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Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL)

MPEPIL Services
On left side of home screen, find Product Selector box to choose your resource.
Oxford Public International Law (OPIL) the single access point to the entire database and allows you to search across all 3 services. Oxford Reports on International Law (ORIL) contains public international case law, reporting on international courts, domestic courts and ad hoc tribunals. Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (MPEPIL) contains peer-reviewed articles, which are written and edited by over 800 scholars and practitioners. Oxford Scholarly Authorities on International Law provides full-text online editions of reference works and treatises published by Oxford University Press. All titles are searchable and browsable by subject matter, title, author & are linked via the Oxford Law Citator to relevant case reports and articles.

Source: MPEPIL website

Introducing the Oxford Law Citator

The Citator is you link to all of the online content belonging to the Oxford University Press. It connects you to content published by OUP and includes references within OUP content. Specifically, it links you to reliable external resources on your topic. Uses for the Citator include the following: 1. locating a definitive citation for a piece of legal information; 2. can lead you to cases, legislative and/or treaty provisions; 3. connect you to other items on your subject or in the jurisdiction; and 4. links to reliable and relevant full-text resources within the OUP or the worldwide web. The Oxford Law Citator will save you time and allow you to expand your search.

Source: MPEPIL website

Fact Pattern
On 1/1/2011, John Smith, a U.S. citizen, watched as his wife and 3 year old son boarded a flight to Madrid, Spain. Mr. Smiths wife, a Spanish citizen, was on her way to her hometown to visit with family and friends for several weeks. Mr. Smith planned to join them later. About 2 weeks later, in a phone call, Mrs. Smith informed her husband that she had no intention of returning to Miami and was keeping their son with her. He must, she explained, never file criminal kidnapping charges or seek custody of their son. If he did so, she would make sure he never saw Junior again.
Search the MPEPIL regarding Mr. Smiths recourse in this matter.

The fact pattern is based on the story of David Goldmans five year struggle to get his son back. See NBC News (2012, April 27). Read an exceprt from Sean Goldman's 'A Father's Love' - Inside Dateline. Retrieved February 21, 2014, from

Navigating the MPEPIL

Searching within OPIL, will bring you to a list of sources from which you will be able to filter by Product, Content Type, Book Titles and more.

Source: MPEPIL website

Narrowing Your Search

Clicking on any of tabs opens a list of subject headings and subheadings within each tab. However, if you are unfamiliar with the subject or issue at hand, your best option may be to filter using the Subject tab.
Source: MPEPIL website

Advanced Search

Source: MPEPIL website

The MPEPIL also has an Advanced Search tool. This tool allows you to search by Full Text, ISBN, OUP Reference, Citation, Party Name, Author/Contributor, Date, Title and Chapter/Section Heading. It also filters for Subject, Jurisdictions, Content Type and Product.

Using the Oxford Law Citator

From your results list, clicking on a document will open the document and a link to the OLC.

Source: MPEPIL website

Expanding the OLC, will allow you to search within the document. Also note that within the document are links to Oxford University Press materials as well as the internet.

The OLC Record

The document also includes a list of Instruments and Cases Cited (in full text). At the end of the list, there is a link for the OLC record.
Source: MPEPIL website

Instruments Cited

Cases Cited

Source: MPEPIL website

Clicking on a link within the Instruments and Cases Cited lists, will open a new page with additional links to the document, if available.

Source: MPEPIL website

To Learn More About The MPEPIL

Source: MPEPIL website

At the top of the page, click Guided Tour where you will be able to download the tour as a PowerPoint presentation. There are also links to the Live Demonstrations calendar for customers within North and South America as well as outside North and South America.

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