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If we knew what we were doing it would not be research- Einstein When I started out in business, I spent a great deal

of time researching every detail that might be pertinent to the deal I was interested in making. I still do the same today. People often comment on how quickly I operate, but the reason I can move quickly is that Ive done the background work first, which no one usually sees. I prepare myself thoroughly, and then when it is time to move ahead, I am ready to sprint. Donald Trump

PURE RESEARCH: For extension of knowledge, discovery or refinement of theory. Solution & alternative solution to problem APPLIED RESEARCH: Solution to real life problems. Practical, result oriented, for knowledge and action. E.g. market survey, post-sales service satisfaction, employee satisfaction and best place to work.

FORMULATIVE/ EXPLORATORY RESEARCH: Starting afresh or no knowledge. No objectives. More of a subject matter know how. New ideas on clean slate. Sometimes- research for research DESCRIPTIVE RESEARCH: Fact finding, interpretation, data gathering and analysis. Wider range of topics covered. E.g. reports, surveys, cases, historical evidence etc.

DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH: Focused on the problem-solution. Focus on what, why, how and solution. Cause-effectsolution-preventive measure. Precise technical knowledge, clear cut objective, adequate data required. ACTION RESEARCH: Solution to problem or enhancement of situation. Steps wise solution- information, diagnosis, plan, implement and postevaluation.

Evaluation Study: For measuring, assessing the impact, quality, quantity etc. of an existing work, project by specifying the criteria. Cause-effect relationship and historical data.


Choosing the problem Review of Literature Formulating the problem: Researchers interest, competence, resources, importance-urgency, feasibility, relevance. Techniques: Title, Objective of study, evidence, accuracy, system, record, training.

Hypothesis: testable, specific, not contradictory, single issue, definite variables, not against facts, relevant. Why Hypothesis: guiding direction of study, sources of data & techniques of analysis. Alternative Hypothesis to prove. Null Hypothesis to disprove. Used to test Hypothesis.

NEED: To determine use of data, level of accuracy and inaccuracy CHARACTERISTICS: guiding direction, reducing waste of time and cost, tentative plan-modified if and when needed, data management. COMPONENTS: variable [dependent, independent, continuous, non-continuous, extraneous] treatment, experiment

Points of Research Design: the degree of the problem, scope and depth of study, environment [laboratory, field, setting, library] etc. time, data collection, variables.

Principles of experimental design

Replication: for precision of study Randomization: for extraneous factors, estimate of experimental errors Local control: extraneous factors, variability wide gap to measure

Advantages: example, comparison, visualize, intensive study, variables Disadvantages: reliability, adequacy, precision, varied results Effective case study: Subject relevant with culture, community values, standards and shared way of life. Social meaning to be taken into consideration Strategic role of family.

Relation between organic material onto social behaviour Various experiences Situation, circumstances Conceptual clarity and generalization.

What is sample? Advantages: size, funds, facilities-resources, time. Procedure of sampling: purpose, measurability, precision, finance, time, geographical area, nature.

Characteristics of sample: representative, precision, accuracy, costing, size, quality.

Data related to humans: demographic, socioeconomic, behavioural, territorial. Primary Data: Original source, interviews, forms, questionnaires etc. Advantage is to record changes in the course of time, flexible, helps in extensive research. Disadvantages: expensive, time consuming, skilled personnel required, difficult to manage.

Include socio economic surveys, marketing research, leadership studies, opinion polls, attitudinal surveys etc. Method of collection: observation, interviews and questionnaire, mail survey, experimentation, simulation, projection.

Secondary Data: Data which have been collected for another purpose. Census report, annual reports, financial statements, statistical statements, govt. reports, national sample survey, reports of organizations like UNO, IMF etc. unpublished like accounting, personnel records, registers, minutes etc. This is readily available, no control on form, content, collection, classification. Used for reference, used as benchmark [local survey compared with national average]

Advantages of secondary data are: easy availability, cheaper, wider area and period covered, bigger database, varied environmental and cultural settings, compare with primary data. Disadvantages can be: irrelevance, difference in definition, objective, units of measure, time period, may not be accurate, not updated, primary source not available.

