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M.Prasad Naidu MSc Medical Biochemistry, Ph.D.

Research Scholar

Master gland / master of endocrine orchestra
Reddish / Gray Oval 10 mm Brain Optic chiasma base of the brain Extension Hypothalamus 0.6 0.7 gm Males 0.5 0.6 gm Females

3 Lobes
1. an anterior / pars distalis / adenohypophysis An intermediate / pars intermedia A posterior / pars nervosa / neurohypophysis

Pars distalis / adenohypophysis

Originates from an embryonic invagination of

pharyngeal epithelium Rathkes pouch 2 types of hormones 1. Tropic / Trophic / Trophin hormones 2. Growth Hormone

Trophic Hormones
Secreted by one gland and controls the activities of

other endocrine glands., Viz 1. TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) 2. ACTH ( AdrenoCorticoTropicHormone) 2. Gonadal Hormones (Sex Hormones)

30,000 Hexosamine Stimulates Thyroid gland Thyroxine Hyperthyroidism Rapidly every phase of T4 metabolism Activates thyroidal adenylcyclase thyroid growth

general metabolic activities such as glucose

oxidation, O2 consumption, Synthesis of Phospho lipids Protein synthesis RNA synthesis * In adipose tissue - Lipolysis

1. TRF
Hypothalamus Tripeptide ( Pyro glu His Pro CONH2) Highly specific acts only on TSH secreting cells 2. Low T4 TSH ; High T4 TSH

Stimulates A. Cortex hormones
PP chain 39 aminoacids 4500 mol.wt 1-23 biological activity 15-18 most potent 1-24 & 34-39 no change

Most Imp phy. regulator A. Cortex except

aldosterone Hypertrophy with temporary reduction in A. lipids & vit C blood flow to A. glands formation of c- AMP in A. Cortex In liver , retards metabolic degradation & conjugation of Corticosteroids Thus half life & activity of hormones

In AT, lipolysis
utilization of Glu- blood glu conc glycogenesis by promoting insulin secretion excretion of N,K,P & Uric acid Retards the syn.of Urea Gluconeogenesis Retards protein syn in all tissues except liver melanocyte stimulating activity darkening of skin Over secreting Cushings syndrome

1. CRF Hypothalamus
CRF is liberated under the influence of non specific

stress, cold, emotional stress, drugs, toxic agents, Epinephrin, Oesrogens, T4, hGF, ADH etc 2. Conc. Of glucocorticoids

Gonadotrophins / gonadotrophic hormones

Development & functioning of gonads
Function and maturation of Testis & Ovaries Damage to Hypothalamus secretion of gonadotrophins If this occurs b4 to puberty simultaneous over eating Since effect on feeding centre of hypothalamus Obesity adiposogenital syndrome / Frohlichs

syndrome / hypothalamic eunuchism 3 types of gonodotrophins


Glycoprotein Gal, Man, Hex-NH2, sialic acid, fucose, uronic acid 30,000 Males Spermatogenesis and production of androgens Females Growth & maturation & expulsion of ova & controls the internal secretions of ovaries FSH is active during M.Cycle FSH induces growth of graafian follicles wt of ovary REGULATION: FSH- RF ( Hypothalamus)

Peptide hormone

lacks Trp but high Cys & Pro 1 LH 10 Glu-NH2 + 3 GalNH2 In females ripening & rupturing of ovarian follicles which later transform into Corpus lutea Induces the development of interstitial cells of both testis & ovaries Regulation: LH RF ( Hypo ) deca peptide

The most versatile of all adenohypophyseal hormones
1st ante. pituitary hor obtained in pure form Peptide 198 aa 23500 3 s-s bonds4 ; 4-14,58-173,190-198 No carbohydrate ( unlike FSH & LH) Thermolabile destroyed by Tryptic dig. In association with estrogens growth of M.glands &

induces secretion of milk

Glucose uptake lipogenesis Along with androgens causes development of 20 male sex

characteristic PL is credited with performing > 80 functions Jack-of-all-trades 5 major categories 1. Reproduction 2. Osmoregulation 3. Growth 4. integument 5. Synergic effect with steroid hormones Leydig tissue , therefore male accessory organ Appears sharply after pregnancy in Urine Regulation: PRF ( Hypothalamus)

