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Los Pensamientos

Homework on the corner of your desk

Índice del trabajo/Table of Contents
Los Pensamientos
Write the infinitive verb in SPANISH for the activities
in the picture below. Underline the ending of the

Now write a sentence saying you like or don’t like to

do those activities using an infinitive.
Objetivos de hoy
• Demonstrate your mastery on this
week’s objectives.

Classroom Procedures
Saquen la página 39 “Class Procedures

CHAMP “la lección” “lesson”

Procedures: A scenario
Mario comes to Spanish class on
Tuesday. Ms. Mehlis checking off page
29 “Independent Practice-Vocabulary”
and he did not do the assignment.
Mario was in class the day the
homework was explained but doesn’t
remember how to complete it. Mario
does not have intervention. Mario has
internet at home and can only stay after
school on Thursdays.

Mario comes to Spanish class on

Tuesday. Ms. Mehlis checking off page
29 “Independent Practice-Vocabulary”
and he did not do the assignment.
Mario was in class the day the
homework was explained but doesn’t
remember how to complete it. Mario
does not have intervention. Mario has
internet at home and can only stay after
school on Thursdays.
Consequencias: It is worth 10% less each
Mario comes to Spanish class on
Tuesday. Ms. Mehlis checking off page
29 “Independent Practice-Vocabulary”
and he did not do the assignment.
Mario was in class the day the
homework was explained but doesn’t
remember how to complete it. Mario
does not have intervention. Mario has
internet at home and can only stay after
school on Thursdays.
What he needs to do:

Mario comes to Spanish class on

Tuesday. Ms. Mehlis checking off page
29 “Independent Practice-Vocabulary”
and he did not do the assignment.
Mario was in class the day the
homework was explained but doesn’t
remember how to complete it. Mario
does not have intervention. Mario has
internet at home and can only stay after
school on Thursdays.
What he needs to do:
• urn it in to the “Tarde” box on the
• Look at the Table of Contents in the
Carpeta Superior/Master Binder (white)
and look at an extra copy of the paper
• Look at the date on the ZAP report for
the missing assignment, then find that
day in the website. Select “full screen”
for the powerpoint for that day (or the
day before)
• Talk to a friend who is a B or A student
and was in class to ask for help
• Call or email Ms. Mehl to ask for help.
• Go to office hours for help on Thursday
Papelito de Salida
1.Put EVERYTHING under your desk
2.Wait silently for a “Papelito de Salida”
and a pencil
CHAMP “la evaluación” “testing”
Papelito de Salida
When you finish:
Turn in your “Papelito de Salida” in the
“Cosas para entregar” box
Return the pencil and get a red pen
from the blue box

Get a Realidades textbook

And read the “Gramática:
Negatives” box on page 36
Calificar Papelito de Salida/ Grade
the Exit Slip
1.Raise your hand if you get your
Papelito de Salida
2.Write c/p your name on the bottom
of the first page
3.Write the total possible to the left of
each seciton
4.Write the total possible on the top of
the first page
•CHAMP “la lección” “lesson”
Calificar Papelito de Salida/ Grading
the Exit Slip
• Mark the incorrect answers on the
Papelito de Salidaaccording to the
answer key on the board
• Write the amount the person got
correct for EACH SECTION and also
the TOTAL for the Exit Slip

CHAMP “la lección” “lesson”

Calificar Papelito de Salida/Grading the
Exit Slip
• Return the Papelito de Salidato its
• Turn in the Papelito de Salida to the
box “Cosas para entregar”
• Return the red pen to the blue box

CHAMP “la lección” “lesson”

El Cierre/ Closing
Get out your Agenda Española

Preguntas del cierre/Closing

• What objectives on the Papelito de Salida
do you need to study the most before
the Unit Exam?
• What do you have to do after your late
work ahs been due for one week?
Tarea/ Homework
• “Errores que he cometido” about
Country Poster Project, page 37
– Jueves/Thursday
Antes de salir/ Before
1.Check that you wrote down your
homework COMPLETELY in your
2.Clean your desk and the area around
3.Help the class clean up the room
according to the “Antes de salir”
list on the door

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