Physical & mental activity, selective [traffic], purposive, tools, training needed Process: relevance, questions for data, content like what to observe, record, training of memory, keen insight, concentration etc.

Types of observation: Participant- both activities observing & participating. Advantages [more understanding, record] Disadvantages [some portion closed, less objectivity, dual role of participant and observer]. Non-participant- stands apart and observes objectively. Direct- directly observing the event, may not have complete picture. Indirect- no physical presence or involvement like camera, video, photos etc. less flexible but good for record.

Controlled- systematic and standard techniques. Lab observation. Know what, how and when to observe. Uncontrolled- used for descriptive research. E.g. participant research. Advantages of observation: directness, no interaction required, natural and more authentic data, best tool for subjects like children, tribal, animals, birds, consumer behaviour etc., good for analyzing, record keeping, can conduct disguised observation, can be in contunuation.

Limitations of observation: no use for past events, difficult to get samples, not as per the convenience of the researcher, physical presence and time, slow and expensive. Observation in business research: human behaviour in purchasing, group dynamics, interpersonal skills, leadership style. Physical characteristics of things like store, factories etc. Flow of traffic, movement of materials, security work etc.


Questionnaire: structured and unstructured, data collection, mode of sending, questionnaire with product, advertised, news-stand. Increasing the response- quality, answer style, covering letter, phone call, incentives, follow up, larger sample. Advantages: cost effective, mass mailing, wide area, contacting senior people, convenience in answer, anonymity, bias free.

Disadvantages: low scope in country like India, response rate is low.

Mailed to respondent Filled by respondent Language barrier Response rate low Less time consuming

Carried personally Filled by investigator/ researcher No language barrier Response rate high More time consuming

Types of interviews: structured directive, unstructured or non-directive, focused interview, clinical interview[about life and broader topics], depth interview. Approaches to interview: participants, relationship, verbal questions and answers, interactionable, not a standardized process. Qualities of interview: Data availability, role perception, motivation, clarity.

Merits of interview: depth and detail of information, improve the percentage of response, supplementary information, use of devices, accuracy and dependability can be checked, flexible and adaptable. Demerits of interview: costly in money and time, result affected by mode of asking, faulty memory and perception, financial and personal information may be refused, no full proof system of interview, training of interviewer.

Interview in business research: preparation, introduction, rapport building, carrying forward, record, closing. Telephone interview, group interviews

STEPS: identifying data, editing, coding and classifying, transcription, tabulation. Accuracy, uniformity. Numeric coding, alphabetic coding. Classification needed for open-ended information. Data transcription, tabulation. Table: number, title, designation of units, subhead, body head, field/ body, footnotes, source. Graphs, charts & diagrams.


Purpose of research report: to convey what was done, why and what. Characteristics: narrative and authoritative. Simple, readable and accurate. Functions: presenting the problem, methods & techniques for data collection, findings, conclusions and recommendations. Judging quality of research project, evaluating researchers competency.

Types: technical report [ process and outcome, objective, method and techniques, sampling, sources of data, data processing and analysis, conclusions and suggestions. Popular report [findings of study, pictorial devices, abstract of findings, conclusion and recommendations. Interim report [ when there is time lag between data collection and presentation of result, summary. Summary report [for general public, simple language, objectives, findings, 2-3 pages.

Research abstract [for doctoral study, objective, methods and techniques. Research article [ for professional journal, logically organized, analysis of evidence, conclusion and implications.

Content of research report: title page, declaration, certificates, preface, acknowledgements, contents, lists, abstract. Body: introduction, theoretical background, statement of problem, review of literature, scope of study, objective of study, hypothesis tested,

Definition of concepts, design study, methodology, method of data collection, sources of data, sampling, field work, data processing and analysis, limitations of study, findings and discussions, summary and conclusions and recommendations.

Style of Reporting: communicate to specific audience, structure, audience interest, be specific and visual, validity and reliability issues.

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