Growth hormone

Growth Hormone / Somatotrophin

STH / GH is PP 190
27000 Phe---------------Phe PI = 4.9 2 S-S bonds ; 53 - 164; 181 - 188


Overall protein synthesis Erythropoiesis & growth of liver, intestine kidney chondrogenesis, ossification & Osteogenesis Skeletal growth CM:- 1. Hyperglycemia 2. In muscles antagonises insulin 3. diabetogenic effect ( degerative changes in islets of langarhans & adrenal enlargement) 4. blood glu by promoting the secretion of glucagon


Lipid Metabolism:Lipolysis FA Oxidation ketogenesis & RQ intestinal absorption + excretion of Ca2+ Helps in retaining Na+, K+, Mg2+,Po43-,ClGH binds to membrane receptors for prolactin and growth + enlargement of M. glands

1. GH.RF / SRF ( Hypothalamus)
2. Blood sugar Glu GH secretion & vice versa 3. EEE Exercise, Excitement & Exposure to cold 4. Arg GH in plasma Pituitary Diabetes:- Glu utilization is moderately

depressed ( In DM No utilization of glucose) No other side effects


Absent in certain mammals whale, Indian elephant Secretes melanocyte ( melanophore ) MSH 2 types - MSH (acylated------------13 Val-CONH2) - MSH (Asp---------------18 Asp) (Humans 22aa) - MSH terminal groups are blocked - MSH - both the end groups are free - MSH > - MSH ( biologic activity)

deposition of melanin by melanocytes of human skin

darkening of skin
Regulation: Inhibitors: Cortisone, OH- Cortisone, Adrenalin, Nor-


Posterior pituitary / Neurohypophysis

3 divisions
1. the pars nervosa 2. neural stalk 3. the median eminence

Posterior pituitary does not secrete hormones but stores the hormones The cells of PP are of neural type Consists of un myelinated nerve fibers and pituicytes (

glial cells ) These cells possess brown pigment granules Pituicytes act as supporting cells and do not secrete any hormone The PP also blood vessels , hyaline bodies, neurological cells, mast cells etc.,

Regulation and Secretion

PP is regulated by nerve fibers coming from the hypothalamus PP does not secrete therefore hormones are synthesized in hypothalamus & transported to PP (

stored in nerve endings) When ever impulses from hypothalamus reach PP, these hormones are released from the nerve endings Hormones are PP Oxytocin & Vasopressin

( Oxy G = Quick ; tokos G = birth) (Pitocin) Nanopeptide
FUNCTIONS: Ejection of milk contraction of smooth muscles- uterus, Also contraction of intestine, U.bladder, & ducts of M.

glands M. glands are lined by myoepithelial cells

Milk ejection reflex / milk let down reflex (neuroendocrine reflex)

Many touch receptors around the nipple When the infant suckles the nipple Touch receptors stimulated Impulses are discharged nerve fibers Para ventricular nucleus ( Hypothal) Oxytocin Blood ( Oxytocin) Reaches Mammary gland Contraction of myoepithelial cells Ejection of milk

Vasopressin / ADH
Produces constriction of blood vessels
Secreted by supra optic nucleus of hypothal Small quantity by para ventricular nucleus of hypothal Then transported via nerve fibers PP

1. Regulation of H2O by acting on kidneys water reabsorption from DCT , C. duct In the absence of ADH reabsorption of water does not dil urine

excreted excess water via Urine Diabetes insipidus 2. Vasopressor effect of ADH: Constriction of arteries However the amt of ADH req to cause vasopressor effect is very much more than the amt required to cause antidiuresis

1. Volume of body fluid
2. Osmolality of ECF Potent Stimulators: 1. in the vol of ECF 2. in osmolar conc in ECF ADH secretion emotional + physical stress, Ele

stimulation, Ach, Nicotine, Morphin

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