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DC CIRCUITS: Chapter 26

Series and parallel resistors

Kirchhoffs Rules for network problems

Electrical meters and household circuits

R-C circuits
C 2012 J. Becker

Learning Goals - we will learn: How to simplify resistors connected in a circuit in series and in parallel. How to simplify and analyze more complicated networks using Kirchhoffs Rules. R-C circuits

Resistors connected in a circuit in series or parallel can be simplified using the following: Series connection

Parallel connection

Calculate the total resistance of each box if each bulb has a resistance of 1000 Ohms (W).

C 1998 McDermott, et al., Prentice Hall

Method of simplifying the circuit in (a) below to get the equivalent resistance. We can then calculate the power P = I2 R dissipated in each resistor.

Exercise 26.13: Four equivalent light bulbs R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = 4.50 W, emf = 9.00 Volts. Find current and power in each light bulb. Which bulb is brightest?

Later, if bulb #4 is removed which bulbs get brighter? Dimmer?

On the course website, see old Test #1 from previous semesters for typical DC circuit problems AND other typical problems on tests

These complex circuits cannot be reduced to series parallel combinations. So use Kirchhoffs Rules:
1. S Ij = 0 junction rule (valid at any junction); conservation of charge 2. S (DVj ) = 0 loop rule (valid for any closed loop); conservation of energy

At node A, S Iin = S Iout I1 + I 3 = I 2

S Vrises = S Vdrops Loop #1: Label: 3 Is; +/- on Rs; loops.

Write equations. Loop #2:

I2R2 +e4+ I1R1 = e1 + e2

e 3 + e 2 = I 2 R 2 + I3 R 3

Figure 26.66

5.00 A = I4

I3 I2


B Label the 3 branch currents I2, I3, and I4.

Since VAB across all 3 branches is the same and is known: V4 = I4R4 = 5A (4W) = 20 Volts, the currents and

e can be readily solved.

V4 = I4R4 = 5A (4W) = 20 Volts

I3 = V3 / R3 = 4V / 3W = 1.33 A

At junction B,

S I in = S I out

I4 = I2 + I3 ; I2 = I4 I3 = 5A - 1.3A I2 = 3.7A

e = I2R2 + I4R4 = 3.7A (2W) + 5A(4W)

e = 27.4 V

Loop #1:

S V rises = S V drops

5.0 A

I2 B

e = I2R2 +I4R4 = 3.7A (2W) + 5A(4W) =27.4 V

V4 = I4R4 = 5A (4W) = 20 Volts I3 = V3 / R3 = 4V / 3W = 1.33 A At junction B, S I in = S I out I4 = I2 + I3 ; I2 = I4 - I3 = 5A - 1.3A = 3.7A Loop #1: S V rises = S V drops

Figure 26.11

Typo on top of page 890 (12th Edition), 2nd line from top of page: right side should read bottom (See Figure 26.11 which is rotated 90o from figure in the 11th Edition.)

ELECTRICAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS METERS A dArsonval galvanometer meter movement

AMMETERS have a very small shunt resistor in them to reduce the effect of introducing the meter resistance into the circuit being measured. VOLTMETERS (DV) have a very large series resistor in them to reduce the amount of current drawn from the circuit being measured.



An RC circuit that can be used to charge and discharge a capacitor (through a resistor).

CHARGING A CAPACITOR: current vs time

CHARGING A CAPACITOR: charge vs time



o o

Q26.26 A battery, a capacitor, and a resistor are connected in series. Which of the following affect(s) the maximum charge stored on the capacitor?

A. the emf e of the battery

B. the capacitance C of the capacitor C. the resistance R of the resistor

D. both e and C
E. all three of e, C, and R

House wiring circuits

Hand drill circuit with ground wire for safety

C 2012 J. F. Becker

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