Increases in Ca+2 taken up by plants cause deficiencies of Mg+2 and K+. MoO4-2 and H2PO4availability increases with increases in Ca+2 concentrations.

Concentration in plants:
Fresh weight of plants typically contains 0.1-5.0%, can contain up to 10% dry weight in leaves before plant experiences toxicity

Deficiency symptoms:
First seen in the younger leaves of plants, loss in plant structure, under extreme deficiencies gel-like conditions, root development no longer takes place, stunted plant growth

Content present in soils:

Tropical soils: 0.1-0.3% Temperate soils: 0.7-1.5% Calcareous soils: >3.0% Largely dependent on parent material of soil and rainfall

Effect of pH on availability:
Depends on mineral

Sources of Calcium:
Lime (CaO) (Ca(OH)2), Calcite (CaCO3), Dolomite (CaMg(CO3)2, Gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O), any Phosphorus fertilizer, Anorthite (CaAl2Si2O3), biotite, apatite, augite & hornblende.

Main Cycle

More Info

Calcium deficiency Calcium deficiency symptoms appear initially as sympton

localized tissue necrosis leading to stunted plant growth, necrotic leaf margins on young leaves or curling of the leaves, and eventual death of terminal buds and root tips. Generally, the new growth and rapidly growing tissues of the plant are affected first. The mature leaves are rarely if ever affected because calcium accumulates to high concentrations in older leaves

Apple 'Bitter pit' fruit skins develop pits, brown spots appear on skin and/or in flesh and taste of those areas is bitter. This usually occurs when fruit is in storage, and Bramley apples are particularly susceptible. Related to boron deficiency, "water cored" apples seldom display bitter pit effects.

Fertilizer Ca(NO3)2 CaSO4*2H2O All P Fertilizers

Lime CaO, Ca(OH)2 CaCO3 CaMg(CO3)2

Other Shells Slag Marl

Animals Decomposition of Plant and Animal Residues Ca2+ removed As plant matter 4x in leaves vs. grain Plants pH of Soil



Temporarily held on exchange sites, but tightly held on charged soils Mining Calcium Minerals Lime, Calcite, Dolomite, Gypsum, Florapatite, Plagioclases, Gabbro, Basalts Movement of calcium In the presents of moisture

Uptake decreases with Presence of high Al3+ Higher availability of Ca2+ Improves uptake of NH3 Major Form Moisture Weathering (dissolution)

Soil Microbes

Leaching CaCl2, CaSO4


Magnesium merupakan nutrisi utama sekunder bagi tanaman. Magnesium dalam tanah terdiri atas magnesium yang terkandung dalam lempung dan partikel organik dalam tanah, dan magnesium yang larut dalam air.

Magnesium diambil oleh tanaman sebagai ion magnesium (Mg2+). Ini berperan kunci di dalam proses fotosintesis

merupakan bahan yang penting untuk klorofil, pewarna hijau pada daun dan dahan. Juga mrp bagian dari enzim nitrogenase.

Kehadiran kation lain dalam tanah, atau penggunaan pupuk buatan dapat menyebabkan penurunan penyerapan magnesium oleh tanaman, misalnya kalsium (Ca2+), potassium (K+), soda (Na+) dan amonium (NH4+). Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan masukan berupa pupuk Mg untuk mendukung pertumbuhan tanaman.


Input to soil

Loss from soil

Crop harvest

Plant residues

Animal manures and biosolids

Mineral fertilizers

Runoff and erosion Plant uptake Exchangeable potassium

Soil solution potassium (K+) Leaching Mineral potassium Fixed potassium

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